Joy Dahl is an inspirational speaker and author who encourages young women, and young women at heart, to share their journey through life. The path is always changing, and the journey can be draining. So many choices. So little time. So much hidden away inside our hearts. People tell us that we should keep our hurts to ourselves and just be thankful for what we have. How does that help us in real life? It doesn’t. Real life is different for each person, but we all have our struggles that are real to us. So what are the keys to Rising Above Real Life? Persevering through trials. Finding hope in the turmoil of everyday life. Believing that everyone can live a life of joy no matter where they have been or where they are now.
Joy understands living with secrets and regrets. She withstood childhood crisis. She pursued worldly success and reaped its emptiness and debt. She made bad decisions, entered bad relationships, and lived the consequences. After her life was transformed by Christ, she survived abandonment and its shame. And now, she knows there is hope outside of herself.
No matter where we have been, what we have done, or what has happened to us, we all can Rise Above Real Life and find hope, lasting friendship, and true joy.
Joy will tailor her journey of life discussion to a specific group, or she can prepare original content for a topic of interest.
You can find more information about Joy here on our website by clicking “Joy’s Story”.
To contact Joy about speaking to your group, please complete the following information and we will get back to you to discuss availability and details.