When Plans and Dreams are Shattered

Plans Dreams Shattered Find HopeDo you like surprises? Most of us do––good ones, like flowers, a box of dark chocolates or someone whisking us away to a surprise night out. Those surprises we like. It’s the bad surprises we wish would never spring up. Surprises that inconvenience us. Surprises that cut to the bone because someone said or did something we weren’t expecting. Surprises that jolt us––like death, divorce, betrayal––and we know our world will never be the same again. How can we plan for surprises like that?

The simple answer: We can’t. And to be honest, it’s hard to be okay with it.

In our professional lives, we may be very good at planning, organizing and making sense out of chaos. But in our personal lives, these skills don’t seem to get us to the top of the class. We can make plans. We can try to prepare. But circumstances and people are out of our control. None of us knows what will happen in the future. Or when. We don’t know what decisions others will make, impacting us. Their plans change and we don’t get the memo. They decide they don’t love us anymore. They lie, cheat, steal. They abandon or abuse. Their choices shatter our lives.

When our lives come to a screeching halt because of bad surprises, how can we hold onto faith? Are we supposed to just go with the flow or pretend everything is fine? Because it’s not fine. And forget the future––even getting to tomorrow is near impossible.

Many survivors have struggled with these same life-shattering surprises and found new life on the other side. We can keep going too.

One step at a time, day by day. Even if we’re a planner with no plan. Even if we’re afraid to tell people full details. Even if we feel alone. The truth is that we’re not alone. God promises each one of us, “I love you, and I have a plan.” He is in control, even if we can’t see it. Even if we don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes.

With God, there is hope for tomorrow. With God, there is strength for today.

When turmoil swirls or crisis hits, sometimes all we can do is get to the end of each day. Go to God. Be honest with Him about your fears and pain. Trust in His power to part the seas and raise the dead to life. And if you’re not sure you believe in God, ask Him to reveal Himself to you like never before. God wants to be known by you. He wants to carry you forward.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11

May I pray?

Dear Lord, we don’t always understand why things happen. We never truly know what tomorrow will bring. But we do know that the choices of others have hurt us deeply. Father, I pray for those reading this now who still have wounded hearts and are struggling with the aftermath of bad decisions––their own, and those of others. I pray that You will place Your healing hand upon their heart, and that You will bring them comforting peace as they turn to and trust in You. May they be willing to give You a chance to work a miracle in their life. And may we all find hope in Your power and Your promises. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Q4U: What is something God has done in your life that can give hope to a sister who is struggling?

Past Scars: Stepping Stones to Purpose

Purpose-filled LifeWhat are your scars from the past? We all have them. Most scars go deep into the root of who we are. They may be physical, emotional, or even spiritual. Some scars are so old we barely remember all of the details. Some are still so sore we don’t think we can ever forget them.

The one truth about scars from the past is this: We can’t go back and change what caused them.

As we look at life, it may feel like there is a great divide between where we are and the life we had hoped to live. Our scars of failure, disappointment, guilt and regret are often a reminder of where we’ve been, and they keep us on the side of life we wish we could leave behind. But the scars of our past don’t have to keep us trapped. They don’t have to stay hidden. They don’t prevent us from finding true joy and hope in life.

Scars from the past can be stepping stones to purpose-filled life.

Instead of being afraid or ashamed of our scars, we can find healing as we realize that our past struggles allow us to help others who are struggling in similar ways. We may have made bad choices or others may have hurt us in ways we never want to relive. No matter what scars we bear, we are loved and we are special. And we can rise above real life and not only find hope for ourselves and our family, but for others as well.

The pain of our scars turns to purpose when we go to God for healing and allow Him to restore us. He transforms our scars into beacons of hope for others. Here’s how:

1. Once we accept the gift of new life Christ offers us, He completely washes away our past sins, and healing of our broken places begins. Our past isn’t changed, but our path is. We’re no longer struggling in the dark pits of life or limping along in the wilderness. We’re able to break free of all that held us down, and live freely in the hope and light of eternal life ahead. In Christ alone we can find release of the burdens and secrets that have weighed us down for so long.

2. Our purpose in life is often birthed from our hardest trials. Ask anyone who has a ministry or organization focused on helping others, and most will agree that the passion and original vision for what they do came from their own suffering or that of someone close to them. We don’t want others to have to go through what we did. We want to make this world a better place. We want to give others the love and help we wish we had back then. God can turn our worst experiences into life-changing hope for others.

You can have a life full of joy. You can find freedom from the scars of the past. And you can turn your scars into stepping stones of purpose. Rise above your past scars and be a light reflecting the hope of Jesus into someone else’s darkness. Then you can help them take steps toward new life too.

“I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)

May I pray?

Lord, many of us have struggled through very dark times. But You are calling us to come and be healed. You are asking us to walk forward from the past and rejoice in what lies ahead. Help us to lay aside fears, shame, guilt, and regret. Help us to break free from any other lies that have a stranglehold on us. May we fix our eyes on Jesus and press on toward the purpose-filled life you are calling us to. May the joy of our new life be a beacon of hope to others as we walk this journey together in sisterhood. Amen.

Q4U: How can your scars from the past be stepping stones to a new future?

What Happens To Us When We Die?

What happens when we dieLast week we talked abouliving lives of purpose. This week the question is: What happens to us when we die? Is there a heaven with pearly gates, angels playing harps, and lots of white robes like we see in movies? Is there really a hell? Or do we somehow continue on in an alternate consciousness or come back as a reincarnated deer or bug? Or is this life all there is–when we take our last breath, there’s nothing more?

We don’t like to think about dying because most of us aren’t sure what’s next. But with the devastation and loss of lives in recent weeks, people are starting to wonder.

Thankfully, God has told us clearly: Paradise awaits those who believe in Jesus.

We may not know exactly what paradise will be like, but here are a few things God has revealed about heaven and the afterlife:

1. Heaven has been created for those who believe in the Creator. Heaven truly is paradise. It’s beyond anything we can comprehend or imagine. In heaven, the presence of God shines brighter than the sun as we experience the fullness of His holiness and love. God wants us to be in eternity with Him. “‘To the one who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’” Revelation 2:7

2. We cannot do anything “good enough” to get into heaven. This may not be welcome news for those who think they’ll get into heaven by being “good” people, or doing “good” things, or being raised by “good” parents. None of that gains a ticket to paradise. The only way we can get into heaven is by Jesus bringing us in. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6

3. If we trust in Jesus, we cannot do anything “bad enough” to lose our inheritance in heaven. Most of us have regrets and secrets from the past, and many of us struggle through real life and wrestle with temptations that keep pulling us down. That’s why God safeguards our inheritance in heaven. God assures us that once we put our faith in Jesus, there is nothing we can do that will cause us to lose our admittance to paradise. When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, He pays our sin debt once and for all. Our eternity is secure from that point forward. No matter what. “In His great mercy He has given us… an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade–kept in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:3-4

4. For those who put their faith in Jesus, He will be with us in our final moments of life and will Himself bring us to heaven. Many people recount the stories of their loved ones who, in their final hours of life, describe seeing Jesus and angels in the room with them. Jesus said that not only is He preparing a place for His followers in heaven, but that He Himself will come and usher us into heaven with God. His love is unfailing as He leads us from earth to eternity. “‘I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me.’” John 14:2-3

What happens to us when we die?

Bottom line is that our spirits live on. There is a heaven and there is a hell. All of us will be going to one or the other, and the truth is that heaven is far greater than we ever can imagine, and hell is far worse.

The good news is that we can be sure we’re going to heaven if we believe in Jesus and His resurrection. This is God’s promise: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Once we truly embrace our eternal inheritance, our lives here on earth will never be the same.

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much that You offer us life in eternity with You. You have set aside an inheritance that we can’t earn, but it is given as a gift to those who accept it, and once accepted, we can never lose it. I pray that today You will open our hearts to Jesus, the One who paid our sin debt in full. Help us to believe that Your resurrection power is greater than all of our past regrets and secrets, and You alone can bring us to a place of new life, now and forever. Amen.

Q4U: Do you know with certainty that you’re going to heaven? What questions do you still have?

What Are You Doing With Your Dash?

Life of PurposeWhat’s your favorite number? Some people like the day of their birth or the day of their marriage or the jersey number of their favorite sports star. We use favorite figures in pin numbers and email addresses and passwords. Some favorite numbers represent the amount we’d like to earn in a year, or the bank balance we think we need to be happy, or the lottery jackpot that will change our life. We’re a numbers driven society.

What are the most important numbers?

When we die, there will be two numbers on our headstone: the date we were born and the date we died. These may be the most important numbers in our life because they’re when we start and end, and for most of us it’s all we’ll be remembered by in generations to come.

But here’s truth: neither number matters as much as the dash in between.

Date of Birth – Date of Death

The DASH. The essence of our time here with others. The fullness or emptiness of our life. It’s how we spend our time. It’s how we love or ignore others. It’s how we give or take. It’s the quality of our life viewed through an eternal lens. It’s the legacy we leave or the resources we burn.

Our dash may overflow with life and purpose as we encourage and help others to grow and find hope. Or our dash may be full of forgotten toys and self-pursuits that couldn’t fill us up, and in the end didn’t really matter.

Our dash will reflect wisdom or waste.

We want to find what makes us happy. But what if our strivings only bring us closer to the second number on our tombstone and do nothing to enrich our dash? How do we make our dash matter? We start pouring into other people. We become available to how God wants to work in us and through us. We open our hearts and minds to Jesus and the eternal life He offers. We understand that what matters most is not what we accumulate in this life, but how we use our gifts for God’s kingdom.

Our dash matters when it reflects God’s love.

We have no control over the day we were born. And the number of our days has already been written in God’s Book of Life. The numbers we think are important today will fade away after we’re gone. All that will be left is what we did with the dash in between.

What are you doing with your dash?

“Teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wise.” Psalm 90:12 (GNT)

May I pray?

God, You created us for purpose. Each one of us has specific talents, likes and dislikes, and a circle of influence that no one else has. No matter where we’ve been or where we are, You can use our lives for good if we fix our eyes on Jesus and walk daily with You. Help us to see that the “good life” is living to our full potential based on how You created us, not accumulating possessions that won’t truly satisfy. May our life, our DASH, reflect Your love as we pour out to others and share life in sisterhood. Amen.

Q4U: What are you doing with your dash?

Your Life Story in Six Words

Life Story in Six WordsHave you ever heard of six word mini-memoirs? They got a lot of press a while back when Oprah featured a book with these short but powerful phrases. Inspiration came from Ernest Hemingway’s legendary shortest of short stories, “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.”

Most of us don’t think about writing our life story.

We could fill volumes with all of the things we’d tell people not to do. But compared to others, our life stories are just ordinary. Who would really be interested? Besides, it’s much easier to keep quiet and not say anything at all. There are so many reasons we can come up with for not composing a mini-memoir, but what if your story could give someone else encouragement? What if it could forge a bond because of similar experiences?

What if in six words you could light a spark of hope because you made it through?

Even King David, who in pride and lust ordered a murder to cover up his adultery, found forgiveness and restoration when he turned to God. God Himself gave David a six word memoir, “A man after My own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22).

There are other six word memoirs in the Bible. Matthew wrote of Mary, “The virgin will be with child.” (Matthew 1:23) Paul spoke of his new life and penned, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 1:1). And Paul encouraged Timothy by writing, “My true son in the faith.” (1 Timothy 1:2).

Why do six word memoirs have such impact?

They’re to the point. They make us pause and think about the layers beneath the words. They tell a story that draws us in without pulling us under in detail.

Here are some new ones…

– Wilderness wanderer now reflecting the Light. (mine)

– Prodigal son. Redeemed. Happy at home! (my husband, Gordon’s)

– Formerly broken, thirsting new life. Blossoming! (my six words for the woman at the well in John 4)

– Loves. Eradicated death. Arisen! Come live! (my six words for Jesus and His call to us)

Think about your life story: Where you were, where you are, and where you’re headed. Think about Jesus’ instructions to His disciples in Mark 16 to go and preach good news to the world. We’re all on this journey of life together. Your story may be the encouragement and hope that someone else needs today.

What is your life story in six words? Will you share it?

“And then He told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.’” Mark 16:15 (NLT)

May I pray?

Lord Jesus, thank You for calling to each one of us, simply because You love us and can’t imagine living through eternity without us by Your side. Open our hearts and minds to You today as we look at our life and compose our six word memoirs. Give us the courage to tell where we’ve been and to take a step toward You, no matter where we are. May we be encouraged and grow in sisterhood as we share our stories with each other. In Your precious Name I pray. Amen.

Q4U: What is your life story in six words?

On the Road to New Beginnings

Road to New BeginningsWhat road are you traveling today? Not literally, as in what highway or shortcut will you take today. But in real life. Where do you see yourself heading? Sometimes that’s an easy question. We know exactly where we are and where we’re going. But sometimes we have no idea. It feels like we’re on the road to nowhere.

I’ve spent years walking the long highways toward an unknown destination. Many times I thought good fortune and new beginnings were right around the corner or just over the next hill. But each time disappointment awaited as I realized there was no end in sight. Or I was on the wrong road completely.

It’s hard to keep going when you don’t know what’s ahead.

It’s even harder when you have no idea how long you’ll have to keep trudging along before meaningful change comes your way. For everyone out there who is ready to slow down, take a break, or give up all together, today I want to encourage you to take another step on the road to new beginnings. Change is ahead.

Our victory in new life will come when love and hope triumph over the real life experiences of our past.

As many of you know, I’ve been granted a truly special gift. In 2011 God brought an amazing gentleman, Gordon, into my life. This weekend we celebrated our first anniversary. Who knew life could be so amazing when two are joined as one in love and purpose! I’m humbled and excited and filled with wonder. And I can’t wait to see where God leads us from here!

My hope is that you find encouragement in my story.

No matter where you’ve been, no matter where you are, know that you too can experience the fullness of new life. I’m living proof. My real life story is no more spectacular than any other. But it shows that God is good and He continues to work behind the scenes for His great purpose. We may not understand the heartache, darkness or obstacles we face. We may not see how God can turn our situation into something of value when our dreams have been shattered.

But here’s truth: God doesn’t change. He is still the God of resurrection, miracles, and new beginnings.

If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and don’t let the disappointments of delays, detours and derailments knock us off course, we will rise above the past. And our journey will continue on the road to new life.

For me, what a blessing it is to now walk hand-in-hand with my husband. Two lives molded by the grace of God into one. I pray our marriage may be a light of hope for others. And no matter what comes our way, may we live with one heart and mouth for the glory of our Savior.

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, You are the God of resurrection, miracles and new beginnings. You are the God who gives us endurance and encouragement when we turn to You. You are our Father who renews our weary spirit and continually ignites a flicker of hope when we feel alone or defeated. Lord, help us today to rejoice in knowing that You can and will turn all things to good if we’ll lay our life in Your mighty hands. Thank You for the blessing of new beginnings. Thank You for the victory of love and hope on the road to new life. Amen.

Q4U: What is your “road to new beginnings” story?

Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul

Friendship Sisterhood Refresh SoulWhat’s your favorite smell and what does it make you think of? I have several. A wood burning fire sparks memories of our family camping trips when I was young. Fresh cut grass reminds me of fun days running and playing in the summertime. And then there’s Bubba’s house––the distinct smell of my grandmother’s home. To this day I don’t know how to describe it, other than it’s unmistakable when you first walk in. It’s the smell of peace, safety, and holidays. Nothing in the world smells like Bubba’s house.

If only we could bottle the aromas we love.

Our sense of smell is primal and powerful. It engages our brain and emotions. We were created not only to delight in sweet aromas, but to experience emotional ties with them. Roses, peach cobbler with brown sugar topping, my husband’s cologne. In an instant, these aromas transport me to cherished memories of another time and place, and bring a smile to my face.

Friends are like beautiful aromas that encourage and warm our heart.

We smile when we think of our dearest friends and the times we’ve shared together. They’ve known us at our worst and still love us for who we are, as is. True friends tell us the truth about everything. They don’t care what we’re wearing or if we’re having a bad hair day. And they’re always ready to come to our aid. Even if we’ve been apart for months or even years, friends like sisters are the girls who never miss a beat. We pick up right back where we left off. It feels good to know there’s someone in our corner, no matter what.

Sweet friendship refreshes our soul.

The love and laughter of a dear friend lifts our spirit. It’s like walking into Bubba’s house and feeling the peace of belonging. This past week I had the pleasure of celebrating my dear friend’s birthday with a sushi dinner. We hadn’t seen each other in several months and we had a lot of catching up to do. But the love and bonds of sisterhood hadn’t changed. We laughed and shed a few tears. Refreshing at its best.

As we neared the end of our evening, she said, “I really miss you. I didn’t realize how much I miss you until I saw you, but I felt it as soon as you got here.” Seeing her was like a breath of fresh air, a sweet aroma that takes me to a place I want to be.

Think of a dear friend you haven’t talked to in a while, and reach out to her today. You may be the breath of fresh air, the sweet aroma of sisterhood, that fills her with a sense of love and belonging. And if you don’t have anyone you consider to be a close sister-like friend, reach out to someone you’re getting to know and ask them to meet you for coffee or lunch. Growing new bonds of sisterhood involves knowing and being known.

Take heart and smile, friends. Just as God created us to delight in beautiful aromas, He also created us to delight and be refreshed in our innermost being by the love and care of sweet sisters. We’re all longing for that refreshment, so pour out to a friend today and see how you will be filled to overflowing in return.

“Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” Proverbs 27:9 (MSG)

May I pray?

Father God, thank You for the amazing senses You have created in us, including the sense of smell. And thank You for the way we can recall cherished memories by the aromas we’ve experienced. Today I pray that You will place a special friend in our thoughts. As we reach out to let them know we’re thinking of them, prompt us to tell them how much they mean to us. And if we’re reaching out to someone we don’t know well, give us the courage to invite them for coffee or lunch. May we be refreshed and encouraged through the sweet bonds of sisterhood. Amen.

Q4U: What’s your favorite smell and what does it make you think of?

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the StormWhat is happening in our world? Shootings at schools, a marathon bombing and a plant explosion that levels a town. Life-altering events rage all around us and we wonder what’s next. And every day we face our own storms of life. Loss of a loved one, a job, our health or our marriage. A child who rebels against us and all that we’ve tried to teach them. Lies that sever friendships and drive families apart. Secrets that keep us in isolation. Choices that pour fuel on the fires of temptation.

This isn’t the way life is supposed to be.

My heart is heavy as I write this. I have so many friends who are struggling in life’s storms. But there is good news to hold onto. There is hope of new life. Every storm will pass, even if things get worse before they get better.

Even in the swirl of helplessness and hopelessness, we can survive and be stronger on the other side.

Storms will come. We live in a fallen world and we know that at some point a storm will engulf our life and turn it upside down. And sometimes, it’s as if we’re in hurricane season and the storms keep coming one after another. We have to find shelter in the midst of the storm. We have to find the eye of the storm.

Have you seen a satellite picture of a hurricane or typhoon? They call the center of the storm the “eye” because it literally looks like a human eye in the center of the storm. And it’s an eerie place to be. A massive storm of destruction rages on all sides, but in the center, in the “eye” of the storm, the sun shines, the winds are calm, and there is a sense of normalcy. In those moments when the skies clear and the eye passes over, there is peace.

When our storms of life are raging, we must get to and remain in the “eye”.

The “eye” is where truth and courage meet. It’s where we hold onto the Word of God and His promises, no matter what feelings begin to rise up. It’s where we sit with God and allow His Spirit to fill us so His peace can guard our heart and mind.

No, the storm is not over. But yes, we can get through to the other side where there is new life to be created. God is above every storm, even our darkest ones. He will never leave us or forsake us. God has not abandoned us. He is our loving Father, and He will turn all things to good for those who love Him.

My friend, if you are in the midst of a vicious storm, know that you are not alone. The God of Heaven’s Armies is by your side. Call to Him. Believe in Him. Cling to Him even if you can’t hear His voice above the din of the storm. And if you’re not sure what to say, cry out to God with the faithful words in the psalm below, written by someone else who was saved from destruction.

Go to the eye of the storm. The place of peace where truth and courage meet.

Remain there, holding fast to the promises of God. And allow someone into your storm so they can bunker down with you and pray over you. We were meant to weather our storms together.

God loves you, dear sister. He is listening. Trust in Him even if you can’t hear Him. Go to Him. Stay with Him. Walk with Him and you will always be in the eye of the storm.

I love the LORD, because He hears me; He listens to my prayers. He listens to me every time I call to Him. The danger of death was all around me; the horrors of the grave closed in on me; I was filled with fear and anxiety. Then I called to the LORD, ‘I beg you, LORD, save me!’ The LORD is merciful and good; our God is compassionate. The LORD protects the helpless; when I was in danger, He saved me. Be confident, my heart, because the LORD has been good to me. The LORD saved me from death; He stopped my tears and kept me from defeat. And so I walk in the presence of the LORD in the world of the living.Psalm 116:1-9

May I pray?

Almighty God, thank You for never leaving us, especially in the dark storms of life. I lift up my dear sisters who are struggling today. Bless them with courage, Father. Fill them with the strength and power of Your Word. Wash away their fears and bring them peace as they seek You and sit with You in the midst of their storms. Show them the most important step: the one that brings them to You. May we all remain with You, the Eye of the Storm. Amen.

Q4U: How can I pray for you today?

Church: Hospital or Country Club?

Church: Hospital or Country ClubWhy do people go to church? Ask a group of “Christians” and you’ll get many different answers: To worship and praise Jesus freely in community. To learn what God teaches us in the Bible. To meet new people. To hang out with friends. Because it’s what we’re supposed to do. Because my parents make me go. Because I’m desperate and it’s the only place I know that might give me hope.

We recently celebrated Easter, the primary holy day of the Christian faith. Church attendance swelled across the world. But many of the people who ventured out on Easter Sunday won’t be coming back again for months, if at all.

Why do people NOT go to church?

Ask a group, and again the answers vary widely. It’s boring. It’s hard to go to church alone. Christians act like they have it all together, but behind closed doors they’re just as messed up as the rest of us. If anyone knew the truth about my life they wouldn’t want me there. All they want is money and I don’t have any to give. They’re like a clique and I don’t fit in. I don’t get anything out of it.

Our reasons to go or not go usually stem from past experiences. Many people have had bad experiences at church or with people who say they’re Christian, and now religion is something they’re not sure they can trust, and for good reason. You may know someone with these hesitations.

For anyone struggling with the competing desire to know God and the fear of religion or the people in it, here are two things to consider:

1. RELIGION (with its rituals and rigid “to do” lists) is completely different than a loving, intimate RELATIONSHIP with our Savior, Jesus Christ. True Christianity is a personal relationship with Christ.

2. A healthy church community is founded on God’s Word as they continually seek God’s truth, wisdom and guidance. Their primary desire is to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that others can hear the Gospel message, enter into a loving, trusting relationship with Christ, and then grow in that relationship.

Christians should be the first to admit their desperate need of a Savior. We’re sinners not saints.

Everyone falls short of the glory of God, Christian and non-Christian, those who look like they have it together and those who don’t. We’re all in the same boat––and when that boat goes down, it doesn’t matter if we were sitting in first class or working below deck. Each and every one of us will meet our Maker and have to give account for our life and our choices. None of us is better than another.

Christians are brothers and sisters who make mistakes, say and do the wrong things, but ultimately seek forgiveness as we turn from our old selves and move forward to new life in Christ.

As Christians, we’re called to share life in loving community so we can encourage and strengthen one another. Church should not be a country club. It’s not exclusive. It’s not for people who have life figured out. It’s not for the “good” ones.

To be honest, church is more like a hospital and hostel.

It’s for those who are hurting and those who are lost. It’s for people traveling the journey of life seeking truth. It’s for people like me––sinners who want to turn from the brokenness of our past and walk forward in the hope of new life and the light of eternity.

If you’re not part of a healthy, Christian community, I encourage you to pray about it and then try a new church this Sunday. It’s never too late to take a step in a new direction. Find a vibrant community preaching straight from the Bible, singing songs of praise to our risen Lord, and reaching out in love to others.

For those who are a part of Christian community, let’s continue to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, encouraging one another and spurring each other on in our service to others. And let’s genuinely welcome wounded and weary travelers into our community by showering them with acceptance, hospitality and love.

After all, the church is a hospital, a place of healing and restoration for sinners. It’s not a country club for saints.

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another––and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

May I pray?

Jesus, we’re saved by Your grace given freely on the cross as You died for our sins and then rose to new life. We cannot save ourselves. We’re not saints resting on our laurels. We’re sinners You have ransomed for eternity. And now it’s our joy to grow in relationship with You as we open our doors to the hurting and the lost. Help us today to shine Your light of hope and love into the lives of others. And for those who feel alone, please lead them this week in their search for a healthy community of Christ followers. Amen.

Q4U: Why do you go to church, or why do you not go?

Mud Puddles of Life

New LifeWhat is the muddiest situation you’ve ever been in? For me, what comes to mind is back in my high school days, 4-wheeling with my boyfriend in the middle of nowhere after a rain storm––and getting stuck. The trek out ruined a very cute pair of shoes. Obviously I wasn’t anticipating the consequences.

Most of us are past the age of playing in the mud. But the truth is, we’re stuck in the mud puddles of life right now.

Where are you stuck? Fear? Disappointment? Busyness? Isolation? Shame of the past? Bitterness and unforgiveness? Unemployment? Empty relationships? Worry? Addictions? Depression? Our mud puddles of life, the places we get stuck, stem out of hopelessness. We’re afraid things won’t get better.

What’s ironic is that initially we’re often drawn to mud puddles. It’s kind of fun to dabble in the dirt, throw off inhibitions and paint our faces like brave warrior princesses we secretly want to be. But then the mud starts to dry and we can’t get out. It’s uncomfortable and we’re stained. Others begin to shy away from our dirt. We believe we’re defined by our circumstances and can’t be seen as the person we truly are inside.

For anyone languishing in a mud puddle of life, here’s good news: You are not stuck. And you are not defined by any mud.

Christ can set you free! Christ washes away all shame, all guilt, all sin. No matter where you are or where you’ve been, you can be as pure as white snow. All of the dirt and mud is gone for good! How does this happen? It’s like baptism. When someone is dunked under the water and then comes up, this doesn’t save them or change their circumstances, but it signifies the death of their old life and the raising to new life in Christ. The same is true for us when we put our trust in Jesus. The past is just that: the past. It’s washed away. Our old, muddy self is dead. We’re not that person anymore even if our circumstances don’t change.

Most importantly, we’re set free to move forward and LIVE! Live a new life!

The prophet Nehemiah said, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10. Nehemiah knew thousands of years ago what is still true today: Real life can be hard and circumstances may or may not change. But circumstances do not define who we are. Bad choices and consequences of the past cannot keep us stuck in the dirty places of life if we make the choice now to trust in God and move forward with Him.

So girls, we’ve been wallowing in the mud long enough! It’s time for us to get up out of our puddles and walk forward together. And this trek isn’t just a hike out of the muddy wilderness, it’s a journey to living a new life! Our identity is in Christ; He is the royal robe adorning us. Can I just say, you look marvelous in those clean white threads!

“By our baptism, then, we were buried with Him and shared His death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from death by the glorious power of the Father, so also we might live a new life.” Romans 6:4 (GNT)

May I pray?

Lord, we praise You that we are not defined by or stuck in the mud puddles of life. Whether we’ve dabbled in the dirt or have lived in mud huts our whole life, You can and will wash away all of the shame, guilt, regret and disappointment of the past. And then You clothe us in Your royal robe as You prepare us for our eternal inheritance at Your side. Jesus, give us the courage today to stand up, brush ourselves off, and take a step in a new direction with You. May we not only choose to leave the mud behind, but may the hope and joy of new life with You be the strength that keeps us moving forward. Amen.

Q4U: What is the muddiest situation you’ve ever been in?

This Changes Everything!

This changes everythingHave you ever thought about what it would take to change your life? I mean REALLY change it. A $200 million winning lottery ticket? A guy who preferred spending time with you instead of watching games or playing golf? A job you actually enjoyed where you could make a lot of money and travel to faraway places on their dime? A husband who would love, provide and protect, instead of use, drain and hurt? Kids who acted like they were from the Von Trapp family singers instead of Lord of the Flies? A new identity so you could walk away from the past and its consequences and start over completely? Prince charming to pull you up on his white horse and take you away to his castle in paradise?

If only life was as good as a fairly tale. But it’s not. It’s messy. It’s hard. It’s spinning out of control. No matter what direction we try to go, we keep getting pulled down. Keep falling back to the places we hate to be. Keep getting reminded that we’re not who we want to be.

We’re stuck. In real life. In past hurts. In loneliness. In dead relationships. In debt. In depression. In lack of purpose. In everything.

But don’t despair, there’s good news! Something that changes everything!

The resurrection of Jesus! Hear me out and I’ll tell you how this changes everything, even your life. Most of us know the story of Jesus being killed on the cross on Good Friday and then rising from the dead on Easter morning. We’ve heard that Jesus took our sins upon Himself so that we could be released from death and have eternal life in heaven.

But what many Christians never experience is the new life that comes from the resurrection of Jesus. The joy and freedom found in everyday life. This is the game changer!

How do we experience this change? We believe, we surrender, we rise above.

We believe. We truly believe that Christ paid the full price of our ransom, meaning we’ve been set free from sin. And we believe that Jesus washes our sin away completely, meaning that our identity is now in Him and not in all of the bad choices we’ve made or the hard circumstances we live in. Christ is our Savior. And through Him we are survivors.

We surrender. We let go of how our life “ought to be”. We accept that we cannot change the past, but we can change the future. We surrender our desires for particular outcomes. And we run to Jesus! We let Him sit on the throne of our heart. He is God, and thankfully we are not. We’ve made a mess of our lives, and now we surrender to and learn from the One whose expertise is resurrected life.

We rise above. We actively wait as God transforms us from the inside out. We seek God in His Word, in prayer, in Bible Study, in sisterhood. We let Jesus lead our daily lives. We joyfully let go of the burdens we’re carrying and we follow Him on the path to new life. No matter where we’ve been and no matter where we are, it’s never too late to rise above our real life and spread our wings in the freedom of new life in Christ!

Laugh, sing, praise!

Let’s celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! He brings life out of death. He shines the light of hope into the darkness of this world. And when we follow Him, His love empowers us to conquer all that we face as we rise above our circumstances and soar to new life!

This changes everything!

 “‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here: He has risen!’” Luke 24:5-6

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

May I pray?

Jesus, thank You for conquering death once and for all so that we too can experience resurrection! Lord, You have broken our chains of bondage to this world. Open our eyes and our minds to see how our choices either keep us in our stuck places or draw us closer to our God who sets us free. Help us to believe, surrender, and rejoice in Your love so we can rise above our circumstances and soar in the freedom of new life! Amen.

Q4U: What would it take to change your life?

Who is God to You?

Who is God?What image comes to mind when you think of God? For some it’s a giant king with a long, white beard and flowing, royal robe sitting on His golden throne. For others it’s Jesus cradling a small lamb in His arms. And still others might think of a beautiful meadow with bright purple flowers and a gurgling brook nearby.

Everyone has their own thoughts about God.

The way we think of God often comes from pictures or paintings we’ve seen, stories we’ve heard others tell, or our own life experiences.

So let’s switch gears completely for a moment (stay with me here). Who comes to mind when I ask, “Who is your favorite Hollywood star?” Most of us will choose someone we liked in a certain role or someone who stands for a cause we believe is worthy. Rarely will we pick someone we actually know because we don’t have personal, daily relationships with movie stars. Likewise, many of us don’t have a personal, daily relationship with God either.

God wants that to change.

Our relationship with God and the feelings we have for/about Him stem directly from our belief of who God is. Is He our loving and fully-devoted Father, or is He a mighty but all-too-busy-for-me God? Does He blot out our sins as if they never happened once we repent, or do we still believe that every time we mess up He’s disappointed and will remind us of how we’ve failed in the past? Is He the Rock that we stand on every day and build our life on, or is He a distant being that we worship and sacrifice to but don’t really know on a personal level? Before we can truly love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, we have to know who He is, believe that He cares deeply about every detail in our life, and literally entrust our life and soul to Him.

Who is God?

God is Elohim, Creator of the entire universe and all of the complex microscopic machinery and expanse of information working in every living cell. But He doesn’t hide behind His creation and stay at arms length. He wants to be found. By you and me.

God reveals Himself through His creation, and He reveals Himself in His Word––the Bible. Hear how God describes Himself:

“‘Do not be afraid… I am your shield, your very great reward.’” Genesis 15:1

“‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.’” Exodus 34:6-7

Throughout Scripture, specific names for God reveal His character:

– Jehova-rapha, The LORD Will Heal (Exodus 15:26)
– Jehovah-raah, The LORD My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
– El Shaddai, The Almighty, All-Sufficient One (Genesis 17:1)
– El Roi, The God Who Sees (Genesis 16:13)

God is loving (John 14:21), faithful (Hebrews 10:23), and forgiving (Luke 7:48, Luke 23:34). He is the God of hope (Romans 15:13) and the Father of compassion (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). He desires an intimate one-on-one relationship with each one of His daughters, including you.

David called God “my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14) and Peter said Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Those who knew God best were also the ones who called upon Him using personal names. God wants us to know Him that way. He wants us to walk with Him, talk with Him, sit with Him, and listen. But sometimes we let the noise of our busy lives drown out His voice.

Who is God to me?

He is my Savior who pulled me up from the darkest pits of this world. Twice. He is my omniscient Dad who protects me and provides for me. He is my Counselor who guides me. He is the Rock I stand on in every storm. He is the Spirit that dwells within me and prompts me in undeniable ways I can never comprehend. He is the peace inside me that transcends all understanding and allows me to live in freedom and joy. He is so far beyond anything I can ever imagine, and yet He’s as real as the breath inside of me.

God is real. God is here. God is personal. God is calling because He wants to be found.

Who is God to you?

May I pray?

Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Forgiving Father, thank You for calling us to You. Thank You for revealing Yourself through Your creation and through Your Word. Sometimes we have a hard time believing that a God like you could have the time or the interest in knowing girls like us. And yet, You show us over and over again how You love us more than anyone else ever can. More than we will ever comprehend. And not because of who we are, but because of who You are. You are love. Open our eyes to see how You’re at work every day in our lives. And help us to believe it’s okay to fall in love with Jesus even if we can’t understand the enormity of Your existence. May we open up our heart to You today and call upon You in a way that is personal to us. We love You, Daddy. Amen.

Q4U: Who is God to you?

Feeling Fruity: It’s a Good Thing

Fruity Fruit of the SpiritWhat’s your favorite fruit? I love berries. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries––they’re all right up there on my list of fav’s. Especially when the berries are home grown and perfectly ripe––wow! There’s nothing sweeter.

But it’s not easy growing fruit.

I fertilize the soil and carefully water the little plants. Finally fruit begins to show. I wait with great expectation for the berries to ripen. And as soon as they’re ready to pick––POOF! They’re gone! I’m not the only one who loves fresh berries. Birds, bears, rabbits, and raccoons do too.

My love and struggle for berries may not tell a lot about me, but for those of us pursuing Christ, there is fruit in our life that speaks volumes: fruit of the Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the characteristics of people who are surrendered to and guided by the Holy Spirit. And if someone is overflowing with this kind of fruit, they’re living a full and exuberant life, even in the midst of trials!

How do we get fruit of the Spirit to grow in our life?

It’s like me trying to grow berries. First we have to start with good soil. The soil for the Spirit’s fruit is our heart and mind. Are we open to God, the reconciliation Jesus provides, and the power of His Holy Spirit? Do we listen to His Word, believe it and begin to apply it in our life? This is how we provide good soil for the seeds God is planting in us.

We then fertilize and water God’s seeds with Truth. How? By feeding on the Word of God––reading it, memorizing it, meditating on it, praying it. As we learn more about God and as we grow in our relationship with Him, the fruit of His Spirit grows in us. He begins to transform us in the midst of our everyday choices and everyday life. We can feel His fruit inside us. And those around us can see it too: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

If this is the kind of fruit we have in our life, then feeling fruity is a good thing, and a God thing!

A few closing thoughts…

  • Everyone’s life produces something.
  • We can’t force fruit to grow.
  • When our life is full of good fruit, the weeds and pests of the sinful life can’t take root or steal our fruit.
  • What we can do is offer our heart and mind as good soil, and then immerse ourselves in the Living Water that feeds and nourishes God’s seeds planted in our soul.

May the fruit of the Spirit grow and flourish as you open your heart and mind to God’s Truth and the power of His Holy Spirit living in you.

(If you’re interested in reading more about the soil of our heart and mind, read the parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20)

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

May I pray?

Holy Spirit, we don’t often direct our prayers to You, but today we come to You on our knees. Help us to unlock the hidden places of our heart and mind as we open up to You. Fill us with Your strength as we take a step toward new life. Fertilize and water our souls as we immerse ourselves in Your Truth. May Your beautiful fruit adorn our life as a testament to Your power to transform us. And may we overflow with Your fruit as we rise above our real life circumstances and walk forward each day with You and sisters in Christ. Amen.

Q4U: Which type of fruit of the Spirit would you most like to see God grow in your life?

Take Your Stand

Take Your StandHave you ever felt attacked by someone? Not physically, but by an assault of words or actions? Any kind of attack can cast doubt about who we are, what we can endure, and how we can stand up for what we believe.

No one wants to be attacked. But some of us are, day after day after day.

Continual attacks wear us down. Our self-worth cracks. Shame, regret and guilt from the past come back to haunt us. And for those who are trying to grow in their relationship with Jesus, it often feels like the stronger their faith gets, the worse the attacks become.

Here’s good news: God provides the armor and weapons we need to protect ourselves against attack.

A battle rages all around us. And each of us is called to take a stand, OUR stand. We can be confident that God has the power to overcome every attack. And although we can’t always remove ourselves from the situation at home, work or school, God teaches us how to suit up each morning and be prepared.

The whole Armor of God, when put on and used properly, will defeat the enemy. And for those of us who aren’t into GI Jane or other intense conflicts, thankfully we’re not called to charge into battle and attack others. We’re simply told to stand firm and hold our ground under God’s banner. So let’s put on the full Armor of God:

1. Belt of truth: Surrounds us, holds our armor in place, defeats Satan’s lies

2. Breastplate of righteousness: Protects our body and our heart, including emotions, self-worth, and trust

3. Feet fitted with readiness of the gospel: Moves us to share the gospel of peace, including our story of new life with Jesus

4. Shield of faith: Extinguishes ALL the flaming arrows of the enemy––we have ultimate victory from attack

5. Helmet of salvation: Protects our mind from doubt––we know the end of the story: Jesus wins and we’re with Him in heaven

6. Sword of the Spirit–the Word of God (the only offensive weapon): We must know the Word and be practiced at using it in battle, especially against temptation

7. Secret Weapon–PRAYER: The enemy does not have this––this is our direct link to God and the power of His Holy Spirit in us

No matter where we’ve been, no matter where we are, if we come to Jesus He will stand with us in battle. He provides full armor to protect us, without holes or hidden weak spots. And when we stand together in sisterhood, our shields of faith interlock and together we’re able to stand stronger. There is definitely strength in numbers!

So Girls, let’s get our fabulous Armor of God in place and be ready to stand together. Jehovah-sabaoth, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, our Deliverer, is waiting for us to join Him on the battlefield. Let’s take the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and wield Truth as we focus on Him. And let’s unleash the power of God in prayer, for ourselves and for others. Rejoice, sisters! For today, victory is His!

“Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:10-11

May I pray?

Almighty God, You call us to be armed and ready, knowing that attacks will come. But You are stronger than anyone or anything we will ever face. By Your grace and power we share in Your victory and know that we will be in heaven for eternity. Give us the courage today to put on the FULL Armor of God and take our stand with You. Help us to unite with other sisters in Christ so that together we can interlock our shields of faith and encourage each other. And help us remember each day to suit up and wield Your Sword of Truth. Amen.

Q4U: What’s the most important part of the Armor of God for you to remember to put on (and keep on) each day?

Breaking Free and Staying Free

Breaking Free from StuckHave you ever seen an elephant perform at the circus? It’s amazing to watch these massive beasts with incredible power doing small, delicate moves. They have the strength to tear down the tents and run to freedom, but instead they stay in captivity and perform their routines.

What’s even more amazing is that when they’re not performing, elephants are often confined with only a small chain tied around one leg. With a quick yank the elephants could break free. But they don’t.

They believe they’re stuck.

As babies, captive elephants are chained by one leg and they aren’t strong enough to break the small chain. As they grow larger, the chain remains the same size. Even though the elephants now have the strength to break free, they don’t know they can.

The same is true in our stuck places.

Many of us feel imprisoned in our circumstances, chained by the guilt and regrets of past mistakes, or unable to find relief from relationship wounds that won’t heal. We don’t believe we can break free.

Here’s good news: The chains that bind us and prevent us from moving forward are broken!

Jesus Christ has set us free! All chains are broken, our sins are washed away. The past is just that––the past. A new life of freedom in Christ awaits, and the only thing standing in our way is us.

Break free and stay free!

Break free! If you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, your chains are broken. You break the final tie by believing you can take steps forward in that freedom. It may be scary. Change is not easy, even if it’s good change. You may not know what lies outside the circus walls of your current real life. But if you’re heading toward new life in Christ, you’re going in the right direction! And you’re not alone. We’re all on this journey together.

Stay free! Keep moving forward in freedom. Pursue Christ through prayer and His Word. Grow in bonds of sisterhood and stay encouraged. We’re all prone to go back to what we know––where we’ve been––even if it’s not where we truly want to be.

Break free and stay free! Take a step forward. Grow in your relationship with Christ, spending time in His Word and standing firm in your freedom. You have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Nothing can hold you in bondage if you choose to be free!

“‘If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’” John 8:36

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

May I pray?

Lord, often we spend so much time stuck in the same circumstances or stuck making the same choices that we don’t believe we can ever be free from the stress, guilt, regrets, loneliness, or shame we feel. Thank You for the truth that You have set us free! Show us today how we can break the final ties and take a step forward toward You. Give us courage to move in a new direction, to try connecting to new sisters in Christ, to open Your Word and listen for You. May today be the last day in bondage, for You have set us free and we are free indeed! Amen.

Q4U: Will you share your story of breaking free or staying free as an encouragement to others?

5 Steps On the Right Path Forward

Right Path Moving ForwardWhat’s the hardest thing about getting lost? Is it the delay it causes? Or the stress of not knowing how to get back on route? Or maybe it’s the fear that we’re so far off course we’ll never get to where we really want to be.

A lot of us feel lost.

GPS or not, when it comes to life, we aren’t where we think we should be. And even if we know where we want to end up, we don’t know how to get there from here. So we try this or that. We head here or there. But without clear direction, we’re running in circles or veering back into the wilderness.

Here’s good news: There’s a path of life marked out for you, and you can find it.

5 Steps On the Right Path Forward

1. Throw off everything that hinders you from moving forward. Cast away any sin that entangles you. Whatever keeps you trapped and tied up, cut the ties and don’t go back. Temptations can ensnare us. Leaving them behind is the first step to moving forward on the right path.

2. Run with perseverance. Run! We can’t stay wallowing in the mud puddles we’ve been in. We need to get up and start moving. But we also have to realize that life is a marathon, not a sprint. The trek will be long and hard. We’ll get tired and doubt we can make it. So don’t give up!

3. Look for the markers along the path. We’re not running blindly. Just like in a race where every mile has a marker telling us where we are, so too the path we’re on has markers. How do I know? Because God says He has gone ahead of us and marked out the path (Hebrews 12:1). Our job is to look for the markers and follow them. Look for the signs of God and follow Him. You’re reading this blog on a website about doing life together in sisterhood. Could this be a sign?

4. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Jesus is at the finish line. That’s where our attention needs to be. Not fixating on our circumstances or what other people are doing. Eyes on Him. If we don’t focus on our goal, we’ll be running around not going anywhere fast, or running in circles getting nowhere.

5. Believe that God has already paid your way to heaven, the ultimate destination. It’s a free ticket. There’s nothing we have to do (or can do) to earn it. We don’t have to work our way to get in God’s favor. We don’t have to do good deeds to go to heaven. We just have to accept that Jesus paid the full fare. He finished the work to gain entrance to heaven. Now it’s a journey along the path of life to get there. And what God wants is for us to join Him.

No matter where we are in life, we can find our way to the right path forward. We don’t have to be afraid of what lies ahead. It’s good. It’s leading to heaven. And best of all, it’s not full of things we have to do or hoops to jump through.

We just have to look for Jesus. He is marking the path. He’s at the finish line. Head toward Him. Seek Jesus in His Word. Pursue Him in prayer. Connect with new sisters in Christ who are running with Him. Take His hand and don’t let go.

When we’re with Jesus, we’re exactly where we need to be. Sins of the past fall behind, new and healthy friendships grow, and suddenly we realize we’re on the right path forward.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

May I pray?

Dear Jesus, so often we feel lost and discouraged because we’re going in the wrong direction or going nowhere at all. Help us to believe that You are the right path. Thank You that no matter where we’ve been, no matter where we are, You are here now ready to lead us. Give us the courage to throw off everything that keeps us from You. Help us to run with perseverance, looking for the everyday markers pointing us to You. And please bring new sisters to encourage us as we take daily steps on the right path forward. Amen.

Q4U: What step will you take today on the right path forward?

What Will God Really Do For You?

Does God CareDo you ever wonder if God cares? I mean really. If He’s creator of the universe, if He’s busy dealing with wars and famine and asteroids and floods, if He’s leading an army of angels and helping people who lost loved ones in tragedies, how can He have time for you and me? With all that’s going on in this crazy, mixed-up world, does God really want to listen to our prayers for a new job, a renewed relationship, and help paying bills?

All of us have wondered at one time or another if God hears us. And even if He hears, does He care? We’ve been praying. We don’t understand the “why” of what’s happening. Injustice abounds. Things aren’t getting better, and in fact they seem to be getting worse.

Some people say darkness comes before the dawn. But what if God doesn’t bring dawn this time? Here’s truth: Morning always comes. And God is there.

We may not see God. We may not hear Him. Our fears, anxiety and doubts may begin to draw us away or ignite anger towards a God who is supposed to love us.

We may wonder: Where is God when we need Him, and what will He really do?

This is what God answers:

“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

1. God is with you. Always. The New Living Translation says, “He is living among you.” He is your devoted, loving Father. You may not feel close to Him but He’s in your midst. He is calling to you, protecting you, wanting you to draw near to Him. Take a step toward Him. He is there.

2. God is mighty and powerful, and He continues to save lives. God gave His beloved Son as a sacrifice in your place so that you could spend eternity with Him. And He saves all of us over and over again in our earthly lives. He is still in the resurrection business, and He can bring you to new life. The Good News Translation says, “His power gives you victory.”

3. God delights in you. You are His beloved child. He created you in His image. He created you just the way you are, hang-ups and all. He created you for purpose. He has set aside an eternal inheritance for you, if you will accept it.

4. God quiets you with His love. When you’re afraid. When you doubt. When you struggle with shame, guilt, regret. God showers His love on you. He will whisper through His Word. He will bring His peace upon your heart. If you’ll sit still and listen, He will comfort you and quiet you in your spirit. He alone can bring true, lasting peace. Because He is peace.

5. God sings over you and rejoices in your life. As loving parents sing lullabies to their sleeping children, God sings over you. He rejoices as He watches over you. He blesses you. He holds you. He prepares the best for you. But “the best” is found only in an intimate relationship with Him, your devoted Heavenly Father.

What does God really do for You? He is with you. He saves you. He delights in you. He calms you with His peace. He sings over you and rejoices.

He loves you. Right now, just as you are.

“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

May I pray?

Almighty God, we don’t always understand how You can care about us and our problems when You are so big and have so many other things to attend to. But that’s one reason why You’re God and we’re not. Thank You for choosing to be with us, even when we don’t feel like we’re worthy. Thank You for saving us over and over again. Thank You for celebrating our lives and the plans You have for us, even when we can’t see beyond our circumstances. Help us to turn to You today and be filled with Your peace and hope. Amen.

Q4U: How have you experienced God’s love?

Celebrating Small Victories

Celebrate VictoryWhen was the last time you celebrated a victory? Any victory. Maybe it was last weekend during the Super Bowl. Maybe it was last month when your friend finally got a new job, or your mom received a good report from the doctor.

Now a harder question: When was the last time you celebrated something for yourself?

For some of us, it’s been so long we can’t remember. We can go to parties or events to celebrate special occasions, but we often go through everyday life without feeling like we have much to celebrate.

Our lives are lacking daily jubilee. We don’t experience the thrill of victory––victory that brings a joy-filled life. Why? Because we live disappointed. We’re longing for something different.

I once heard a speaker say that there’s a formula for disappointment:

Disappointment = Expectations – Reality

The level of our disappointment in life increases as our reality falls short of where we think we should be. And sometimes what life throws at us feels like too much to bear. So we don’t celebrate. It’s not easy to muster laughter and rejoicing in the midst of our hard circumstances. But here’s the good news: We have the power to take a step toward joyful life each day. How?

By celebrating small victories.

Even if a cloud of uncertainly looms. Even if our circumstances don’t change. Even if we feel like we don’t have anyone to celebrate with us. If we will pause and stop focusing on where we wish we were in life, or who’s shoes we’d rather walk in, or what we should have done… we’ll be making a giant leap forward toward a life of daily celebration and joy.

When we make a choice to celebrate––to humbly accept the small victories of today and rejoice in them––we’re building a foundation of contentment and excitement that can soon become a fortress against the trials of our real life.

So today, no matter where you are, no matter what your circumstances, find one small victory to celebrate. Share it with others! And celebrate it with the Lord! Offer it to Him in praise. Smile and genuinely rejoice in your celebration. Authentic praise not only lifts our spirit, it also brings joy to the Lord.

A few days in a row celebrating small victories lifts every spirit. May our celebrations begin today.

“I will sacrifice a freewill offering to You; I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good.” Psalm 54:6

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing love for us. Thank You for always having open arms when we come to You. Today I lift up those who are struggling with finding a reason to celebrate. Lord, I pray that You will help them choose one thing to genuinely celebrate today. And I pray that You will shower them with Your peace and Your joy as You celebrate with them. May each of us take a giant leap toward joy-filled life as we build a new foundation of praise in small victories. Amen.

Q4U: What small victory will you celebrate today?

When the Road Gets Tough

Hard Road AheadWhat’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Was it getting through a time of physical trauma? Was it saying goodbye to a love one? Was it trying to crawl out of a deep, dark pit of life?

All of us will face extreme trials in life.

They may be sudden. They may shake us to the core of our faith. They may last for a few months or an entire season of life. Only one thing is for certain. They will come.

What’s important is that we keep moving forward. Even if we take just one small step at a time. We can’t let fear, doubt, anger, depression, confusion, bitterness or any other feelings keep us in bondage. By nature, we are survivors. Through Christ we’ve been given freedom, strength to overcome, and ultimate victory.

Psalm 23 says Jesus, our Shepherd, leads us “through the valley of the shadow of death.” He leads us THROUGH the valley, meaning we are moving and will come out on the other side. He doesn’t lead us into the valley to leave us there.

But in order to get out of the valley, we have to stay in step with God.

When we feel lost, the one way get back on the path with God is to go to Him. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” This is God’s truth. If we truly pursue Him with a humble heart, He will reveal Himself to us. And here’s good news: God wants to be found.

God also wants us to rise above our real life circumstances and live joyfully with Him.

We’re on a journey with God. There will be hills and valleys. There will be times of great rejoicing on the mountaintops when we feel like we’re on top of the world. And there will be times of great mourning when the road is dark and we feel alone. But through it all, God is there.

God wants to lead us to higher ground––to a new place in our relationship with Him and the service He has planned for us. I’m on a new trek up the mountain now. As I said to a friend last week, I’m just trying to stay in step with the Lord. But the climb is very difficult and my pack is full of everything He has asked me to carry. Although physically I’m exhausted, spiritually I’m excited! I know that when I’m with God, I’m right where I’m supposed to be. And there are amazing things ahead!

So no matter where you are in life, know that nothing stays the same, except God. God can and will lead you through the valley. He will pull you out of every dark pit. He will walk you step-by-step to the next season. Why? Because His plan is to spend the rest of eternity with you.

Don’t give up. Believe that you are a survivor who, with the strength of Jesus, can overcome all trials in life. Turn to God and let Him lead you higher as He Shepherds you toward heaven.

“‘To [her] who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’” Revelation 2:7

May I pray?

Lord God, thank You that You will never leave or forsake those who love You. Thank You for Your promise that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. Jesus, give us the courage to come to You. Help us to let down any burdens that are not from You, and only carry what You have asked us to carry. Then lead us forward, I pray, to higher ground. May we overcome all that we’re struggling with, and rejoice with You along the way as we head toward paradise. And may we find devoted sisters to share our journey. Amen.

Q4U: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

3 Remedies for Spiritual Dehydration

Spiritual RenewalDo you ever feel worn out or wilted, like you’re thirsting for something more in life? At one time or another, we all get to this place.

Sometimes I feel like one of the pansies in my garden. In the morning they look fresh and vibrant, standing tall. But after several hours with the hot sun beating down, they’re totally wilted and lying on the mulch. Their flowers are limp and their leaves are pale. The amazing thing is, if they get some water, within a couple of hours they’re standing back up and looking fresh again. But if they don’t get water, one more day of hot sun and they’re burnt to a crisp. No amount of water can bring them back.

We’re like flowers.

No matter where we are in our walk of faith––at the beginning, far into the journey, or still wondering whether or not we believe anything––we all feel the weight of the world at times. We all get wilted. We all thirst for something more. We all need renewal. And here’s truth: we can’t water ourselves.

Soul-deep thirsts are quenched only by Living Water.

We pursue a lot of things to satisfy our longings. And we may temporarily be filled. But after a while, we’re limp again. We’re longing for something that goes down into the depths of our heart. We’re longing for something that lasts.

There was a woman who, like a flower, was lying limp in life. She had been married four times and the guy she was living with wasn’t her husband. We don’t know what happened in her past––whether divorce, or death, or abandonment. All we know is that she felt shame and didn’t want to deal with other people. One day she went to the local watering hole and had an encounter with Jesus. Through her brief time with the Savior, her life changed forever. You may have heard this story of “the woman at the well” in John 4:4-30, 39-42 (if not, I’ll put it at the end of this blog).

I’ve lived this story, and I know so many other women who have similar broken and empty places.

For those of us who are thirsty in life, here are 3 Remedies for Spiritual Dehydration gleaned from the woman at the well:

1. Put down the jar of your old life so you’re ready to walk forward in new life. We need to stop carrying the burdens of shame, guilt and bitterness so we have open arms to receive the freedom Jesus has to offer.

2. Fill up with Living Water. Jesus is Living Water. Only He can truly revive us. Only He can fill our soul-deep thirsts. Like a sponge we can soak up His Word. If we let Him permeate every aspect of our lives, even the hidden places, He will fill us with strength, peace, hope and confidence to go on.

3. Run to tell others. This may be letting others know about the changes God has made in our life. It may be seeking a church strongly rooted in Biblical truth (love and grace, not legalism). Telling others may start with beginning to worship God with others. It may be exposing the hidden past, letting go of any anger we harbor, or seeking help to work through hurt places. What’s important is to be in community and know that we’re not walking alone.

We all have times when we feel weary and wilted. We often spend so much time “doing” that we don’t go to the well of Living Water to be refreshed. No matter where you are in your faith, take some time today to stop by the well and talk to Jesus.

“‘Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” John 4:14

May I pray?

Jesus, thank You for meeting us at the well today. Thank You for not only offering us Living Water, but for giving it to us freely. You tell the weary to come to You and find rest. Lord, I pray You will fill those reading this now with Your peace, strength, and confidence. Give them the courage to come to You. Give them the courage to let you fill every aspect of their lives––even the hidden places. And may all of us take a step toward renewal today as we soak up the truth and hope of Your Word. Amen.

Q4U: What is your next step to spiritual rehydration?


John 4:4-30, 39-42

Now [Jesus] had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?”

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

16 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

17 “I have no husband,” she replied.

Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.”

19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

21 Jesus declared, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.”

27 Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?”

28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” 30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him.


39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers.

42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

No Bibles in New York City

On the Ice at Rockefeller Center

On the Ice at Rockefeller Center

What is your favorite hotel memory? It’s an odd question, but I’ve actually heard amazing hotel stories, from horrible experiences that can finally elicit laughter many years later, to wonderful memories with family members who have passed on. Often the memories we carry with us are not from normal day-to-day life, but from special events or curious travels we shared with a few people along the way. I’d love to hear your stories!

I’ve been blessed to travel all over the world and I have many of my own hotel stories filed away in my memory books.

One little-known-tidbit is that I love watching old Johnny Carson re-runs because when I was young and we drove to family vacations during the summer and Christmas holidays, my parents, sisters and I would always share one cheap motel room (and therein lie other stories––the room that wasn’t to be rented, chili issues, my lot on the cot, etc). As we drifted off to sleep, my dad would watch The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and I did my best to fend off sleep and watch the opening monologue and the bits with live animals.  Good times, good times…

Last month, my husband and I spent a long weekend in New York City. What a blast sharing the NY Christmas experience with him. The hotel we stayed at was absolutely beautiful. But on the first morning as we started getting ready for the day I made a grim discovery: there were no Bibles in the room.

Gideon had not been allowed in.

Shocking! The cheap, run down motel rooms of my youth always had at least one Bible in the night table, but this lush hotel in the heart of one of the most important cities in the world had none. Travesty!

I’m still moved by the sense of sadness I felt that morning.

Sadness, not because I needed a Bible––I had access to two. But because others may not know the Word or how to find it, and this room would be of no help. Someone staying here could need encouragement or be in a situation where their heart is open to the gospel. But they wouldn’t find it here.

God led me to the Scriptures that morning: 2Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 (see below). We live in a society that is phasing out God’s Word from everyday places. Christ’s love and sacrifice are no longer the message of Christmas. People who haven’t experienced the redemption and freedom of new life in Christ are offended if you say that there is only one God and only one sure way to heaven through His Son, Jesus.

In many ways, it’s because the Word is no longer being opened, read, memorized and prayed.

As followers of Christ, let’s pray and live such that the Word of God and His gospel message of love and freedom can run swiftly through us as we interact with others. May Jesus be glorified as we speak and live out Truth. Just as others have gone before us and spread the Good News of eternal salvation, may we live worthy of God’s calling to share the same message with those in our circles of influence. May we throw off everything that hinders and run with perseverance the race marked out for us by Christ.

So next time you stay in or pass by a hotel or motel, think about how you can be the living Word placed purposefully for the benefit of someone else. May they see and hear God’s truth, love, light and hope through you.

“From the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

“Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (NKJV)

May I pray?

Jesus, You are the God of hope. You are the Christ and true Christmas message that lasts all year long. You are the Good News gospel of freedom and eternal salvation. Open our eyes today to see Your glory. Move us to praise You as if today could be our first day in heaven. Teach us to live as an open book of love and praise–– a book that shares You with all who touch it. May we reflect Your light in the pages of our daily lives. Amen.

Q4U: What is your favorite hotel memory?

God Loves You Because…

Why does God love?What would it take for you to believe that God loves you like His favorite child? I mean really loves you––immensely and passionately?

Some of us can’t believe God would love us immensely, because if there is a God of the universe, why would He want to hang out with someone like us? Some of us can’t believe God could love us passionately because we know where we’ve been and what we’ve done, and our experience with relationships is that no one can truly get over our past or love us for who we are today. Some of us have heard this concept of God’s love our whole lives, but we don’t feel it in our hearts.

Here’s truth: Our lives will transform if we accept and embrace God’s love and begin to build an intimate relationship with Him.

But how do we embrace a love we don’t understand? We may not be able to fully comprehend God or understand His agape, unconditional love. So let’s start with what we can understand.

The first step to believing God’s love is to understand why He loves us. Why He loves you. God loves you because… God loves.

God loves you because God loves.

God doesn’t love you because of what you can accomplish or how good you are at something. Conversely, God doesn’t love you less because of the mistakes you’ve made or the things you say or think. God doesn’t love you because of how you look or how smart you are or because you want to help other people.

God doesn’t love you more or less because of anything you do.

God loves you because God is God. The reason behind God’s love is Him, not you. Just like a new mother loves her baby the moment that child is born, so your Heavenly Father has loved you every moment of your existence––not because of anything you’ve done. Not because of anything your parents have done. God loves you because He is God and you are His child. And He loves you like His favorite.

Think about these truths:
*  God loves you because God loves.
*  God loves you because God is God.
*  There is nothing you can do, good or bad, to change God’s love for you.
*  Your part in the equation is to believe God loves you and accept His love.

Spend some time today with your Heavenly Father. He loves you immensely. He loves you passionately. And He misses you dearly.

“God is love.” 1 John 4:8

“God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8 (NLT)

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love. Thank You that You love us not because of anything we do or don’t do, but simply because You love. You are love. Help us to focus today on You and Your love for us. Open our hearts and our minds so that we can grasp a glimpse of the immense, passionate, intense, unfailing love You have for us. May we take a step forward in Your love today, and never look back. Amen.

Q4U: What would it take for you to believe that God loves you like His favorite child?

How to Find Encouragement

Find EncouragementHolidays are over and many of us are looking for encouragement as we start the new year. Why are encouraging words so hard to come by? It’s almost as if there’s a shortage. By contrast, we turn on the news, walk into the break room at work, or go head-to-head in a family disagreement and hear a litany of despair-filled events, complaints and disparaging words that zap hope and pull us down into the muck of discouragement.


It’s hard to get out of the pits, especially if we’re trying to do it alone. So how can we find encouragement to lift us out of the mire and help us rise above our real life circumstances? Here are three ways:

1. Focus on who we’re standing with.
2. Receive the encouragement of others.
3. Offer encouragement to someone in need.

1. Focus on who we’re standing with. If someone asked, “Who’s on your team” or “who’s in your corner” what would you say? Some of us feel it’s “no one” or “the same people who discourage me.” It’s hard when the people closest to us say things that bring us down. And it’s hard when we’re not connected in positive community. No matter what we do, most of us can’t pick ourselves up day after day. We need to stand with someone and know that we’ll get through our struggles together. Who can we stand with?

  • Stand with God. Here’s truth: we’re never alone. Even if we feel like we are. God is always with us. He is our provider. He is our protector. He is Jehovah-sabaoth, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. No matter what is happening in our life, He is the best person to be standing with. He is all-powerful. He is all-knowing. He is everywhere. Even when we’re in the darkest pits of life, He is ready to pull us up if we’ll turn to Him. Believing that God is ALWAYS in our corner is the first step to hope and encouragement.
  • Stand with supportive sisters. Find one person that you can go to and ask for help. Tell her that you need encouragement. Many of us go through our trials alone because we don’t want to bother others, we feel like we should be able to handle them alone, or we feel like no one is there for us. Think of someone you believe is trustworthy and reach out. Let her know what’s going on and ask her to pray for you. This could be the start of a flow of encouragement.

2. Receive the encouragement of others. Sometimes it’s hard to receive the encouragement others are trying to give us. Either they don’t really understand our situation or they don’t know what to say to encourage us. What can we do?

  • Step back from our emotions and be willing to appreciate their attempts at encouragement. It’s like being a boxer in a title fight and the only person in our corner is an intern that’s never seen a boxing match. They’re not much help in the critical moments no matter how eager they are, but at least they’re there and trying.
  • Seek out someone who does understand our struggles and allow them to speak into our lives. Encouragement often comes through new perspective. If we’re willing to open up to someone who has walked a similar road, they can help us to see the big picture of where we are.
  • Receive God’s encouragement through His Word. This really is the first thing we should do, but it’s often the last thing we try. Go to God and allow Him to speak to you through Scripture. During some of the most intense storms in my life I have immersed myself in the Psalms, Job and New Testament letters to hear God in His own words speak encouragement to me. And when I have earnestly pursued Him through His Word, He has always spoken.

3. Offer encouragement to others. It may seem counter-intuitive, but one of the best ways to get out of the despair and gloom of our situation is to serve someone else. When we genuinely offer kindness and love to others, our spirits are lifted. It’s good to feel helpful and filled with purpose, and it allows us to step back from our own trials and gain a different perspective. And by praying for and with someone else, we open up a door for God to come into our heart and mind and bring His peace.

Encouragement may seem elusive, but if we look in the right places we can find hope and new perspective to not only sustain us, but to lift us to new heights.

Blessings and encouragement to you, my dear friends, in this new year!

“May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16

May I pray?

Jesus, thank You for the gift of encouragement and hope that You offer us each day. Help us to step back from our circumstances and focus on You. Strengthen us as we grow in sisterhood. Walk with us as we serve others in their hard times. May our words of encouragement to others be the encouragement we ourselves would like to receive. Amen.

Q4U: Where do you find encouragement?

The Last Big Gift

Who loves presents? I do! What’s not to love? Pretty packages full of surprises. Excitement building with each one as we tear wrapping paper and rip boxes with anticipation. Will we get what we really wanted?

Manners go out the window when it comes to opening gifts.

Especially at Christmas. We’re like kids again. Hoping for that one present we had our heart set on. Eyeing the boxes, and noticing there’s one over in the corner. Too big for one person to carry. Is that for us?

When I was growing up, the first order of business on Christmas day was opening stockings. We usually got things like oranges and candy from “Santa”. My sisters and I were always anxious to get to the presents. After stockings, we each had several small gifts to open. My favorites were horse statues for my collection, and there were usually games, books and records too. But when I was about ten years old there was a big gift.

Back behind the tree. All by itself. And it had my name on it.

Would it be the gift of a lifetime? Was it a saddle for the pony I so desperately wanted? Was it a dog bed for the puppy I had been begging for?

Would this be the year? Would the annual gift of flannel pajamas be replaced by something grand? Something amazing? Something I would remember for the rest of my life?

Not so much. To my dismay it wasn’t the gift of a lifetime. It was a white suitcase. No saddle. No dog bed. Nothing in the suitcase. Just a suitcase.

I was crushed. My one big gift of a lifetime was a letdown. And it was all I could do to say “thank you” as disappointment washed over me. It wasn’t what I wanted and it showed. My parents saw their gift as a an accompaniment to new adventures. I saw it as an empty suitcase.

I wonder if God looks at us the same way my parents must have looked at me that day.

God gives us so many good gifts. Sometimes they’re amazing, like a new job, an opportunity to travel, or a close group of friends. Sometimes they’re things we take for granted, like a warm bed and pillow to sleep on, a family who loves us, a huge holiday meal with leftovers, or money to pay our bills. Sometimes we don’t even think of blessings as gifts, like our health, the ability to run and play, or the freedom to sing Christmas carols and go to Christmas eve services.

Each day it’s as if we open gift after gift from God, looking to see what’s next. We tear through the wrapping paper of this one, we run on to the next one. We may or may not remember to thank God for each gift. We’re like kids without manners. But even still, our Father loves us and He’s so excited. Because there’s one more present He has to give. The last big gift He’s been waiting for us to open. It’s not health or wealth. It’s not a new family member or pet. It’s not a promotion. It’s God. He’s giving us Himself. He’s giving us Jesus.

God wants us to receive the greatest gift of all. He paid a huge price for it. He’s so excited for us to accept it. But He won’t force us to take it. He’s waiting to see our reaction.

Jesus is the last big gift.

Will we receive Jesus and praise God for such a priceless gift? Or will we allow disappointment to wash over us because we didn’t get what we wanted this year?

Regardless of our current situation, God lovingly provides and protects us when we humbly turn to Him. And among all of the gifts that God so lavishly showers on each one of us, there is one big gift that He is most excited to give us. Himself.

Merry Christmas, my friends! I pray that the peace and joy of the season will fill you this Christmas. I can’t wait to hear from you in the new year!

“‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.’” John 3:16 (ESV)

May I pray?

Jesus, You are the last big gift. The one that, after all of the smaller gifts and blessings are opened, God sets before us and says, “Now open this one.” Thank You for giving Your life for us. Thank You for reaching out to us so that we can know You. Thank You for the huge price You paid to give us freedom and new life. Lord, I pray a special blessing upon my sisters and brothers reading this today. May they be renewed by the power of Your Holy Spirit, and may the wonder of Christmas fill them with hope and peace. In Your holy, precious Name I pray. Amen.

Q4U: How will you respond this Christmas to God’s last big gift to you?

What’s Up w/the Partridge & Pear Tree?

What’s your favorite Christmas carol? It’s hard for me to pick just one. I grew up in a family that sang in the choir and went caroling through the neighborhood with a group each year, so I love Christmas music. I sing along (out of earshot from others, mind you) every chance I get. One of my all-time favorite classics is the “12 Days of Christmas” sung by John Denver and the Muppets. It may be old, but I still love the chutzpah of Miss Piggy, especially at the end of the song.

I was talking to my husband about Christmas songs and to my absolute surprise, he didn’t know the words to the 12 Days of Christmas! How is that possible? He’s a musician! And then I realized that there are a lot of people that didn’t grow up listening to Christmas carols and haven’t memorized every word to every song.

Sad but true.

What’s also true is that even for someone like me who can sing every word to the carols (whether in tune or not), I don’t always know the true meaning of the song.

Like my favorite 12 Days of Christmas. Until last week, I never knew there was underlying meaning!

Here’s what I found out. There are two disputing camps: one that says the song means nothing and one that says it does. Go figure. The camp that says this carol does have meaning says this: From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England weren’t permitted to practice their faith openly. So this old folk song was written to help children remember the tenets of their faith.

The hidden meaning of the gifts given by “My True Love” are:

– The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ
– Two turtle doves are the Old and New Testaments
– Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love (1 Corinthians 13:13)
– Four calling birds are the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
– Five gold rings reference the Torah (aka the Law) which are the first five books of the Old Testament
– Six geese a-laying are the six days of creation
– Seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Contributing to the needs of others, Leadership and Mercy (Romans 12:6-8)
– Eight maids a-milking are the eight Beatitudes, i.e. “Blessed are…” (Matthew 5:3-10)
– Nine ladies dancing are the nine Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control (Galatians 5:22-23)
– Ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments
– Eleven pipers piping are the eleven faithful disciples
– Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed

Whether this was an English folk song used to teach children about their faith or not, I’ll never listen to or sing it flippantly again.

This song will bring my thoughts back to the true meaning of Christmas.

My True Love, God, has given us a precious gift above all others. Each verse in the 12 days comes back to one gift: the partridge in the pear tree. Jesus Christ. The baby in a manger. Our Savior who lived, died and rose again for you and for me.

As we go through the 12 days of Christmas, may we remember what we’re celebrating. New life. New hope. A new relationship with God.

On the ___ day of Christmas my True Love gave to me… and a partridge in a pear tree!

“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, sometimes You get overlooked in Christmas. Even though “Christ” is the base of “Christmas”, our thoughts get caught up in gifts and songs and celebrations. Not You. Forgive us, Lord, for not putting You first in our holiday. Help us as we go through this year’s 12 days of Christmas to turn our thoughts and praise back to You. You are the reason for the season. May we rejoice that our True Love gave us such a precious gift. Amen.

Q4U: What’s your favorite Christmas carol and why?

Favorite Christmas Cards

How many Christmas cards do you send each year? Hallmark Corporation estimates that Americans will send approximately 1.5 billion Christmas cards this year. That’s a lot of cards! And it’s 10 times more cards than the next most popular card-giving holiday: Valentine’s Day (we only buy about 144 million cards for that holiday).

Christmas is a time of wishing others well. And we do it through cards.

We send thoughts of peace and goodwill. We wish friends and family prosperity for the season and into the new year. We thank customers for their support and loyalty. We remind people to turn their thoughts to Jesus, God’s gift to His children.

There are two Christmas cards this year that stand out to me. And surprisingly, both were received through email. Sorry, Hallmark.

The first was sent by my pastor back home in D.C. The words were actually in a Christmas card he received a few years ago, but the message was so impactful that he still remembers it today. Here’s what it said:

If our greatest need had been information,
God would have sent us an educator;
If our greatest need had been technology,
God would have sent us a scientist;
If our greatest need had been money,
God would have sent us an economist;
If our greatest need had been pleasure,
God would have sent us an entertainer;
But our greatest need was forgiveness,
So God sent us a Savior.

God sent us a Savior. His very own Son. Why? Because God knows that our greatest need is to be with Him. God wants to be in an intimate love relationship with us, and so He sent Jesus to restore us through forgiveness. Jesus came as a baby in a manger. He didn’t come as a powerful warrior, although He leads the Heavenly Hosts. He didn’t come as a brash political leader, although He controls the nations. He didn’t come as a billionaire, although He controls all resources and fortunes. No, Jesus came as a quiet, humble child who was anything but ordinary. And through His Son, God calls us to come back to Him.

The second card that I really love this season is an eCard sent by a friend from elementary school. You have to love Facebook for connecting people from so many years ago! Here is what her card said:

In the happy moments, praise God
In the difficult moments, seek God
In the quiet moments, trust God
In every moment, thank God

Yes, in every moment, thank Him. We will all have times of joy, crisis, sorrow, hope, uncertainty, regret, and new beginnings. These are part of real life. And what is also part of real life is God. He is with us in every moment. He is ready to comfort. Ready to help. Ready to guide. Ready to rejoice.

God is ready to live with us in every moment we’re willing to share with Him.

God came as a baby so we wouldn’t be afraid. And the angels proclaimed the good news of this Savior of all people. He is the promised One. He went to the cross for us. And He lives today to bring salvation to those who will believe in Him. He is Jesus. He is the reason for the season. He has come for you and me.

“The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I will bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior is born to you; He is Christ the Lord.’” Luke 2:11-12

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You. Thank You for your unfailing love. Thank You for sending Your Son to live and die for us. Thank You for Your forgiveness and the eternal life that You give as a free gift to all who believe in Jesus. Thank You for wanting to share every moment with us in intimate fellowship. May we turn to You today and let down our guard. May we come to You and share the happy moments, difficult moments, and quiet moments of real life. Amen.

Q4U: What’s your favorite Christmas card?

Be Careful What You Ask For

Do you make a list of things you’d like for Christmas so that family and friends can shop appropriately? It’s that time of year again, and making a list is a good idea. Especially if your family doesn’t appreciate your taste in clothes or decorating.

I remember a few years ago I was given a green sweater with an enormous embroidered Santa covering the front, surrounded by small glittery snowflakes and holly. I know it was a nice sweater. I appreciate the thought. And I’m sure the sweater would look great on a grandmother or someone who likes to wear tinsel earrings and red shoes to match. But that’s not me. And I just couldn’t bring myself to put it on for the obligatory picture to show I was wearing it.

The infamous green sweater is a classic example of someone buying what they would like and not really knowing what I would like. Either that or they got stuck with it at the previous year’s gift exchange and decided to offload it, I mean re-gift it.

It’s hard when we ask for one thing and get something else.

So what are you asking God for these days? Many of us put items like new coats or purses on our Christmas list for family and friends, but when it comes to asking God for things we list the big ticket items. Like a new car, a new job, a new relationship.

But sometimes we realize that what we need to ask God for is not a thing, but change within us.

Like patience. I was talking to my friend last week and she was telling me about how she’s been praying and asking God for patience. She needs a lot of it. She has a business to grow that involves dealing daily with high maintenance clients. In addition, her husband quit his job to start a career in real estate so she’s carrying the financial burden as he gets launched. She was also hosting Thanksgiving for her family and her out-of-town in-laws who were planning on staying way too long for comfort. Stress was high, patience was thin, and so she had been praying.

She trusted God enough to know that He would answer. But His answer was not what she expected. To her (and to me) the perfect answer would have been something like a “patience pill”. Stress goes up, patience goes down, take two of these little pink patience pills with a strong dose of Scripture and prayer and you’ll be full of patience in the morning. The stressful situations will work themselves out quickly and without issue, and the world will be peaceful again in no time.

Sounds good to me. I’d like a few patience pills to go please.

Of course, God doesn’t work like this. In fact, what He did was the exact opposite. Instead of taking away the stressful situations or having everything miraculously work out, God began giving her new situations that were like a burr under the saddle. Irritants. Stresses. Conflicts. But with each one, she turned to God and prayed for strength and patience, and God answered. She was covered in His peace. She stood in His strength. She could feel the patience growing.

It wasn’t anything she was doing. It wasn’t anything she could have done on her own.

It was the power of God working in her and through her. He was growing patience within her. He was teaching her self-control and how to respond without reacting. He was giving her patience through the process of overloading her so that she had to rely on God.

It wasn’t a pill. It wasn’t a quick fix or a 24 hour bandaid. It was so much better. Because the patience God gave her will now be a part of who she is as she continues on her journey.

Be careful what you ask for this Christmas. Because if you’re asking God for something, He may not give you what you think you want. But He will always give you what is best. If you leave the specifics of the gift up to God, He’ll bless you with something truly amazing as you look back and see how it has changed you forever.

“How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” Matthew 7:11

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, You are the giver of good gifts. You bless us with gifts we take for granted, like food at every meal, a warm house, and a soft pillow to sleep on. You bless us with gifts we often don’t appreciate, like a job that pays the bills and family or friends that love us even if they drive us crazy. And You bless us with gifts we can’t understand at the time, like turmoil and challenges that test us and change us if we’ll turn our hearts to You. Lord, as we head into this Christmas season, may we focus not on the gifts we hope to receive, but on You, the Giver of all good gifts. And may our Christmas list to You include those areas we struggle with, like patience, gratitude, and generosity. Continue Your work in us, that we may never be the same again. Amen.

Q4U: What are you asking for this Christmas?

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

Different Kind of ThanksgivingWhat’s your favorite Thanksgiving memory? Maybe it’s a Thanksgiving with your family when everyone was together, before people moved away or passed away. Maybe it’s the traditions of turkey trots or touch football games or wearing pajamas until noon or watching parades. Maybe it’s a cooking mishap (like hitting “self-clean” instead of “bake”) that was a disaster at the time but now is worthy of laughs.

My favorite Thanksgiving memory goes back to the early years when my dad was still alive. Thanksgiving was one of the three days a year that we actually ate in the dining room (Christmas and Easter were the others). My parents always invited friends who didn’t have family nearby, so Mom would break out the china, crystal and silver. The table was beautiful. The food was amazing and would provide fabulous leftovers for days to come. And we’d always watch a football game on TV after dinner.

It was a day for family, friends and food. What could be better than that?

Now, some 30+ years later, Thanksgiving has new meaning for me. I don’t have the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with family anymore. But as I enter a new season of my life, it’s as if my eyes have been opened to see the vast storehouses of God’s goodness poured out. Truly, I am blessed beyond measure.

As I travel abroad each year and receive prayer requests from/for people around the world, I’m reminded that we, as Americans, cannot begin to fathom the poverty that most of the world is in. We cannot understand the wars, the persecution, the stench, the squalor, the desperation, the unmentionable things that happen in secret. We have so much. They have so little.

What can we do?

There are many ways to reach out to others. Offer a few hours of help in a food pantry. Sponsor a child through World Vision or Compassion International. Support ministries like International Justice Mission. But just as important, I believe we need to get on our knees and let God break our heart for what breaks His.

I pray this will be a different kind of Thanksgiving for all of us. One where we not only thank God for His blessings showered upon our life, but we also stand in the gap for others and lift them up to Him. People we know personally, and people we don’t. Those who are struggling financially, physically, spiritually. Those who feel alone or lost. Those who are forgotten.

Lord, thank You for…

Freedom. Freedom to worship. Freedom to go where we want, when we want. Freedom to speak our mind. Freedom to speak Truth without fear of reprisal or censuring. Lord, I pray for those around the world who do not have freedom. Those who are persecuted and tortured for their faith in You. Those who are imprisoned unjustly and separated from their families. Those who are sold, used and abused as slaves. Those in our own country who live in fear. God, I pray You comfort them, sustain them, strengthen them, and shine a light of hope in their life today. May they hear You. May they see You through someone You send to them with a word of encouragement.

Love. God’s love. The love of family. The love of friends. Lord, I pray that we will have the sensitivity to offer love to those who feel empty. I pray we’ll have the patience and humility to love the unlovely. I pray for those who have been hurt and broken; those who have walls of protection around their heart that prevent them from receiving love. May Your love reign in this world and break down barriers. May Your love shine in and through us to warm those we encounter this holiday season. A small drop of love brings hope to a dark and barren life. May we be intentional in showering Your love on others.

You, God. There is no greater gift than God Himself. Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself through Your Word so that we may know You more each day. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son, Jesus, for us so that we are no longer separated from You. Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit who lives in every believer so we will never again be alone. You are the Giver of everything we have. May we be thankful for the bounty of blessings You give to each one of us. But more importantly, may we look past the gifts and truly praise You, the Giver. May we be thankful for Your unchanging and unending love for us. It’s hard to imagine that the Creator of all things, who knows every intimate detail about each one of us, actually wants us to know Him intimately. And yet You do. Lord, I lift up those who don’t know You, or aren’t sure that they do. Open their eyes that they may see. Open their ears that they may hear. Open their hearts that they may know You and love You like never before.

This Thanksgiving, may we offer our thanks to God for the tremendous blessings He has bestowed upon us. But more than gifts, may we praise the Giver. And may we pray for others who aren’t experiencing freedom, love, and a relationship with Jesus.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

Q4U: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving memory?

Just Stop!

Have you ever been around someone who is so caught in a tizzy that you finally yell, “Just stop!” Or if you’re like me, maybe you’re the one who gets caught up in the turmoil of life and you need someone to cut in and hit pause.

As busyness increases and our time, attention and patience decrease, it can be hard to avoid a swirl of chaos and emotions in everyday life.

We see it in ourselves. We see it in our kids. We see it in our bosses. If we’re looking for it, we see it all around us. The need to stop. The need to pause. The need to do something different than what we’ve been doing.

“Stop talking and just listen.”
“Stop running around in circles long enough to catch your breath.”
“Stop driving down the wrong road so you can find a way to the right road.”

For most of us, we can take these literally or figuratively. We’re zeroed-in on a task, dead set in our thinking, lost but too afraid to stop pushing forward even if it is the wrong direction.

We’re no different than the people back in Jesus’ day. Listen to what He said:

“Stop grumbling.” John 6:43
“Stop judging by mere appearances.” John 7:24
“Stop doubting and believe.” John 20:27

The key is this: We can’t just stop doing something exhausting or destructive, we have to start doing something good instead. In Psalm 46:10, our Heavenly Father says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” In other words, Stop––be still, and then praise Him!

It makes me think of when Jesus was on a boat with His disciples and a storm began to rage. The disciples cried out to Him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. The wind and the waves were in a frenzy, the disciples were at the end of their rope, and Jesus said “Stop!” If we would be like the wind and the waves, if we would be quiet and be still in the presence of Jesus, if we would heed His words, we too could feel the peace of “completely calm.”

The holiday season is upon us and it’s filled with excitement, gifts, and traditions. It’s also full of lists, chaos and stress. Many people are taking the month of November to offer daily postings of what they’re thankful for. This is a great way to hit pause and praise God each day. It’s a great way to find the calm in the busyness around us. Let’s stop what we’re doing today long enough to be still and offer praise to Him!

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39

May I pray?

Jesus, few of us have ever experienced the peace and tranquility of “completely calm”. Help us today to stop, turn our focus to You, and be still. Help us to hear Your words and praise You for who You are––our awesome God who is in, over and above every storm, the only One with the power to command our storms. May we not just stop running, but may we listen for Your voice. May we not just stop doubting, but may we believe Your truth. Thank You that You are always ready to step in and bring us peace––true peace that is found only in Your presence. Amen.

Q4U: How can you be still in the busyness of today and show your praise to God?

In Her Own Words… Angela B

My name is Angela B and this is my story….

I was born the youngest of 6 in Dallas, TX to Dalia Carbajal. Dalia was an alcoholic and I was taken away along with my other 5 siblings. I don’t know my dad. I tried to live with an aunt and uncle from 2-4 years old. That wasn’t very good because my uncle sexually abused me and nothing was ever done about it. When I was 4 years old, my mom let me go with who she said were my “godparents” for a birthday trip to Nebraska. They never went home and my mom never came to get me. So I ended up in Nebreska for good.

From there I bounced around from foster home to foster home. Then at age 8 I got adopted. I was as excited as I could be at that age because I was going have a good home where I knew what being loved felt like. But it was nothing I expected. My adopted mom (Deb) abused me physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally for the next 8 years. I hated coming home every day. I felt trapped because Deb was a high school teacher at the school I went to and I couldn’t escape her. She knew everything. And the abuse was investigated by the authorities three times and all three times nothing happened. When I got into teenage years I started acting out and my behavior got so bad that Deb felt she couldn’t handle me, so I was sent to group home after group home.

While in one of the group homes when I was 16 years old, Deb came to tell me she had relinquished her parental rights. That was a good thing because I wasn’t going to have to worry about being abused anymore. But at the same time it was confusing to me because I really didn’t know what relinquishment meant. The confusion and hurt caused me to push people away and sabotage relationships.

At the age of 18 after successfully graduating a group home in Kearney, NE I moved into a transitional independent living program. I’m forever grateful for that, because I learned basic living skills and how to get a job and keep a job. I was still in high school while living on my own and working. Deb said I would never be able to graduate from high school because I was too stupid, which I now know through God and His Word isn’t true. And I did graduate high school.

Before graduating, I accepted Christ into my life as my personal Savior and ever since then my life has changed. Life is a lot easier. I mean, I still have struggles but it’s much easier to go through the struggles because of God. And I’ve found forgiveness for my mom, uncle and adopted mom, but I only found forgiveness through God. We cannot do anything, especially forgive, on our own. And if we try it will not be good. So if anyone has hurt you, go to God and forgive them so you will be forgiven. In the Bible it says we will not be forgiven if we don’t forgive, and I know I want to be forgiven because I’m messed up. And when it comes down to it, I’m not worthy of God. I deserve hell but instead God invests in me daily and I’m finding the more I walk in Him and the more I walk in His truth, the more freedom I experience. It’s amazing. God is amazing.

“If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14

May I pray?

Father God, thank You for Angela and her courage to tell her story. Thank You for the way You’re working in her heart as You bring her to a place of new life and hope in You. I lift up all of the young women who are struggling with the confusion, emotion and pain of abuse and abandonment. May they know they are never alone, for You are always with them. And may they know that they do not have so stay in an abusive situation. Please show them someone in their life who will come alongside them and help them walk out of the darkness into Your light. Amen.

Q4U: Do you have a Rising Above Real Life story? You can encourage others by sharing your journey. Please contact me at Joy@RisingAboveRealLife.com. Names can remain confidential.

3 Steps Toward Good Life

Have you ever agreed to something because you expected a certain outcome, but then something completely different happened? Often the “different” result is not good and we’re left wondering, “How did that happen?” It may be that we didn’t have a full understanding of the situation or we were taking a risk. Regardless of why it happened, the result is disappointment and loss. We do our best to pick up the pieces and move on.

We may not be where we thought we’d be or where we want to be at this point in life. So how can we make the most of opportunities we have moving forward? Here are 3 steps toward good life:

1. Plant good seed. There is a law of nature that says we’ll get what we plant. For example, if we plant wheat seeds, we won’t get watermelon. We’ll get wheat. If we plant sunflower seeds, we won’t get turnips. We’ll get sunflowers. What we plant is what we’ll harvest. In our lives, we know this law as “you reap what you sow”, and it refers to the state of our heart and mind. Yes it’s true that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. But regardless of circumstances, we can live a joy-filled “good life” if we’re planting good seeds. How do we know if the seeds we’re planting are good or bad? If we’re continually focused on pleasure and physical treasure, we will reap what the world has to offer––broken relationships, empty pursuits, and a continual longing for more in life (i.e. the harvest of bad seeds). But if we focus on loving and serving others, we will find peace and joy even in the hardest of circumstances. This is the harvest of good seeds. “A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7

2. Don’t give up: dawn always comes after darkness. Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to give up than to continue holding on or trying to do good things for other people. But God assures us that if we don’t give up, we will reap a harvest at the proper time. We can’t always see good seeds taking root. Just as seeds of grain begin the growing process under ground and we can’t see anything happening until the small green shoots begin to emerge, the seeds we’re planting in our lives and the lives of others may not be evident right away. But the law of nature prevails: we reap what we sow. If we’re planting good seeds, we’ll have a harvest of good life. But we can’t give up or we’ll never experience the joy of the harvest. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

3. Praise in the process, thanking God for the opportunities He gives us to plant seeds. Here’s truth: God opens doors of opportunity; how we move through them is up to us. Doors of opportunity may relate to pouring into the lives of others with encouragement. These doors may be opportunities to be a light of hope in someone’s dark world. Doors of opportunity may relate to showing God’s love to someone by choosing not to do what others are doing: yelling, gossiping, lying, stealing. These doors may be opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ by giving our time and attention to someone who is struggling or feeling alone. We may not always understand God’s plans behind the doors in front of us, but if we choose to move forward through them praising God in the process, we will be planting good seeds along the way. And goodness will bloom behind us as a trail showing the path we’ve chosen. “Surely goodness and love shall follow me all the days of my life.” Psalm 23:6

We’ve all experienced the turmoil of real life. Many of us have endured years of confrontation with people close to us. And many of us want to move forward in a new way, breaking the bondage of the turmoil of the past. There is hope for new life filled with goodness, joy and love.

This hope takes root when we begin planting seeds of good life.

God says, “The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:8

May the path we walk starting today be marked with good seeds. And surely goodness, mercy and love shall follow our trail from this point forward.

May I pray?

Lord, You are good. Thank You for the love and mercy that You want to shower on us if we’ll come to You, regardless of where we’ve been or where we are. You’re calling us right now, asking us to join You on the path to good life. Please help us to inspect the seeds we’re sowing today so we can choose good seed. And please, God, fill us with hope as we refuse to give up. May our lips and our lives be full of praise for You. Amen.

Q4U: What good seeds are you planting today?

Are You the One?

Have you ever been in search of the “one”? Maybe the “one” was the person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. Maybe the “one” was the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect car or the perfect puppy. We believe the “one” is someone or something that will make us happy and fill our deepest needs.

And so we pursue the “one”.

Our society encourages us to not settle for less than the “one”. And many of us go through life feeling alone and empty because we never found that elusive “one”.

God also is in search of the “one”. He even tells His children to go out and look for the “one”. But God’s “one” is different.

Who is God’s “one”?

God’s “one” is anyone and everyone living outside the freedom and forgiveness of His grace. God instructs His people to “see to it that no ONE misses the grace of God.” Hebrews 12:15 God pursues the “one”, and He wants those of us living in the light of His Truth to reach out to the “one” with His love.

How can we possibly make a difference?

Have you heard the story of the boy and the starfish? There was a hurricane that churned the depths of the sea and hundreds of thousands of starfish began washing up on shore. As a man walked along the beach he saw a young boy pick up a starfish and throw it back into the ocean. He watched for a few minutes as the boy continued to pick up starfish after starfish and throw them into the waves. The man knew the boy was trying to save the starfish, but it was a lost cause. The beach was covered with them. He went up to the boy and said, “Son, I admire your determination to help the starfish, but you’re only one boy and there are hundreds of thousands of starfish here. You can’t make a difference.” Without pausing to look at the man, the boy picked up another starfish, threw it into the surf, and said, “I just made a difference to that one.”

We may feel like we’re only one person without much to offer. How can we really make a difference in this world? The truth is that sometimes the smallest act of love, forgiveness and grace can have a huge impact in someone’s life. We don’t have to save the world. But by reaching out to “one”, their life may be changed forever. When we offer ourselves to others by extending the same grace that God gave to us, God will work through us. And one by one, lives will be changed. Including ours.

If you aren’t sure you believe that God can wash you clean of your past and bring you to new life, know this: God is pursuing you. Right now. He knows you, He loves you, and He is waiting for you to turn to Him. You are the one He wants with Him for eternity. You are the one He wants to live a joy-filled life here and now.

If you know God and love Him but don’t know what you can do that will really make a difference, ask God to show you “one”: one person, one geographical area, one ministry that you can begin serving. One person can make a big impact by starting with one small act of service. And if we all helped just one person, there would be more lives touched than we could ever imagine.

Helping millions of people is amazing. Helping millions of people is possible. But to get to a million, we have to start with one. Let’s help one today.

If you’d like to hear more about helping “one”, watch this powerful message by Michael Frost, guest speaker at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. His story of a changed life at the end of the message shows how one humble person can literally save an entire community.

“See to it that no ONE misses the grace of God.” Hebrews 12:15

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You that You pursue each and every ONE of us, even if we don’t really know You yet. And thank You for giving us the opportunity to come alongside You as we reach out to others with the love, forgiveness and grace that You have so freely given us. Open our eyes to see where we can help just one, and give us the courage to reach out in Your strength. Amen.

Q4U: Who is one person you can reach out to today?

The Lies of Childhood

Did anyone ever tell you a lie as a child that you believed was true? We all know about “little white” lies people say are supposed to protect us. And lies about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

But what about the lies of childhood that become the mountains and wounds of adulthood?

What about the lies that become so ingrained in our minds as truth that we can’t get over them? We can’t get around them? They may heal enough to get scabs, but then something scrapes us the wrong way and the pain tears us apart as the wounds open again. What about those lies?

Have you heard the lies of childhood? You were a mistake. You disgust me. You’ll never amount to anything. You’re worthless. You’ll never be as pretty/thin/smart/successful as her. If you weren’t bad I wouldn’t have to do this. Your mother never really loved you. This is what you have to do to get boys to like you. No one will ever love you.

Have you heard lies like that? Most of us have heard them. Many of us still believe them. And those lies prevent us from being able to move forward in life.

They keep us looking back at the past and believing that we will never be good enough. If we weren’t good enough as an innocent child, how can we ever measure up as a struggling adult? If people continue to put us down, how can a perfect God ever really love us?

Three important truths:

1. It’s not what we can do, it’s what God has already done. God gave us His Son to be our Savior. No one, not even the best person you know, can ever be “good enough” without Jesus as Savior. Our “goodness” identity comes from Him.

2. If we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are no longer clothed in our sin. All of the dirt and bad things from the past are washed away. Completely. God sees the covering of Jesus when He looks at us. And that is way more than good enough.

3. Often the battle to rise above our circumstances and move forward into new life has to start with a decision. A decision to move the mountain of childhood lies.

How do we move a mountain?

We tell it to get out of our way. Then we let go of our feelings and take hold of God’s Truth. And we let Jesus lead us from here.

Victory is won when we believe God instead of the mountain of lies.

When we have faith in God, His power is unleashed in our lives. When we trust God, He can move the mountains. With His power all things are possible. And it starts with us believing that He can and will redeem our hard places for His glory. Why? Because of who He is. He is our Creator, our Father, our Savior, our Provider, our Defender, our Friend. He is trustworthy, good, loving, merciful, just, powerful, all-knowing, faithful, unchanging.

It’s time for us to stand up to the lies of childhood and tell that mountain to move. If we trust God and believe that He is still in the new life business, we can walk forward with Him––beyond the mountains of the past.

“‘I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’” Matthew 17:20

May I pray?

Jesus, thank You for telling us that we have the power to move mountains when we believe in You and walk in Your power. Help us to believe that when You live in us, our identity is in You. Please help us to let go of the lies of the past and not listen to their ring. Give us the courage to turn to Your Word and begin focusing on truth instead of lies. Amen.

Q4U: What mountain is standing in your way today?

Pumpkins in our Patch of Real Life

Have you ever grown your own vegetables? It sounds like a great idea at first. But trying to get vegetable plants to grow and survive in a backyard garden to the point of actually producing edible fruit is easier said than done.

As we head into fall, many of us will make our annual trek to the local pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin. Some are small orange spheres ideal for the kitchen table. Others are well-suited for jack-o-lanterns, either tall, squatty, or adorned with gnarly branches. And some are absolutely gargantuan weighing several hundred pounds. Imagine the pumpkin seeds that come from that monster!

Whether or not we have a green thumb for growing veggies and pumpkins, many of us are called to be gardeners. Our children (and our friends) are the pumpkins in our pumpkin patch of real life.

What are 4 ways to nurture our pumpkin patch kids?

1. Water––We pour life-giving love, time and attention into our children and friends. We keep the soil of their hearts moist with the living water of God’s Word and truth. We help them feel secure knowing they are dearly loved, accepted, and cared for, and always will be.

2. Fertilize––We provide additional nourishment of encouragement, direction, and discipline. We help them grow by opening their horizons to new interests. We foster character building by helping them learn that life is not about winning, it’s about loving. We pray for and with them.

3. Prune––We guide them in pursuing areas where they excel. We stay engaged in their life and activities, and help them make the hard decisions of what they should and shouldn’t do. This may include clipping off some dead or wilting branches so that healthy branches can fully bloom.

4. Protect––We keep them safe by putting up fences. The boundaries we set are not only for them, but for others looking in as well. Rabbits and squirrels try to sneak in and take small bites here and there which can injure or scar our little pumpkins. Left unchecked, foxes and raccoons will roam the pumpkin patch and inflict huge gashes which may severely wound our pumpkins. And robbers are on the prowl to climb the fence and steal what they can. We stay watchful to guard against these intruders.

Nurturing and tending our pumpkin patch of real life is a huge responsibility. But the rewards are endless. What a blessing to watch our pumpkin patch kids grow, bloom, and develop into beautiful, mature adults. All leading up to that day when we proudly release them into the marketplace of their real life. And they begin to produce fruit of their own.

Who knows. Maybe a few of their seeds will make it back into our pumpkin patch for another season.

“Train a child in the way [she] should go, and when [she] is old [she] will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

May I pray?

God, sometimes the responsibility of raising children and encouraging friends can be overwhelming. We feel ill-equipped and unsure of what to do or how. Help us, Lord, to take a step back and start looking for small ways that we can have big impact. Above all, may we shower love and acceptance on those in our care, and praise You for the time we have to pour into their life and help them grow. May the fruit of their lives, and ours, be for Your glory. Amen.

Q4U: What is one way you can pour into the life of someone else today?

In Her Own Words… Javonne

My name is Javonne and this is my story…

I was 21 years old, a senior in college, talented, educated, and healthy. I should have been excitedly  looking forward to the opportunities that lay ahead of me.  Instead, I was facing divorce and the judgment of a family who could not accept it.

I married at age 17 to a guy I believed was a follower of Christ. He came from the same conservative family background as I did and we met at a private school run by our church. After dating for 18 months, we got married. I was ecstatic. The perfect guy had come my way, and we were going to make a life under God.

The week after we were married, he stopped going to church with me. Next, he began to belittle the people in my family. That turned into belittling me. Eventually, very slowly, I found myself in a turmoil of verbal and physical abuse that grew worse by the month like a live frog being heated slowly to a boil in a pot. I had to find a way out.

I finally decided to talk to my sister about the situation. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of things but I told her what was happening. She was in disbelief and she urged me to leave immediately for my safety. She came to get me and took me to her home to live.

The next few months were rocky. He pleaded that I come back. I didn’t want to give up on my marriage. Marriage is for life! Not something you can just throw away because it’s difficult. So I gave it a shot. I went back to him with full commitment and determination to make it work. Within just a few months, he was back to his old ways and worse. My parents feared for my life.

Again, my sister came to get me. I lived with her for a year while I went through a divorce. During this time, some of my relatives who are very conservative wrote letters to me shunning my actions. A few of them wouldn’t be around me or look me in the eyes. They wanted to keep themselves clear of the sinful divorcee. My self-esteem and my commitment to God sank.  I thought that if God was going to banish me to hell for getting away from such a bad situation, as some of my relatives had preached to me, then I just didn’t need God.

After two years, I started to date again. I found myself treating men badly, lashing out to hurt someone the way I had been hurt. I met one guy in particular who cared for me deeply. He was kind and honest. I dumped him because he didn’t go to church. Trouble was, I didn’t either.

One day I received a letter from an Aunt. She was very conservative but she had never judged me. She wrote that no matter what I was going through, she loved me anyway. And God loved me more. I just needed to let Him in. Somehow those few words penetrated my hurting heart. I broke down and cried, and begged God to please take care of me. It was clear I didn’t know how to on my own.

I found a church that had women’s small groups. I was surrounded by ladies who had struggles of their own, but they were making it through every day with peace. Through their many prayers and their example, I was able to let God have my heart again. Only through Him and the church family He provided was I able to truly heal and again become a caring and kind woman. The cold and uncaring Javonne was gone.

It’s been 12 years now since my divorce. It’s been 6 years since I surrendered my life to God fully. I struggle. I have difficult times. But I have joy and peace through it all. I discovered that if God brought me through the worst time in my life when I didn’t even want Him, He can and will be right here with me through everything. It’s difficult to do, but to “Let Go and Let God” take care of me is one of the best choices I’ve ever made. And praise God I’m beginning a new chapter in my life now with someone I truly love, and who truly loves me.

Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

May I pray?

Father God, thank You that You never let go of us no matter where we are. Thank You that You never stop loving us no matter what we do. Lord, I lift up those ladies who are hurting from harsh or abusive relationships. Protect them, Father, I pray. Comfort them. Give them strength and courage to talk to someone who can help them. Bring them peace as they seek You. You alone bring healing to our deepest wounds. You alone bring us to new life. May we put our trust in You and find hope today. Amen.

Q4U: Do you have a Rising Above Real Life story? You can encourage others by sharing the ups and downs of your journey. Names can remain confidential. Please contact me at Joy@RisingAboveRealLife.com .