Which Way Did He Go?
It’s impossible to focus on both Jesus AND circumstances. We have to pick one or the other. And if we choose to focus on circumstances, suddenly it’s as if Jesus is gone. Continue reading
A Time to Laugh, A Time to Mourn
I remember the words of a wise man who said that some of the darkest hours on this earth are the ones when Heaven is rejoicing, because our loved ones are now in Paradise. Continue reading
Why “Do Good” For No Reason?
We genuinely want to help others without expecting anything in return. But it’s hurtful when there’s no response or, worse yet, a bad response to our good efforts. So why keep trying? Continue reading
When Enough is Never Enough
When was the last time you had everything you wanted? Spend a little here. Save for something big. Splurge to lift your spirits. Really, what is enough? Continue reading
Cross the Starting Line - Just Start!
Is it harder to cross the starting line or the finish line? Many of us never move forward because we’re more afraid of the unknown than the known. Continue reading
Getting What You Ask For and More
If a fairy godmother was standing in front of you right now with sparks flying off her glittery wand as she tapped it in her hand, what would you ask for? What’s your #1 wish? Continue reading
I Am Second
Most people are pushing to come out on top. We expect life to turn out one way but are broadsided by reality. New life is still possible, but not if we try to control our destiny. Continue reading
Treasures in the Lost and Found
Have you ever lost something you really liked and couldn’t replace? Favorite things are too precious to easily let go. Continue reading
Who is Jesus?
We don’t think about ancients like Caesar or Alexander the Great. Yet people today are laying down their lives to talk about Jesus. Who is He? Continue reading
Love Notes from God
Until recently, I never realized how many love notes God sends us every day. He speaks to us regularly in various ways. We have to be ready to look and listen. Continue reading
Wallenda’s Praise & Prayer at 1500'
Nik Wallenda crossed the Grand Canyon on a tightrope. No net, no harness. Read the details here! Wallenda’s peace and courage came from Jesus. Ours does too. Continue reading
Not Everything Happens for a Reason
Saying everything has reason suggests everything has a good twist. Even terror, murder and abuse. Everything is NOT good and everything is NOT from God. Continue reading
Want to be Happy? Practice “Happy”!
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” We can practice being happy. And it works! Continue reading
When Plans and Dreams are Shattered
When our lives come to a screeching halt because of bad surprises, how can we hold onto faith? We can’t just go with the flow or pretend everything is fine. Continue reading
Past Scars: Stepping Stones to Purpose
Instead of being afraid or ashamed of our past, we find purpose as we realize our past struggles allow us to help others who are struggling in similar ways. Continue reading
What Happens To Us When We Die?
We don’t like to think about dying because most of us aren’t sure what’s next. But with the recent devastation and loss of lives, people are starting to wonder. Continue reading
What Are You Doing With Your Dash?
When we die, there will be two numbers on our headstone: the date we were born and the date we died. Neither number matters as much as the dash in between. Continue reading
Your Life Story in Six Words
Ernest Hemingway’s legendary shortest story “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” Sad and emotional. What if in six words you could spark hope in someone’s life? Continue reading
On the Road to New Beginnings
No matter where you’ve been, no matter where you are, know that you too can experience the fullness of new life! I’m living proof. Continue reading
Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul
Our sense of smell engages our brain and emotions as memories warm our heart. Like these beautiful aromas, friends refresh our spirit, even if we’ve been apart. Continue reading
Eye of the Storm
The eye of the storm. The place of peace where truth and courage meet. No matter what storm we’re in, we can survive and be stronger on the other side. Continue reading
Church: Hospital or Country Club?
Church is for those seeking truth on the journey of life. It’s for people like me who want to turn from the brokenness of our past and walk forward to new life. Continue reading
Mud Puddles of Life
Where are you stuck? Fear? Isolation? Shame? Depression? Worry? Guilt? Mud puddles of life stem out of hopelessness. We’re afraid things won’t get better. Continue reading
This Changes Everything!
We’re stuck. In real life, past hurts, loneliness, dead relationships, debt, depression… But don’t despair, there’s something that changes everything! Continue reading
Who is God to You?
Everyone has their own thoughts about God. But many of us don’t think about having a personal, daily relationship with the Almighty. God wants that to change. Continue reading
Feeling Fruity: It’s a Good Thing
Everyone’s life produces something. How do we get good fruit to grow? How do we get out of the weeds and live a full and joyful life even in the midst of trials? Continue reading
Take Your Stand
No one wants to be attacked, but we are. Self-worth cracks. Shame, regret and guilt from the past haunt us. God gives us armor and weapons to take our stand. Continue reading
Breaking Free and Staying Free
Many of us feel stuck in our circumstances or bound by guilt, regrets, and wounds of the past. We don’t believe we can break free. But we can. Here’s how. Continue reading
5 Steps On the Right Path Forward
GPS or not, when it comes to life, we aren’t where we think we should be. We run in circles. But there’s a path of life marked out for you, and you can find it. Continue reading
What Will God Really Do For You?
Ever wonder if God cares? If He’s creator of the universe and busy dealing with wars, famine, asteroids, floods and tragedies, how can He have time for us? Continue reading
When the Road Gets Tough
Keep moving forward. We can’t let fear, doubt, or any other feelings keep us in bondage. By nature, we are survivors. We’ve been given strength to overcome. Continue reading
3 Remedies for Spiritual Dehydration
Ever feel wilted, like you’re thirsting for something more in life? We get weary and need renewal. But we can’t quench our soul-deep thirsts by ourselves. Continue reading
God Loves You Because…
Our lives will transform if we embrace God’s love and grow our relationship with Him. The first step to believing God’s love is to understand why He loves us. Continue reading
How to Find Encouragement
It’s hard to get out of the pits, especially if we’re trying to do it alone. But we can find encouragement to help us rise above our real life circumstances. Continue reading