What’s In Your Wallet?
Is It All In The Shoes?
What’s your favorite pair of shoes? Mine is a cute pair of pink silk stiletto sandals with high ankle straps and big pink beads over the toes. They’re pretty and fun and as comfortable as heels can be. What’s not
To Give or Receive: Love is the Question
I Trust You, But…
What To Do When Jesus Is Coming
The View from Heaven
Peace is Not the Absence of Trouble
What is peace? We hear people talk about wanting world peace or peace of mind. Some people use “peace” as a way of wishing others well at the end of a conversation or email. But what exactly is peace? Is
Seasons, They Are Changing
What Moves You?
Knock, Knock! Who’s There? Jesus.
The Pendulum of Life
The Power of Belief
What is something you believe is true without a shadow of a doubt? How do you know? Usually we know something is true based on personal experience. I’m helping a friend of mine train for her first half-marathon. Each week
An Audience Of One
Are We There Yet?
Superpower Coming Right Up
If you were approached by a superhero genie who could grant you one wish for any superpower, what would you ask for? It may seem like a strange question, but seriously, take a moment and think about it. What superpower
Love in the Trenches
The Pain of Goodbye
Have you ever had to say “goodbye” to someone you love? One of the hardest things in life is letting go of someone we truly care about. Whether they die, move away or move on, we’re left with an overwhelming
Try, Try Again and Again and Again
Hindsight is 20/20
How often do you go to the eye doctor? When I had laser eye surgery, I was told to go at least once a year in order to keep the lifetime guarantee on the surgeon’s work. I committed to those
Chronicles of a Wind Chaser
Are you a storm chaser, aka “extreme weather adventurer”? Not many of us are. Although we love to see the footage others capture by pursuing tornadoes and hurricanes, very few of us, if any, have actually gotten in a car