What’s More Valuable Than 15 Minutes?
We’re All In The Same Boat
3 Steps to Wielding the Sword of Truth
Our culture is fixated on weapons. Sleek handguns or Rambo-esque semi-automatic rifles are in almost every TV show, video game and movie. Kids grow up knowing how to expertly wield a lightsaber just like the Jedi knights in Star Wars.
Open Door Policy–Burning Down The House
Open Door Policy–Next Please!
Happiness Isn’t Enough
What makes you happy? A special person in your life? A job well done and deserved recognition through a raise or promotion? A fabulous vacation? A cute new pair of shoes? Your child’s smile? A puppy who greets you at
It’s Not About Me – Living With Joy
When was the last time you encountered someone who believes the world revolves around them? They’re actually not that hard to find. We’re living during “Generation Me”, a generation of people who thinks life is all about “Me”. Regardless of
The Missing Puzzle Piece
What’s the hardest jigsaw puzzle you’ve ever done? Most people have worked on at least one puzzle in their life, even if it was a small puzzle with a few huge pieces of Winnie the Pooh or numbers 1-9 when
What Kind of Horse Are You?
Satisfaction Guaranteed–No More Diets
The Wilderness of Loneliness
What does it feel like to be in complete isolation? Have you been there? Could it be that someone you know is there right now? Physically isolated, devoid of meaningful interaction even if we walk through a sea of people
Swimming The Deep End
Have you ever been in the ocean at night? At first, it’s exhilarating. We feel daring and adventurous swimming the shallow waters between mystery and solid ground. But as clouds darken the sky, there’s no way to see what lurks
FPP Triathlon For The Soul
Have you ever watched athletes compete in a triathlon? It’s a test of physical and mental stamina with three parts: Swim–Bike–Run, in that order. A Sprint Triathlon has the shortest distances and can often be completed in less than 90
Pain of the Precious Pearl
When was the last time you got a splinter in your finger? Do you remember how much it hurt? A splinter isn’t a life threatening malady, but it can be very irritating. Even though a splinter is tiny, the nagging
What’s Wrong With Me?
How to Wait in the Whirlwind of Life
The Worst 4-Letter Word Of All
Did you ever have your mouth washed out with soap for speaking a 4-letter word? I don’t know if parents still do this. It used to be that a parent would “wash” the filthy words out of their kid’s mouth
Navigating the Minefields of Life
Have you ever been in the middle of a minefield? If you’re alive and reading this, I’m guessing the answer is “No”. We don’t worry about minefields in the U.S. Most of us have never seen an actual landmine or