Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul
Our sense of smell engages our brain and emotions as memories warm our heart. Like these beautiful aromas, friends refresh our spirit, even if we’ve been apart. Continue reading
Eye of the Storm
The eye of the storm. The place of peace where truth and courage meet. No matter what storm we’re in, we can survive and be stronger on the other side. Continue reading
Church: Hospital or Country Club?
Church is for those seeking truth on the journey of life. It’s for people like me who want to turn from the brokenness of our past and walk forward to new life. Continue reading
Mud Puddles of Life
Where are you stuck? Fear? Isolation? Shame? Depression? Worry? Guilt? Mud puddles of life stem out of hopelessness. We’re afraid things won’t get better. Continue reading
This Changes Everything!
We’re stuck. In real life, past hurts, loneliness, dead relationships, debt, depression… But don’t despair, there’s something that changes everything! Continue reading