If a fairy godmother was standing in front of you right now with sparks flying off her glittery wand as she tapped it in her hand, what would you ask for? What’s your #1 wish?
Would you be specific, like:
– winning American Idol
– meeting Channing Tatum
– a new athletic, beach-rockin’ body
– public firing of the arrogant bully in your office
– winning the largest jackpot in Powerball history
Or would you leave it to her imagination and say something generic like fame, wealth, true love, or a job that makes millions and lets me travel around the world first class? (Okay, maybe that last one isn’t so generic)
This one decision will dramatically alter the course of your life from this point forward…
If only! If only we had someone powerful enough to grant us wishes who actually knows we exist and cares to ask what we want! That only happens in fairy tales. Right?
Not so fast. It happened to Solomon, and it happens to people today.
When Solomon was about 20 years old, Solomon became King of Israel in place of his father, David. David had been a mighty warrior and a strong king, but now he was dead and Solomon had the task of leading a nation which was constantly fighting with everyone, including itself. Solomon knew he needed help. What did he do? He went to God.
God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Sound familiar? The difference is, this isn’t a fairy godmother in a fairy tale. It’s the God of Israel asking. With the power to back it up.
Here’s Solomon’s chance to ask God for anything and everything! At 20 years old the sky’s the limit. But we have to remember–why did Solomon go to God in the first place? Because he wanted to be a good leader worthy of his calling. So this was Solomon’s #1 wish:
“O LORD God, you have let me succeed my father as king, even though I am very young and don’t know how to rule… So give me the wisdom I need to rule Your people with justice and to know the difference between right and wrong.” (1 Kings 3:7,9 GNT)
Wisdom. That’s what he asked for. Not American Idol. Not the lottery. Not the fastest, tricked out chariot or the most beautiful babe by his side. He humbled himself before God and, ironically, displayed wisdom beyond his years by asking for wisdom.
Fine, great story. But what does this have to do with us? First, let’s read how God responded to Solomon’s #1 wish:
“God replied, ‘Because you have asked for wisdom in governing My people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or the death of your enemies–I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have. And I will also give you what you did not ask for–riches and fame! No other king in all the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life! And if you follow Me and obey My decrees and My commands… I will give you a long life.’” 1 Kings 3:11-14 (NLT)
Not only did God grant Solomon’s wish, but He also gave him all of the things that most people would ask for: fame, wealth, superiority over enemies. And God added one last “if”… If Solomon would continue to pursue God throughout his life, God would give him long life. Well, we know the end of the story. We know that Solomon’s unmatched wisdom, wealth, and burgeoning harem ultimately became obsession. Solomon turned away from God and began worshiping the gods of his many foreign wives, even after all that God had blessed him with. A bummer of an ending.
So, what does this have to do with us? We all want something. We chase and wish and post it on Pinterest. Sometimes we even pray, asking God to grant us our #1 wish and more. Why do people like Solomon get what they want but others don’t? We may not ever know “why”, but here’s what we can be certain of:
1. God is not a fairy godmother or genie waiting to grant our every self-benefiting desire. However, when we go to God for help, He is always there to meet us.
2. As our Heavenly Father, God wants to bless us with gifts–even more than we ask for. But first and foremost, God’s desire is to share a loving relationship with us each day. And He wants this to be our #1 desire too.
3. When our true wish is to honor God and carry out His calling on our life to the best of our abilities, He will equip us for this calling. He may not give us exactly what we ask for, but He will give what is best for our mission this side of heaven.
We can get all that we ask for and so much more. But often God will not fulfill our desires for things like fame, wealth, or a relationship that will pull us away from Him. He loves us too much. God has given us a written record of the story of Solomon to show what can happen even to the most faithful.
Don’t stop going to God and asking for what you believe you need. Jesus Himself told us to keep going to God and asking. The key is to look at our requests from a Father’s perspective to see if we should alter what we’re asking for. And always praise God for providing all that we need and so much more!
Let’s talk: What are you asking God for?
May I pray? Almighty God, thank You for Your unchanging love for us, Your blessed children. Help us to see our needs and desires from Your perspective, and to begin aligning our will with Yours. May we run to You today, spend time talking and listening in prayer, and grow in love for You as we become more like You. Amen.