Front Row Parking and Other Needs

What do you need today? If someone were to ask me, I’d probably say more time, more money, or less stress. Not really things you can put on a birthday list. So if they pressed me and said, “Today, specifically what do you need?” I’d have to think about it.

Not too long ago I could have answered that question very quickly. I needed a parking spot.

Do you ever get stuck going around and around in parking lots and garages looking for a place to park? My husband and I were going out for sushi. The restaurant is one of our favorites, but it’s in a town center with lots of restaurants. And far too few garages and parking spaces. We had a full day so by the time we headed over there it was prime time for mass crowds. It could take way too long to find a place to park.

So as we neared the town center I started praying for a parking spot.

It may seem odd to pray for something as trivial as parking, but why not? God can part the seas and raise the dead back to life. Certainly He can provide parking. As I was praying, my husband laughed (not a rude laugh, just an amused chuckle). I told him the story Lon Solomon tells about various trips to the shopping mall with his boys. Every time they went to the mall they prayed out loud for a good parking space. And every time they prayed, Jesus answered.

Lon loved to tell about the amazing front row spots he and his kids got. Because they prayed.

I finished telling the story as we began pulling into the parking garage. My husband said, “Well, if I see a car levitating I’ll know your prayer worked.” And I said, “We won’t need to see a car levitating because Jesus knew our need before we asked for it and the spot is already empty.”

And wouldn’t you know, as we pulled around the first curve on the main level of the packed garage, there it was. Right by the exit to restaurant row. One open spot. Waiting for us.

My response as we pulled in?

First, I said, “Thank You, Jesus!” and gave Him a high-five in the air. Then I turned to my beau and said, “See, I told you so.” Yeah, who’s laughing now!

Out of respect and full disclosure, it’s important for me to tell you that my husband loves Jesus and fully believes He can do anything. In fact, he’s a real prayer warrior. But like many of us, he has never prayed for something like a parking space and wouldn’t think to bring a request like that to God. Why? Because it doesn’t seem to be a real need. Not like food, clothing, resolution to conflicts, or the mortgage payment. Those are needs. But a parking space?

Here’s the thing: Jesus wants to be involved in every aspect of our life. Even going to dinner and parking. He wants us to be including Him and bringing Him into the situation. And He loves to bless us and show us His power. So if we’re turning to Him and asking for something in His will, in His name, and for His glory, expect that He will answer.

Yes, my asking for a parking space benefits me. But the real blessing is to be able to tell the story of God’s power and answer to such a menial prayer! God is so good. He can do so much more than we will ever ask or imagine. It’s time to start asking and praising Him in the process!

We all have big things that need prayer. Some we pray ourselves, some we hope others are praying for us. God hears every prayer. He’s working behind the scenes and will answer in His way and in His timing, for His glory.

But God also wants us to pray the little things. The “lesser” needs. Because it includes Him in our every day details and turns our thoughts to Him. Pray your lesser needs today. Thank God for hearing your prayers. And remember to give praise to Jesus when He answers.

“You can ask for anything in My name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” John 14:13 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, You have the power to calm storms, heal the sick, and raise dead people to life. You certainly have the power to handle our smallest requests. Help us to take a different perspective today. Instead of weighing what we want and only bringing the biggest issues to You, help us to think about what we would want if we were You. Lord, if we were You, we would want our children to bring every desire and need to us so we could bless them. And You want the same thing. Sometimes answers to the little requests are even more of a blessing because it shows how much You truly do care about us. I praise You for Your love and for giving us so much, even when we forget to thank You. Amen.

Q4U: What is one of your “lesser” needs that you haven’t brought to Jesus?

Friends Who Break Wind

Have you ever had one of those friends who will do anything for you? It’s okay if you haven’t. I didn’t have friends like that until I was in my thirties. Mostly because I wasn’t that kind of friend to anyone else.

Several months ago, I was running regularly with a close friend of mine. She was just starting out with an exercise regimen to get back in shape. Many days she struggled to run the distance without stopping. Sometimes her legs were tired. Sometimes her mind won out because she didn’t believe she could run that far. And sometimes the elements of wind and rain were too much to endure.

I remember one day in particular. The headwind was extreme.

We were about halfway through the run when a blustery, unrelenting wind kicked up. And it pushed full force against us. My feet plodded slowly as I fought to keep running and I could see that she was really struggling. So I took an extra step up and over, and I began running in front of her. Why?

To be a friend who breaks wind.

No, not the other break wind. I mean a friend who bears the brunt of something coming at us. Someone who shields a struggling sister and helps her keep going. Helps her finish. Helps her overcome.

A friend who stays close and presses on one step at a time.

This is what sisterhood is all about. On that day, I was able to encourage my dear friend by showing her what we could do together. My experiences from the past had taught me that no matter how forceful the wind, my body was strong enough to run through it. It was an obstacle I had overcome before. But she had never experienced it first hand.

So we did it together.

I was so proud of her. She didn’t give up and we finished the entire run. Even with the intense headwind. We reveled in our joint victory that day and my friend went on to become a very strong runner.

Praise the Lord for friends who break wind! We’re always stronger running the race of life with sisters than trying to persevere on our own.

Who can you shield today?

“Two are better than one… If one falls down, [her] friend can help [her] up. But pity the [girl] who falls and has no one to help [her] up!” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

May I pray?

Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us through Your life story what sacrificial love is all about. We need friends who shield us when we’re not strong enough to stand on our own, but many of us don’t have those kinds of friends in our life right now. Please help us to see how we can be a friend who shields others. And in so doing may we grow new bonds of sisterhood strengthened by Your love. Amen.

Q4U: Who can you shield today?

Broken Light Bulbs

Have you ever turned on a light switch and had one of the light bulbs blow? If it’s in a room that you’ve been in before, you notice right away that it’s darker. It’s not as light as it should be. It’s harder to see. It doesn’t seem right.

But as time passes and the broken bulb goes unreplaced, you start getting used to the new normal. Your eyes adjust. It’s not so bad. And if it’s hard to replace the bulb, you may decide that you like the room a little darker anyway. The broken light bulb is now a part of mood lighting.

Broken light bulbs are like sin in our life.

At first, the sin is dark and concerning. We know we shouldn’t do it. We know we shouldn’t let it continue.  It’s harder to see God. It’s harder to stay close to others we know are following Him. But as time passes and we let the sin remain, we adjust to it. It’s not really all that bad, especially compared to what other people are doing. And we begin to embrace it. It’s fun. It’s daring. The dark is more alluring. Being in the light is overrated.

But here’s truth: sin is deceitful.

A few too many martinis. Sex with our committed boyfriend. A little pot to unwind on weekends. Another shopping spree on credit cards. What’s so bad about that? It’s not that big a deal. We’re just trying to feel better. So a light bulb blows and things get darker. Once we let down our guard and begin to rationalize that our sins are okay, we’re at a new place of normal. We adjust to it. We like it. We lock away feelings of guilt and regret so we’re clear to keep going in our sin. Then another bulb blows. And the lights start going out one by one.

Until one day we wake up and realize this isn’t where we want to be. This isn’t where we should be. And this isn’t what God had planned for us.

All of us struggle with the lure and deceitfulness of sin.

And we see it over and over in our culture. People who have it all––wealth, a bright future, supportive family, impeccable reputation––and then they throw it all away to sit among broken light bulbs. Businessmen and politicians cheating on their wives. Housewives having affairs with people at church. Rebellious kids feeling entitled. College students failing out after being freed from their parents’ rules at home. Thirty-something girls thinking they should be married with kids by now and doing anything to fill the void.

This reminds me of the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. The younger son of a wealthy man has it all––a large inheritance, a secure future, a loving father––and yet it isn’t enough. The deceitfulness of sin comes in. He wants more. He wants to have fun. He wants to see the world and live instead of being stuck in the family business. So he demands his half of the estate from his dad. Then he takes his fortune – Armani suits, red sports car, diamond-studded watches, over-stuffed crocodile wallet, extreme investment accounts–– and he sets off for the land of adventure. And he squanders everything he has on wild living. He loses everything. And he ends up working as a laborer feeding pigs in a muddy, third-world country field. He’s starving, wishing he had what the pigs have. He’s at rock bottom. He’s bankrupt.

Sound familiar?

We do the same thing. We may not be financially bankrupt, but many of us are spiritually bankrupt. We’ve been living under broken light bulbs. We’ve squandered everything we had on wild living. We’re dealing with the consequences. We’re at rock bottom.

So what happened to the prodigal son?

It was like a light bulb went on. He finally came to his senses and decided to go home. He knew that whether or not his father would accept him back as a son, it would be far better to be back in the fold than to be out in the cold, dark wilderness alone.

God tells us this story for a reason. He knows the human heart. He knows that we are His prodigal children. It’s time for us to replace the broken light bulbs in our life and come to our senses. It’s time to let go of our sin and embrace God.

It’s time to go home to God and find restoration, peace, and new life in the light of truth.

“‘When he finally came to his senses…’” Luke 15:17 (NLT)

May I pray?

Father God, in one way or another we are all prodigal kids. We think the world is our oyster and we want to go taste of it. We think we deserve more in life than what we have, so we pursue our desires to try to feel better. But in the end, we feel more empty than before. We’re scared, alone, cold, and hungry for hope. We’re bankrupt. Father, forgive us for our sins. Open our eyes to its deceitfulness. Give us the courage to replace the broken light bulbs in our life so we can see what’s in the darkness, and walk forward in Your light to true freedom. Amen.

Q4U: Are there any broken light bulbs in your life that need to be replaced?

Giving and Forgiving

What is better––to give or to forgive? I started thinking about this yesterday, and I don’t see an easy answer. Initially, I thought my answer would be “to give”. There are a lot of sayings about how good it is to give. For instance:

– It’s better to give than to receive
– To give is to receive
– Our will to give is recession-proof
– To give is to live
– To give is to gain

Giving has a lot of rewards.

We’re taught at a young age to give to others. Birthday parties, Christmas, Valentine’s Day. We give to others to show our friendship. And when we love someone, it’s easy to give cheerfully and generously.

Most of us like to give special gifts because we want to make others feel special. And we’re blessed in the process by the recipient’s surprise and gratitude. Giving bestows immeasurable joy on the giver. This is how it’s better to give than to receive.

I regretfully admit that I used to give grandiose gifts hoping people would like me more. And I’d give expensive gifts hoping that the gifts I received would be things I really liked. For the record, not only did I have the wrong motives in my giving, it rarely worked. I spent money I didn’t have and was hurt when my efforts weren’t reciprocated. This kind of giving is not what the quips above are referring to.

There’s no doubt that giving to others out of love is good. But what about forgiving others?

Alexander Pope is the third most-quoted writer after Shakespeare and Tennyson. One of his famous lines from the “Essay on Criticism” is:

– To err is human, to forgive is divine

We’re taught at a young age to ask forgiveness. Remember your mom’s stern instruction, “Say you’re sorry!” Whether we felt sorrow or not, we said the required phrase so we could get on with things. We know we have to say we’re sorry for what we did, but we’re not taught how to forgive others for what they’ve done.

Forgiving is not easy. Maybe that’s why Pope said forgiveness is the mark of God.

When someone hurts us, intentionally or unintentionally, physically or emotionally, it can be difficult to forgive them. And we have to know what forgiveness is and isn’t.  Forgiving is not forgetting. Forgiving is not pretending it didn’t happen. Forgiving is letting go so that our feelings don’t turn to a bitter cancer within us.

Forgiveness is putting the other person in the hands of God and trusting Him with the rest.

When we’re hurt, there are three things we can do: 1) stay in the same situation and allow the other person to continue to hurt us; 2) retaliate and try to hurt the other person back; 3) rise above the emotions and turn to God so we can learn to forgive and move forward.

God says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good” (Romans 12:21). Allowing someone else to continually hurt us is like giving up and being overcome by the strength of evil. Retaliating and trying to get even is like being consumed by anger and being overcome by evil. But rising above real life, forgiving the other person as we walk forward with God, and showing God’s love to others even in the midst of our harsh circumstances, that’s overcoming evil with good.

Giving and forgiving. Both are good. Both are characteristic of God. Both should be characteristic of us as we follow after Him.

Giving and forgiving, which is better? Neither. If done with the right motives, both are selfless acts that honor God and the other person. May we share the gifts and the forgiveness we’ve received from God as we rise above real life in triumph.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

May I pray?

God, You have given us so much. And yet there are times when it’s so hard for us to give generously out of the abundance of what You’ve given us. Whether we give or not we know how to do it. Please help us today to have a giving heart. And Father, even though You have forgiven us so much, it’s hard to forgive others. We don’t always know how to forgive. Help us today to lay our hurts, anger, and bitterness down at the foot of the Cross. Grant us wisdom to know how to respond to others in love without allowing the same hurtful things to keep happening. Through Your strength, may we conquer evil with good. Amen.

Q4U: What do you think is better––to give or to forgive?

Girl Behind the Mask

Do you ever listen to any of those retro shows that play hair band music from the 80’s? They’re comical. I have to admit, I do love the music. But the hairdos and outfits crack me up. It’s never good when a guy’s long, wavy locks look better than mine!

There’s one song from the 80’s that I remember singing out loud every time it came on. Cheap Trick’s “I Want You to Want Me”. The chorus goes:

I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I’d love you to love me
I’m begging you to beg me

Everyone knew the song back then. It was a party favorite. But we never really thought much about what it was saying. It was just a song.

And yet, listening to it now, it portrays how many of us feel in relationships.

We want to be wanted. We need to be needed. We crave physical and emotional love connections. And we’ll do just about anything to keep someone interested in us.

Even if it means hiding behind a mask. Even if it means pretending to be someone else.

We talked in last week’s blog “A Room Full of Secrets” about how everyone has secrets from the past hidden away. Some are small. Some seem insurmountable. Some cause fear. Some tear at our heart and prevent us from moving forward in life.

We hide secrets because we don’t want people to know about our real life. We’re afraid to let people know the real us.

So we lock our secrets away and put on a mask. We put on a happy face. We pretend that we have it all together. We talk like we know what we’re doing, even though our confidence melts the minute we get home. We say everything is fine. We don’t let anyone get past the surface of who we are or where we’ve been.

Some of us wear our masks for years.

Until one day someone we truly love looks at us and says, “Who are you?” And the truth is that we don’t really know. We’ve been pretending to be someone else for so long that we’ve lost our identity.

We don’t know what we like. We don’t know what we want out of life. We’re numb and tired and empty. We’ve been trying to be who others wanted us to be. Because we want them to want us. We need them to need us. We’d love them to love us. Now we’re begging them not to go.

It’s normal to have desires of being wanted and needed and loved. But we can’t lose ourselves as we try to fulfill those desire. We can’t give ourselves away. We can’t wear a mask to help hide our secrets. We can’t pretend to be someone else so that others will like us and accept us into their crowd.

There is someone who loves us just the way we are. God.

He created us and has specific plans for each one of us. He knows everything we’ve done. He knows every hidden secret. He sees behind the mask. And He can use every bad thing in our life for good if we turn to Him.

God is calling you, the girl behind the mask.

He wants you to know that you’re never alone. He is with you, even right now. And He doesn’t want you to be anyone else. Just you. The girl who is wanted, needed and loved by Him. Without the mask.

The only thing we should hide behind is the love of God.

“You are my hiding place; You will save me from trouble. I sing aloud of Your salvation, because You protect me.” Psalm 32:7 (GNT)

May I pray?

Lord, we want to be wanted and needed and loved. But many of us don’t think anyone could really want or love us if they knew the truth about us. And so we hide it. We put on a mask. We try to be who we think they want. And pretty soon we’re depressed, tired and empty because we don’t know who we are anymore. This isn’t the way life is supposed to be. God, please meet us in this lonely place today. Let us come hide with You. Please help us take off our mask, unlock our secrets, and take a step forward as the real us. Without the mask, and with You by our side. Amen.

Q4U: What mask are you wearing?

A Room Full of Secrets

Have you ever walked into a room full of people knowing you didn’t want to be there? Maybe it was a work conference and you longed to be back home with your family. Maybe people were talking about things you didn’t care about but you didn’t want to pipe up and risk turning their attention to you. Maybe you felt like you didn’t belong in that crowd and you wanted to crawl into a corner.

The last thing we want is for people to start asking questions about us.

We’ve all had times when we were in a situation that we wanted to escape. Often it’s because we don’t want to reveal too much about ourselves. It’s fine if someone else is in the spotlight. It’s fine if we’re talking about superficial things like work, restaurants or hobbies. But when people start talking about real life––failures of the past, struggles in the present, broken dreams of the future––it’s time to find an out.

Why? Because no matter how cordial we want to be, we know that when the conversation turns to us we’ll only have two choices. Lie or tell our secret.

Recently, I was listening to a young woman tell her story. She had been sexually abused by her stepfather for over 10 years starting at a very young age. She never told anyone about it during that time. He told her that this is how special daughters were treated. And he made threats about what would happen to her, her mother and her dog. But one day when she was 14 this girl’s mother asked if the stepfather had ever hurt her. It was as if a light bulb turned on and she knew instantly that what had been happening to her was wrong. And she knew this was her one chance to tell.

Thankfully, her mother believed her.

Unfortunately, her life was torn apart. She was taken to child protective services. She and her mother had to go into hiding because they feared for their lives. Many people didn’t believe her. They lost family and friends. They lost their home. And then her stepfather committed suicide. It was all her fault, she thought.

So she hid her secret deep down inside once again.

She was in a new town and at a new school, and no one knew anything about what had happened to her. Several years later, she went to a week-long summer camp. On the last day the kids had an opportunity to get up and tell about how Jesus changed their life. For the first time, she had the courage to stand up and tell her story of abuse, desperation and heartbreak. Kids, pastors, and counselors all listened.

When she got home from camp, she started receiving letters from kids at the camp (girls and boys) who heard her story. They each had their own secret. Secrets they had never told anyone. She started writing back to them one at a time, and encouraging them to find someone they could trust. Someone they could tell. Because she knew that opening the door to the dark secrets lets the truth come out. And the truth would set them free.

As I listened to her story, I thought about my own.

What resonated with me was the power of uncovering our secrets. As we open up about our past and tell others what has happened to us and what we’ve done, we let light and fresh air into the darkness within. We uncover our wounds so healing can begin. And our vulnerability gives other people the courage and opportunity to tell their secrets for the first time.

Next time you’re in a crowded room, take a look around. It’s a room full of secrets. We all have them. Many of us are still wounded by them. Many of us are still afraid of them.

What should we do with our secrets? First turn to God, then turn to others. God can heal us from the past. He can redeem our lives and make us new. He will work through us to help others when we reveal our truth. By letting truth reign in our lives, we can show others that we understand where they’ve been. Because we’ve been there too.

Unlock your secrets and bring them to God. Then pray and ask Him who you can trust. Find someone to help you. Your journey to new life will be a light of hope for someone else who is hiding secrets.

“Redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth.” Psalm 31:5

May I pray?

Father God, You are the God of truth. And the truth will set us free. So many of us are afraid to tell the truth of what has happened. Sometimes we’ve been threatened. Most times we believe that other people will think less of us or not want to be around us if they know the truth of where we’ve been. Lord, You can redeem our lives from the pit of darkness and fear. Lead us today to someone we can trust. May our brokenness be used to encourage others as we walk this journey to new life. In Your holy and powerful Name I pray. Amen.

Q4U: Will you talk to God about who you can trust with hidden secrets?

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

How often do you smile? When things are going well, most of us find that smiling and laughing come naturally. But when we’re tired, stressed or just not happy,smiles can be few and far between.

We don’t think about smiling. But according to Dr. Mark Stiblich, we should. Here’s why:

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive. We’re drawn to people who smile. There’s an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what’s so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces push people away. But a smile draws them in. Smile often and you’ll draw people to you. If nothing else, they’ll wonder what you’re up to.

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood. Next time you’re feeling down, try putting on a smile. There’s a good chance your mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious. When someone is smiling, they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and people around you will smile.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress. Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you’re stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress will be reduced and you’ll be ready to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System. Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves because you’re relaxed. Prevent colds and the flu by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure. When you smile, there’s a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have access to a blood pressure monitor. Sit for a few minutes and take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. The difference is noticeable.

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers, And Serotonin. The body produces endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin, and together these three natural chemicals make us feel good. Studies have shown that smiling releases all three. Smiling is a natural prescription for feeling good.

8. Smiling Lifts The Face And Makes You Look Younger. The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making us appear younger. Don’t go for a face lift. Just try smiling your way through the day. You’ll look younger instantly!

9. Smiling Makes You Look Successful. Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and are more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments, and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive. Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard. When we smile our brain sends the rest of our body a message that “Life is Good!” Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

Smiling not only benefits us, it benefits the people we interact with each day. Even if they can’t see us. How? People can hear us smiling through our voice. That’s why DJ’s and other on-air personalities are actually taught how to smile while they speak into the microphone. Try this: say a sentence to your friend on the phone without smiling. Then say the same sentence with a genuine smile and see how it comes across. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your voice and attitude when you smile while speaking. You can brighten someone’s day with a smile, even if they’re a thousand miles away.

So in the words of Mr. Roarke on Fantasy Island, “Smiles, everyone! Smiles!”

“‘What a relief to see your friendly smile. It is like seeing the face of God!’” Genesis 33:10 (NLT)

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You for creating us with the ability to smile! We don’t use it enough! Help us to take a light-hearted approach to smiling today and test out the Top 10 Reasons to Smile. Help us to bless the people we come in contact with today through our smiles. Encourage us through the smiles of others. And may we never forget the power of a smile to change any situation. For when we smile, we truly are reflecting You. Amen.

Q4U: What’s the best reason to smile?

Where Are You When I Need You?

Why is it that when we need someone the most, they seem to disappear? Is it because we need more than they can give? Is it because we need more than we communicate, and they don’t pick up on the silent cues? Is it because we don’t really matter to them?

Or could it be that we’re asking the wrong person to help?

If we could watch a replay of our lives and our most critical times of need, who would be there by our side? Family? Friends? Strangers who were like good Samaritans? What about God?

Would God be there?

Sometimes it feels like even He has abandoned us. We don’t see Him. We don’t hear Him. We don’t feel His presence. We’re crying out but there’s no answer. If God loves us, where is He?

It makes me think of the story by an anonymous author called Footprints.


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonged to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. “LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.”

The LORD replied, “My precious, precious child. I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”


In our darkest times, we are not alone. God is carrying us through. When our burdens begin to crush us, He’s there supporting the weight. When we feel like we can’t hold on any longer, God’s hands are below us ready to break the fall.

We can’t always see, hear or feel God because often we cut Him off. We shut Him out. We turn away. We turn to others. We doubt. We’re blinded by fear. We spin in the crazy cycles of life. We begin to sink in turmoil or crisis.

But if we turn to Jesus, we are not on sinking sand. We’re standing on the immovable Rock of salvation. So no matter how hard the storms of life blow, we will not be shaken. If we put our trust in God and put our life in His hands, He will protect us and provide for us. Always.

Looking back at the replay of our lives, we’ll all have times of darkness, loneliness, hardship and crisis.  In those times, we’ll see just one set of footprints in the sand. And we’ll know that God carried us through.

And if we’ll let Him, God can use us to help carry someone else in their time of need.

If you have a friend who’s struggling today, think of how you can serve them. Some of the smallest acts of kindness can have huge impact. Be a shoulder they can cry on. Bring them a special treat (like peppermint mocha available any time of year) and just listen as they talk. Smile and encourage them. Help them to laugh again. Pray over them. Do errands or tasks around the house that seem overwhelming to them.

We can be the hands and feet of Jesus if we allow Him to work through us to help others.

“I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5 (GNT)

May I pray?

Lord, there are times we feel completely alone, and often it’s during our biggest struggles. Thank You for always being by our side. Thank You for carrying us when we’re too weary to walk on our own. In those times, help us to turn to You. Help us to see You, hear You and feel Your presence. We need reassurance that You’re with us. May we trust in You knowing that You will never leave us. Ever. And today, if we know of a sister in need, may You work through us to help carry her. Amen.

Q4U: What can you do to help a friend today?

3 Truths About Pain

What’s the worst thing about pain? For me, simply, it hurts. Whether it’s the emotional pain of a broken heart or lost hope, or the physical pain of a broken bone or healing wound, pain hurts. It can be intense. It can be overwhelming. It can bring us to the point of tears and desperation, no matter how strong we are. Sometimes we want to fight through pain. Sometimes we want to dull it with medication. Most times we just want it to go away.

There was a man named Jabez whose mother named him this because she gave birth to him in pain (his name sounds like the Hebrew word for pain). The Bible says that Jabez cried out to God, “Oh, that You would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.” (1 Chronicles 4:10 NLT).

I’m not sure what’s more spectacular. That Jabez asked to be kept from all trouble and pain, or that God granted his request.

We’re told that Jabez was an honorable man, and maybe he had endured more pain in his life than we can fathom. If so, I can understand praying that God would prevent all future pain. When I’m in pain I certainly pray that God helps me. But I can’t imagine praying that all trouble and pain for the rest of my life would be taken away. Why not? Because I know that hardship and pain have played a huge role in molding me into who I am today. I’m not saying I’m tough as nails and I’m not saying that God causes pain. I’m just saying that I know God uses pain in all of our lives.

3 Things We Know About Pain

1. We don’t like pain. Plain and simple. It hurts. Whether the pain is emotional, physical or both, we don’t want pain to continue. It prevents us from doing our normal daily activities. It takes the joy out of life. It challenges what we’re made of.

2. Pain pulls us closer to God. When we’re in pain, we’re willing to do just about anything to get out of pain. For many of us, it’s in our times of pain that we turn to God. We’re desperate for relief but we can’t get relief on our own. And we turn to God for help. We know we can’t heal ourselves so we go to the source of healing. God may not always heal us physically, but if we open our hearts to Him, He will always heal us spiritually.

3. Pain makes us stronger. Pain changes us. As pain increases or is prolonged, our tolerance for pain increases. What we thought we couldn’t endure before becomes something we’re enduring now. But even though pain can be a physical battle, enduring pain is a battle of wills. If we give in to pain, it will tear us down. If we stand in God’s strength with the support of loving family and friends, pain will build us up. Our will to live and our fighting spirit to endure pain and overcome it become an inspiration to others.

I will never wish pain on anyone else, and I will never pray that God brings pain or a painful situation into my life. I’ve had enough already! But I also won’t pray that God will keep me from all trouble and pain in the future. If pain and trials are what it takes to keep me in check and keep me coming back to God, then they have a valid place in my life.

I will pray for relief and help when I’m in pain. And I will also pray that God’s will be done for His glory in the midst of that pain. For growth in my life or someone else’s.

May we reach out to someone in pain today and let them know how much we love them and admire their fighting spirit. And may God use that pain to draw all of us closer to Him.

“Consider it pure joy, my [friends], whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2-3

May I pray?

God, pain is not something that was part of Your original plan. But it’s now a real part of real life. Grant us strength to endure. Grant us courage to turn to You and to others for support as we fight through it. If it’s Your will, please heal us and take today’s pain away. And please, Lord, use our pain to mold us. May we rest in Your mighty right hand knowing that You turn all things for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Amen.

Q4U: How have you persevered and grown through pain?

Yes You Can!

What is something you want to do, but you’re just not sure you can? I would venture to say that we all have at least one thing. It could be related to testing our limits. Like skydiving, bungee jumping, or riding in a hot air balloon. It could be related to performing. Like singing in a band, speaking to a large group of people, or taking a role in a community play. It could be related to our dreams. Like going back to school, quitting our job to stay home with the kids, or starting a new business.

No matter what our “thing” is, there’s a common denominator between all of us. Fear.

Why don’t we think we can do it? Because we’re afraid. Afraid of getting hurt. Afraid of looking ridiculous. Afraid of messing up. Afraid of freezing up. Afraid of chickening out in front of other people. Afraid of disappointing someone. Afraid of making the wrong decision. Afraid of the unknown.

Afraid of failing.

We don’t try things we’d like to try. We don’t step out for fear we’ll take a wrong step. We convince ourselves that the risk is greater than the reward, even when the risk is miniscule.

Albert Einstein, arguably one of the smartest men to ever live, once said, “The person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Einstein struggled with failure. Some reports indicate that as a child he couldn’t speak sentences until the age of 9 and his parents thought he was retarded. He failed his first University Entrance Exam. He was challenged by leading scientists as he challenged them and their theories. But he never gave up. This genius knew that the outcome wouldn’t be success or failure. The outcome would be a leap higher than where he was before.

Here’s truth: Failure isn’t trying something and not succeeding. Failure is not trying it at all.

Each time we try something and don’t achieve the intended outcome, we learn what not to do. We learn what doesn’t work. And we’re one step closer to finding out what does. We learn what to try next time.

Our culture is so caught up in appearances and success that many of us are terrified to try something new. What if we’re not good at it? What if someone is better? What if we look stupid? What if we get scared? What if…?

But what if we are good at it? What if this could be a turning point in our life? What if we have the thrill of a lifetime and can share pictures to prove it?

Here’s the line of questions we should be asking ourselves: Why not try it? What do I really have to lose? What’s the worst thing that could happen? Instead of convincing ourselves not to try something new, let’s pray for guidance and step out in faith as God leads.

If God’s in it, then go!

Get excited. Lean on God for strength. Ask a friend to encourage you, especially when fear starts creeping in. Be in the Word daily to hear from God. Speak confidently even if you feel unsure. Smile and let endorphins do their job!

Look at yourself in the mirror and boldly proclaim, “Yes you can!”

Some of us want to cross something off our bucket list. Some of us want to start moving in a different direction. Some of us just want to get through the current storms of life. No matter where we are, if we’re standing on the Rock of Christ we can do anything. No fear!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

May I pray?

God, You alone can fill us with strength and peace. And through You we can truly do all things. Lord, encourage us today to bring our requests to You. Whether we want to experience the thrill of adventure, or pursue a dream, or find the strength to endure a continuing hardship, You are waiting for us to come to You. May we trust You as we stand boldly today and proclaim, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Yes, I can!” Amen.

Q4U: What is something you want to do, but you’re just not sure you can?

Who Are You Following?

Who do you follow? The truth is that on any given day, we follow a lot of people. We follow friends on Facebook. We follow celebrities on Twitter. We follow fast cars in the fast lane going to work, and we stay up close if they’re not going fast enough. If we’re in a race, we follow the guy ahead of us until we’re ready to make our move.

In our families, we follow our parents’ rules and examples. At work, we follow proven winners willing to mentor and lead us to the next level. And for those of us who are adventure types, we follow trailblazers who dare to go where others have never gone before.

We follow people we like or admire. We follow people who lead. We follow people who push limits. We follow people who envision what we cannot. We follow people who have what we want.

We follow people who are where we want to be.

Why do we follow others? To stay connected. To feel important. To learn something new. To not be left out or left behind. To achieve more than we could ever achieve on our own.

So when it comes to religion, who do you follow?

It’s an important question because when we follow someone, we do what they do. We go where they go. And we’re going to end up like them. The bottom line is that our life on earth is going to end in death. That’s a given. But what happens after that? That’s where people start seeking religion. Some religions have stringent requirements about who can join them. Some religions have rules and regulations about what to do, and when, in order to get better standing in the next life. And all religions have some leader, past or present, that everyone in that group is aspiring to be like.

But there’s only one leader who has risen from the dead and is still alive today. Jesus.

I want to be like Jesus. I want what Jesus has. So I follow Him. I don’t want to join any group that worships dead people or follows rules written by dead people. Those leaders are dead. Why would I want to follow them?

Here’s the great thing about Jesus: He tells it like it is.

First, Jesus says that our eternal life is not about religion. Jesus tells us up front that, on our own, we can never be holy enough to get into heaven. Memorizing prayers or verses won’t give us a secret code to unlock the pearly gates. We can’t buy our way to eternal life by giving to a church. We can’t get into heaven based on what family we’re born into. There isn’t a “good deed meter” that will signal when we’ve done enough to secure our eternity among the clouds. Going to heaven, i.e. securing our eternal future, isn’t based on how good or how bad we’ve been. It’s based on Jesus. He is God. He is holy. And when we’re under His covering, we become holy. That’s how we get into heaven.

Second, Jesus tells us how to come under His covering. By entering into a relationship with Him. Jesus knows us. He loves us. He wants to share intimately with us. But a relationship takes two. It takes us. Jesus wants us to know Him. As we get to know Him, we begin to love Him. As our love grows, we trust Him and turn to Him first. We open up to Him and share intimately with Him. He lives in us. We live in Him. He leads. We follow. And when we take our last breath here on earth, He will take us to His home. Heaven.

So who are you following? Where are they now? And where can they take you?

“‘Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!’” Mark 16:6 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, we follow a lot of people. But it’s hard to follow You. We don’t always hear You because we’re listening to other people. We don’t always see You because we’re trying to keep up with the people we want to be like. Stop us in our tracks today. Help us to tune out the distractions and the noise of our daily life so we can truly assess where we are. Help us to take a long, hard look at who we’re following and where that path is leading. Lord, please help us to start taking steps toward You. You alone are God. You alone can bring us to heaven. You alone can transform our life as we grow in relationship with You. Amen.

Q4U: Who are you following, and where do you hope they’ll take you?

One Choice That Leads To Hope

Have you ever felt like something was hopeless? Maybe it was an issue with your family, and you knew the harsh words wouldn’t be forgotten. Maybe it was a situation at work that had no good possible outcome. Maybe it was your life, and the shattered pieces of broken dreams couldn’t be put back together again.

Most of us, at one time or another, will feel hopeless.

No one to help. Nowhere to turn. Suffering in darkness, alone. I’ve been in this place. More than once. I know the pain. I know the fear. I know the isolation. I know the despair.

Maybe you know someone struggling to find hope. Maybe you’ve been there before. Maybe you’re there now. For all of us, it’s important to know where to turn for hope.

When hope is lost or fading fast we have two choices. We can grasp onto what the world has to offer, or we can cling to God.

If we go with the world, we’ll be looking for someone or something to fill our emptiness. To give us a reason to live. To provide hope. Like what? Friends or family. A new or risky relationship. A new toy. A new job. An escape. Something to light a spark. Someone to pull us up from the mire of a mundane life. Something to give us purpose.

The problem is that no one and nothing can truly fill our emptiness. We cannot find hope in the hands of another person. We can’t find hope at the mall or online. We may find distractions. We may find a quick thrill. We may find something that excites us and keeps us going for another day. But these are all temporary fixes to our feelings of hopelessness. At some point, we’re back in the same dark pit. And we hate it. We don’t want to be there again. We can’t take it anymore. There has to be more to life than this.

But there is a second option.

Instead of grasping for something temporary, we can try something new. We can turn to God and cling to Him. Why? God brings purpose to every life, no matter how broken we think we are. God gives us reason to live. God fills our emptiness with hope.

We don’t have to create our own hope. God gives it to us.

How? By giving us the strength of His Holy Spirit so we can persevere. What if we don’t want to persevere? What if we just want things to be different? Hear me out. God doesn’t want to give us a quick fix.  He doesn’t want us to end up back at a place of hopelessness down the road.

And so instead of making things different, He makes us different.

Through our suffering and hopelessness, God gives us the strength and desire to persevere. As we persevere, our character is changed. We grow stronger. We grow smarter. Our perspectives on what’s important and what’s right change. We change. We’re transformed from the inside out. And as we change, as we focus on God and how He’s working in us and through us, as we start reaching out to help others even in our own struggles, we see the light ahead. We see the promise of new life. We begin living out the hope of our future.

Our hope, then, is solid. It’s not fleeting. It’s not based on what other people say or do. It’s not based on what we have or lose, what we buy or break. Our hope is based on God. He is all-powerful. He is unchanging. He is everlasting. And so is the hope He gives us.

You may not believe God can bring hope to your situation. You may not be convinced that the past can be washed away, or that new life can be yours. And that’s okay. You don’t have to take my word for it. Test it for yourself. Try something new.

Whether you’re in a place of hopelessness now or not, God wants to fill your emptiness.

Come before God in your secret place and ask Him to meet you there. Open up to Him in humility. Call to Him. Cry to Him. Seek Him in the Psalms (Psalms 23, 30, 31, 40, 42, 51). Be honest with Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. And when He does, you can decide for yourself which choice is better: the world or God.

For all who choose God, He pours out His love. He pours out His Holy Spirit. He pours out hope that will never lead to disappointment. God is the one choice that leads to everlasting hope.

“We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” Romans 5:3-5

May I pray?

Lord, some of us are in a place of absolute hopelessness. Some of us just feel empty and numb. All of us have struggled. We’ve tried one thing after another. But we’re still unsatisfied. We’re still lonely. And whether we recognize it or not, we’re in desperate need of You. Father, give us the courage to turn to You today. Bring us to our secret place and meet us there. Open our eyes to see You. Open our ears to hear You. Open our hearts to Your love. Open our souls to the hope that is only found in You. Help us to let go of what we cling to so You can begin transforming us from the inside out. May we never be the same again. Amen.

Q4U: What fills you with hope?

It’s How We Finish That Matters

Finish strongWho cares how we started? That’s what I want to say.

No, this isn’t the normal way I start a blog, but today I’m in a fighting mood. Why? Because there are so many of us girls out there who are weary, worn out, beaten down, and ready to give up. And I’m ready to fight for us all.

I’ve been there. I know the struggles. I know the dark places. I know the desperation.

I know what it feels like to feel lost and alone. Even in a sea of people. And so many of our real life struggles stem from not feeling good enough. We’ve heard it. We’ve believed it. Now we’re living it.

We just can’t get it right. Relationships. Family. Work. Diets. Money. God.

What’s the point of trying anymore? Maybe we fell again into our pit of desire. Maybe we can’t pay our bills. Maybe he left and we’re carrying the shame, guilt and embarrassment. Maybe it’s something else and we’re afraid of what others are thinking.

Look at the mess of our life! This isn’t what we signed up for. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.

But here’s the truth, girls: It doesn’t matter where we are. It doesn’t matter where we’ve been. What matters is how we will finish.

Real life is like a 10 round fight in a boxing ring. We may make some mistakes early on. We may move left when we should have swung right. We’re going to take some jabs. We’re going to get knocked down a time or two. But when those early rounds are over, we’re smarter. We’re wiser. We’re better prepared for the next round. Until the final bell sounds, we still have time to fight the good fight. We still have time to fight to win.

Real life is like a marathon 26.2 mile race. We may get a slow start. We may have an injury from the past that keeps flaring up. We will get tired and feel like we can’t go another foot, much less another mile. But as we keep pressing on mile after mile, we get into a rhythm. Our pace quickens and we realize that physically we can do so much more. The battle is in our mind. Will we give in and walk? Will we give up and stop? Or will we persevere to the end and taste the sweetness of victory when we run across the finish line with arms held high?

Whether our analogy for real life is boxing or running or something else, the bottom line is that we won’t be able to pull off a real life victory without commitment and effort. But each day as we train, we get stronger. Each day as we turn to God’s Word, our souls are nourished with life-giving truth. Each day as we walk our journey with sisters in Christ, we’re strengthened by encouragement and support. Each day as we get on our knees and pour out our weaknesses to God, He fills us to overflowing with His strength. His power. His Holy Spirit. And in the process, He chips away the hard edges of our old life.

When we trust in God to train us and sustain us, He will transform us from the inside out. We will never be the same again. And we will rise above real life to victory.

So who cares how we started? Who cares where we started? It doesn’t even matter where we are today. The question is: Where are we going from here?

How will you finish?

Finish strong. Finish with God by your side. Finish the fight with sisters in your corner. Finish the race with sisters cheering you on. Finish so you can say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” That’s what matters.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7

May I pray?

Father God, oh how hard it is sometimes to think about finishing strong. Or finishing at all. We’re sinking in our circumstances. We’re stained by our past. And we don’t see how we can turn things around. But Lord, You can. You can take our broken pieces and put them together again in a beautiful new picture. Help us to persevere. Forgive us when we doubt You. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us. For if we’ll fight the good fight to the end, if we’ll finish the race and run to You, our faith will be a strong tower that will never be shaken. And through You, we will never be the same again. Amen.

Q4U: How can I be praying for you today?


Help v. Hinder: 3 Ways to Equip Others

Today we start our “summer hours” (so to speak). I’ll now be posting blogs every Monday instead of five days a week. Hopefully this will give everyone more time to digest each message and think about how it may apply to your life. And feel free to comment on the blog itself in addition to Facebook and email!  I always love to hear your thoughts. So now, without further delay, here’s today’s blog…

Mentor and encourageHave you ever had someone try to help you and they ended up making things worse? Or have you ever wanted to help someone else but no matter what you did they couldn’t break free of what they were struggling with?

It’s hard to know how to help someone. Especially when we see they’re in pain. Especially when we think they’re making bad choices or not the choices needed to end the trial they’re facing. If they would do one or two things we’re sure their whole life could change for the better.

But when we take matters into our own hands in order to aid or rescue someone else, there’s a fine line between appropriately helping them out of their dark pit and hindering their ability to learn and mature.

It’s the premise about feeding a hungry person. If you give them a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime. We help others by equipping them and teaching them to fish in their pond of life. We hinder others by buying a fish here and there and expecting that they won’t go hungry again. If they never learn to fish on their own, they’re growth and maturity will be hampered and it will be hard for them to make good decisions.

Here are 3 Ways to Equip Others

1. Pray. It may seem odd to start with prayer, but we need guidance for how to approach the situation. And the person we want to help has to want help. Anything we try to force on someone isn’t going to last. They have to be receptive. Even if they’re combative, if they know deep down that they need help then there may be something we can do. But if we’re trying to impose our ideal or our will on them, we’ll be left drained and depressed when they don’t have the desire to be helped. Pray that they will have a true desire to go a new direction.

2. Ask questions and understand what they like and what they want. We have to take a genuine interest in them before they will respect what we have to say. It’s about love, respect and trust. We can make suggestions and help them to see the truth of the situation and potential consequences of various decisions. But at the end of the day, the solution has to be something that they believe is good and fits with their personality and interests. Otherwise they won’t stay the course.

3. Teach them how to fish with patience and kindness. Once we know what the agreed upon goal is, we can teach them step by step how to make the decisions to reach it. We walk with them during their journey. We encourage them along the way. We show patience and kindness even when they make mistakes or test our resilience. We may want to keep going back to Step 1 to pray! A key to success in this step is to also be speaking Truth into their life. The Word of God has the power to transform us––all of us. Plant the seeds of Truth while equipping them for the next season of their life. Those seeds will bring a harvest of good things in the months and years to come.

Helping someone by equipping them takes time and effort. It’s a lot easier to throw money at a situation or try to buy someone what they need. But when we help others learn how to make good decisions and provide for themselves, we’re giving them the opportunity not just to survive, but to begin a whole new journey of life.

Who knows, girls, we may even discover a fabulous new fishing hole in the process.

“The student who is fully trained will become like the teacher” Luke 6:40 (NLT)

May I pray?

Lord, we want to help others. But sometimes it’s really hard to know what to do. Give us the desire to do more than just offer money. Help us to take a true interest in others and get to know them so we can truly understand what they need. Emotionally, physically and spiritually. May we get out of our comfort zone and start walking the journey of life with others, speaking Your Truth along the way. Amen.

Q4U: How can you help equip someone in your life?

Fabulous or Foolish?

FabulousHas anyone ever told you you’re crazy?

If you’re like me, your family and friends may not use those exact words, but their shocked reactions tell it like it is. “You’re crazy!”

It can be an honor really. We’re daring. We’re different. We don’t conform to the norm. I like being a little bit crazy. It means we’re unpredictable. We’re interesting. We love doing things that other people wouldn’t dare. Like skydiving and eating scorpions and racing cars. To some it’s craziness. But secretly they know it’s awesome!

There’s a big distinction, though, in craziness. Being crazy, as in fabulous, is far different than being crazy, as in foolish.

Is it good to be crazy fabulous? Absolutely! Crazy foolish? Not so much. How do we know what kind of crazy we are? Everyone’s crazy meter will be different so we can’t apply a blanket determination of Fabulous v. Foolish to stunts and activities. But there’s another aspect of life where people often think we’re foolish because they just can’t understand. And that’s our faith.

Before I knew Jesus, I thought people who talked about Him were crazy. Truly loco!

I believed in God. I knew Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. I thought I was going to heaven. I prayed and could recite a few passages of Scripture. But talking about a relationship with Jesus? Believing that He lives in us today through the Holy Spirit? That was just weird. Those people were weird. And usually nerdy.

But one day I had an encounter with Jesus. One day my whole world changed. And on that day, my understanding of fabulous v. foolish changed.

On that day, I surrendered my life to Jesus. Standing in my room, I peeled off my old life like a wetsuit, pushed it to the ground and stepped out of it. Then I walked forward to Jesus, promising never to go back to my old life. And I never did.

The details of my life didn’t change overnight. But I did. I changed because God was now residing in my heart. Over time, I was transformed from the inside out. Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, redeemed my life. He changed everything about me: my words, my thoughts, my beliefs, my desires, my passions. Even my strengths and weaknesses. I surrendered all, and He began using my story for His glory.

All this talk about Jesus and a transformed life may seem foolish to you. I understand. I used to think that too. But God promises that if we come to Jesus, we will be saved. Saved for eternity. Saved for the here and now to be His light in the world’s dark places. And what seemed foolish to us before suddenly becomes the power of God in our life. It becomes the power of God in us.

If today you think this talk of Jesus sounds foolish, at least consider the “what if”. What if it’s true? What if the stories of transformed lives are true? What if people like me really do see something more? What if God really does have the power to change you? He alone can give you new life. New hope. New purpose.

Fabulous or foolish?

I’m living proof that faith in Jesus opens the door to God’s power in our life. Crazy or not, I want to tell people about what Jesus has done for me. Because I now understand that what I used to think was foolish is actually the most fabulous gift we can ever receive.

“The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18

May I pray?

Jesus, sometimes people who talk about you seem utterly foolish to us. And so we discount what they say and believe it’s foolish too. But Lord, there comes a time when we don’t know what’s true anymore. We know there must be more to life. We want to believe in heaven, and we wish we could know for sure that we’re going there. Lord, I lift up to You anyone who is struggling to know the truth. Anyone who is doubting. Anyone who wants to know more about You but doesn’t know where to start. May they pray to You today even if they’re not sure what to say. And may You reveal Your fabulous power in their heart and in their life. Amen.

Q4U: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Do We Limit God?

Limiting GodTypically I start each blog by asking a question. But if I start with today’s question, “Do we limit God?”, then today’s blog would go something like this:

Do we limit God? Yes. May I pray?

And that would be it. Some of you may prefer a short blog that gets right to the point, but leave it to me to expound. Since the answer is “Yes, we limit God”, I’m changing it up. My new question is this:

How do we limit God?

Yikes! That takes a bit more effort. So fill up another cup of coffee and let’s think about it. How do we limit God? Here are three ways:

1. We put God in a box. We confine God to our limitations. What we know, what we see, what we understand, what we assume. We don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes. We don’t know what other people are thinking or doing. We don’t know how others will react. And so we worry. We plot. We investigate and snoop. We crumble. We do all kinds of things and make decisions on our own. We’re in the driver’s seat of our life and we struggle. And then we pray to God based on our limitations. We’re asking Him for things to help us in our daily life. Here’s the thing. There’s nothing wrong with asking God for help with everyday issues. In fact, He wants us to do that. But what if we started opening up our life and our struggles to Him without limits? What if instead of praying, “Lord, please help me do a good job in this presentation today,” we prayed, “Lord, please shine Your light through me today so others may see You for Your glory.” Or what if instead of praying, “Lord, please bring him back to me,” we prayed, “Lord, please bring him to You.” God can do so much more than what we ask or imagine. If we’ll let go of our limitations and allow Him to take control based on His limitless power, we’ll start seeing Him work in a whole new way. That brings us to #2.

2. We forget what God has done in the past. We get so wrapped up in our current stresses and struggles that we forget about God’s ultimate power. He has shown His strength and power over and over again for thousands of years. And to prove His miracles aren’t a fluke, God does them more than once. Like parting large bodies of water: God parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River at flood stage so that millions of people and their livestock could walk to the other side on dry land. Like raising dead people to life: Jesus called Lazarus to life after 4 days in a tomb, and then Jesus Himself was resurrected after unlocking the chains of sin and death. Like healing people who had been crippled or suffered from leprosy or had uncontrollable bleeding for decades. With a word or a touch, Jesus healed person after person after person. Lives were changed. Families were changed. But God hasn’t changed. He still has the same power today that He’s displayed through millennia. He still works miracles today. He still transforms lives. He still heals––physically, emotionally, spiritually. He is still willing and able to show His power for His glory. Not to boast. But to turn our heart and our trust back to Him.

3. We forget who He is. We think of God as a far away mystic who has more important things to do than to deal with our petty issues. We forget that God has no limits. God is Elohim, the Creator. He created heaven and earth and everything in them. God is El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. He can and will provide for every need in every situation. God is El Elyon, God Most High. He alone is in control of all things. God is Jehovah-rapha, the LORD Who Heals. He has the power to heal fully, and He will always renew our spiritual health if we surrender to Him. God is Jehovah-sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts. He is our deliverer, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. All of the names we can use to call upon God show His character. Who He is to the core. And in all of them we see a common thread: God is love. He is the very essence and fullness of love. He lives and forgives with an unconditional love we can’t fully comprehend. And His desire is that we would love Him for who He is. Abba, our Father.

Do we limit God? Yes. But we can change that. By opening up to Him. By letting go of what we’re trying to control or hold onto. By remembering His unending power that never changes. By getting to know Him for who He really is, and growing in love in the process.

And most importantly, by not just believing He is God, but truly believing that He can and will do mighty works in us and in our life. No holds barred. It’s time to let go and let God.

Believe with hopeful, childlike faith. And let our Father amaze you.

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.” Psalm 147:5

“You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

May I pray?

Father God, You want us to stop limiting You by our limited thinking. You want to amaze us. You want us to believe and trust in You with all our heart. You want us to love You without limits. Lord, Your power cannot be contained. Your understanding has no boundaries. And You are trustworthy. Help us to remember not just what You have done throughout the ages, but what You have done for us. Provision. Protection. Small miracles that we know were just that: miracles. May we turn to You today with hope. You are Abba. You are faithful. And You will transform our life when we let go. Amen.

Q4U: How do you limit God?

One Choice That Leads To Hope

Choice of HopeHave you ever felt like something was hopeless? Maybe it was an issue with your family, and you knew the harsh words wouldn’t be forgotten. Maybe it was a situation at work that had no good possible outcome. Maybe it was your life, and the shattered pieces of broken dreams couldn’t be put back together again.

Most of us, at one time or another, will feel hopeless.

No one to help. Nowhere to turn. Suffering in darkness, alone. I’ve been in this place. More than once. I know the pain. I know the fear. I know the isolation. I know the despair.

Maybe you know someone struggling to find hope. Maybe you’ve been there before. Maybe you’re there now. For all of us, it’s important to know where to turn for hope.

When hope is lost or fading fast we have two choices. We can grasp onto what the world has to offer, or we can cling to God.

If we go with the world, we’ll be looking for someone or something to fill our emptiness. To give us a reason to live. To provide hope. Like what? Friends or family. A new or risky relationship. A new toy. A new job. An escape. Something to light a spark. Someone to pull us up from the mire of a mundane life. Something to give us purpose.

The problem is that no one and nothing can truly fill our emptiness. We cannot find hope in the hands of another person. We can’t find hope at the mall or online. We may find distractions. We may find a quick thrill. We may find something that excites us and keeps us going for another day. But these are all temporary fixes to our feelings of hopelessness. At some point, we’re back in the same dark pit. And we hate it. We don’t want to be there again. We can’t take it anymore. There has to be more to life than this.

But there is a second option.

Instead of grasping for something temporary, we can try something new. We can turn to God and cling to Him. Why? God brings purpose to every life, no matter how broken we think we are. God gives us reason to live. God fills our emptiness with hope.

We don’t have to create our own hope. God gives it to us.

How? By giving us the strength of His Holy Spirit so we can persevere. What if we don’t want to persevere? What if we just want things to be different? Hear me out. God doesn’t want to give us a quick fix.  He doesn’t want us to end up back at a place of hopelessness down the road.

And so instead of making things different, He makes us different.

Through our suffering and hopelessness, God gives us the strength and desire to persevere. As we persevere, our character is changed. We grow stronger. We grow smarter. Our perspectives on what’s important and what’s right change. We change. We’re transformed from the inside out. And as we change, as we focus on God and how He’s working in us and through us, as we start reaching out to help others even in our own struggles, we see the light ahead. We see the promise of new life. We begin living out the hope of our future.

Our hope, then, is solid. It’s not fleeting. It’s not based on what other people say or do. It’s not based on what we have or lose, what we buy or break. Our hope is based on God. He is all-powerful. He is unchanging. He is everlasting. And so is the hope He gives us.

You may not believe God can bring hope to your situation. You may not be convinced that the past can be washed away, or that new life can be yours. And that’s okay. You don’t have to take my word for it. Test it for yourself. Try something new.

Whether you’re in a place of hopelessness now or not, God wants to fill your emptiness.

Come before God in your secret place and ask Him to meet you there. Open up to Him in humility. Call to Him. Cry to Him. Seek Him in the Psalms (Psalms 23, 30, 31, 40, 42, 51). Be honest with Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. And when He does, you can decide for yourself which choice is better: the world or God.

For all who choose God, He pours out His love. He pours out His Holy Spirit. He pours out hope that will never lead to disappointment. God is the one choice that leads to everlasting hope.

“We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” Romans 5:3-5

May I pray?

Lord, someone of us are in a place of absolute hopelessness. Some of us just feel empty and numb. All of us have struggled. We’ve tried one thing after another. But we’re still unsatisfied. We’re still lonely. And whether we recognize it or not, we’re in desperate need of You. Father, give us the courage to turn to You today. Bring us to our secret place and meet us there. Open our eyes to see You. Open our ears to hear You. Open our hearts to Your love. Open our souls to the hope that is only found in You. Help us to let go of what we cling to so You can begin transforming us from the inside out. May we never be the same again. Amen.

Q4U: What fills you with hope?

Walking, Running, Rushing Through Life

Do you ever go for a leisurely walk? It’s a great idea to get out, relax and enjoy fresh air, warm sun, and the beauty of nature. But me? Not so much. I have a hard time finding time to be leisurely about anything.

When I walk it’s for a purpose.

Even walking the dogs is at a brisk pace because I view it as exercise. So we walk as fast as possible. My poor dogs! Often they try to stop and smell the roses. It’s more like trying to stop and smell the neighborhood dog markings on the roses, but I have to give them an “A” for effort. They’ll scamper up ahead so they have a few seconds of “smell time” before I catch up and pull them along. I always say the same thing to them, “Come on, we’re walking!” Obviously my view of an ideal walk is different than theirs.

As I toured Israel, we did a lot of fast walking. We were always trying to stay ahead of the crowds. We were on and off the buses as quickly as possible and heading to our premier spot at each location. At one point I even ran ahead with our leader past another large group so the two of us could claim the territory we wanted by the Temple Mount wall. We got the spot, and all the rushing paid off. But rushing is not always worth it. When we’re constantly running, pushing and working in overdrive, we’re missing out on meaningful time spent with others along the way. And we’re wearing ourselves out.

Jesus walked everywhere He went. And He never rushed.

Where Jesus Walked

Shores of the Sea of Galilee

I was amazed to see place after place along the path of Jesus’ ministry in northern Israel. We went by bus, but He went on foot. Jesus and His disciples walked throughout Galilee, up and back from Jerusalem, and even into Samaria. But never once did He rush to get somewhere. In fact, several times He sent His disciples ahead and, instead of pushing an agenda, He went away to a quiet place to pray and spend time with God before continuing on.

Jesus was famous. He had crowds of people to teach and feed. He had sick people coming from all over to be healed. He had disciples to mentor and friends to encourage. He had family to love and lead, even when they doubted Him. He had more miles to walk during His 3 year ministry than many of us will walk in our lifetime.

And yet, Jesus never rushed. He never ran ahead. He never said, “I don’t have time for you right now.”

Jesus lived His life intentionally. He lived His life fully-engaged in every moment with the people He was with right then. Not dwelling on yesterday’s happenings. Not distracted by the next day’s challenges.

Not running or walking fast to make up time.

Today, Jesus says, “I am with you” (Matthew 28:20). What if we tried, for just one day, to live in the moment? To walk with Jesus at His pace. To interact with others along the way with Jesus by our side. To let Him choose our path. To let Him direct our words. To let Him be the focus of our day as we allow His love to fill us and flow out to others.

Walking a determined yet unrushed pace with Jesus shouldn’t be reserved for Sundays. It’s not something that should be a hassle or something we need to prepare for. It’s something we learn to do each day.

How? By learning to let go of our packed agenda. By stopping and hitting pause so we’re not rushing or running. By walking with Jesus as we take time to smell the sweet roses of life along the path of our day.

Come on, we’re walking! But today, we’re walking an unhurried walk with Jesus. Let’s follow Him and see what happens.

“As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. ‘Come, follow Me,’ Jesus said.” Mark 1:16-17

May I pray?

Lord, most of us are rushing most of the time. Even if we have free time, we’re often using that time to catch up on reading or errands or exercise. It’s hard to find relaxed time to spend with those we love, including You. Jesus, please help us to pause here for a few moments to think about what it would be like to walk by Your side today. May we focus our thoughts on You, listen for Your voice, and walk peacefully and unrushed through our day, loving others along the way. Amen.

Q4U: Do you ever go for a leisurely walk?

When “Doing” Leaves Us Empty

Do you ever get to a point of doing so much that you wonder if it’s all worth it? I do. Does anyone even appreciate our concern and effort?

Some of us, including me, are serial “doers”. We see something that needs to be done and we do it. That’s just how we’re wired. And because we’re diligent and effective in getting things done, people ask us to do more. As the saying goes, if you want to get something done ask a busy person to do it. We’re time jugglers and schedule magicians. Somehow everything on the list always comes to completion, often without a minute spare.

Even if it comes down to the wire, it’s done and it’s done right.

Serial doers take our responsibilities seriously because we know that the job we do is a reflection of us. Unfortunately, we have a hard time saying “No”. So the tasks pile up and we get weighed down. It’s hard to relax when we’re focused on all of the things that need to get done.

Do you know anyone like this?

Maybe it’s your friend. Maybe it’s your mom or brother. Maybe it’s your boss. Maybe it’s you. Whether we’re serial doers or not, most of us have tendencies to stress out when the pressure’s on. We can run ourselves into the ground by “doing”. And then we’re too tired and empty to share meaningful time with the people we love.

The struggles of serial doers go all the way back to Jesus’ day.

Two of Jesus’ close friends were sisters name Martha and Mary. Martha was a doer. One day as Jesus and his disciples were traveling they stopped in at the sisters’ home. We don’t know if they came unannounced. We don’t know exactly how many people were in the group. But it’s possible there were upwards of 15 tired and hungry men who were suddenly hanging out in the living room around supper time. Back in those days, it was the women’s responsibility to be the hostesses and prepare meals for guests, whether they were unexpected or not. And all of the women would work together.

But on this day, only Martha was in the kitchen sweating out the details as she frantically tried to prepare a meal and set the tables for her honored guest and his entourage. Her sister Mary wasn’t helping at all! Mary was in the living room with the men, sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to everything He was telling the others. Martha was incensed. Not only was it completely inappropriate for Mary to be hanging out with the men, she wasn’t doing her part to help Martha!

So Martha did what most of us would do. She went to Jesus. To complain.

And what was Jesus’ response? Did He chastise Mary and tell her to get up and go help Martha? Did He tell Martha she was right to be stressed out over an almost impossible task? Did He address the meal at all? No.

Jesus’ response was simple and to the point.

He basically said (this is my expanded paraphrase), “Martha, I love you. But you worry and stress about too much. And at the end of the day, none of your “doing” really matters if you haven’t taken the time to sit and talk with Me. When you come to Me, you’ll find out what’s really important––love and relationships. There is a time and place to serve. But if it serving, if doing, pulls you away from Me, it’s not what I want. Mary has chosen what’s better. She has chosen to spend quality, unrushed, uninterrupted time with Me. And she will be honored for it.”

When doing leaves us empty, we’ve become a Martha. We’re so focused on what we’ve said “Yes” to that we’re missing the joy of serving. Let’s take a step back and become a Mary, even just for a few minutes. Let’s sit at the feet of Jesus and be recharged by unrushed, uninterrupted time with Him and those we love. Then we can get back to doing.

“But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.’ But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:40-42 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, oh how we can relate to Martha! There are plenty of people we think aren’t carrying their weight. We’re tired and over-burdened with the things we have to do. And often it all seems so unfair. Lord, help us to take a step back today and see our busyness from Your perspective. Help us to lay our burdens down and come sit with You. Then You can pour into us so that we can pour out to others without becoming empty. Thank You for loving us and loving the time we spend with You. Amen.

Q4U: In what ways are you like Martha?

Who is Looking for You?

Sea of GalileeHave you ever been completely lost? I don’t mean just lost as in you don’t have the right driving directions to get to a new restaurant. I mean really lost––as in you’re alone in a foreign or isolated place and you have no way of getting out on your own. It’s scary! And we don’t have to be on a deserted island like the TV Show LOST to be lost. Even in a sea of people we can be lost if we don’t know anyone or we can’t speak the language.

While in northern Israel we went to Mensa Christi on the Sea of Galilee. This is the area where Peter went after the crucifixion of Christ. After he had denied Jesus three times and then watched as Christ was beaten and killed. Peter knew Christ had risen. He knew Christ was indeed the promised Messiah. But Peter also knew what he had done. On the night Jesus was betrayed, Peter he had promised to stand by Jesus until the end. And several hours later he ran away in fear.

He was a coward. He was a failure. He was useless.

He was lost. His life was in ruin. His purpose in life was gone now that he wasn’t worthy of being by Jesus’ side. Have you ever felt this way? I have.

So what did Peter do? He went back to what he knew. He returned to his hometown to try to work as a fisherman. But he couldn’t even do that right. He wasn’t catching any fish.

And then Jesus came looking for him.

Mensa Christi

Forgiveness at Mensa Christi

Jesus met Peter on the shores of Mensa Christi. The Lord filled his nets with fish and then fed him breakfast. Jesus restored Peter financially. He restored Peter physically. And then Jesus restored Peter spiritually and emotionally. How? By assuring him of the forgiveness poured out for each of us when Jesus died on the cross. By calling him to a life of purpose in service to Christ.

Peter was never the same.

In one day Peter went from being a downcast and depressed fisherman to being one of the strongest defenders of faith in Christ. All because Jesus came looking for him. Peter was willing to accept God’s forgiveness and believe that Jesus could use his broken life for God’s glory. And God did.

God came looking for someone else we know. Ever hear of Adam and Eve? After they ate the apple on that dark day, they hid in the garden because they were afraid. They knew they had made a big mistake. But instead of coming to God to ask forgiveness, they ran away.

So God came looking for Adam.

“The LORD God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9) Isn’t that odd? He’s God. Wouldn’t He know where Adam was? Yes. He did. But He wanted to show Adam how important he was to God. He wanted to give Adam the opportunity to confess what he had done and receive forgiveness and restoration.

Make no mistake, our bad decisions may have consequences we will live with for the rest of our life. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t be forgiven. That doesn’t mean we have to live an isolated and lost life without God. And that doesn’t mean we can’t be used as God’s light in our dark places when we allow Him to work in us and through us to transform our life.

Do you feel lost? Do you wonder about your purpose in life? Do you doubt if God can really use someone like you? Or why He would want to? Are you hiding from God and others?

Here’s truth: God already knows where you are.

God also understands our human need to feel wanted, to feel needed, to feel loved and pursued. To feel forgiven. Especially when we’ve made a big mistake.

God wants us to come to Him and be restored to new life. No matter where we’ve been. No matter what we’ve done. He is always faithful. And that will never change.

God is looking for you. Right now.

“If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is.” 2 Timothy 2:13 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, thank You that You are looking for us. Thank You that You know where we are. And thank You that You will never change who You are: Faithful. Forgive us for hiding from You. Please give us the courage today to stand up and say, “Lord, here I am.” May we confess our fears and failures to You so we can be restored to a love relationship with You. Help us to accept Your forgiveness and move forward in new life. May we use the testimony of our brokenness to encourage others in their walk with You. Amen.

Q4U: When was a situation in which you felt completely lost?

A Majority That Always Wins

Majority winsWhat’s a situation you faced when you felt completely outnumbered? Most of us have never been on a battlefield when enemy forces dwarfed our own, but we can still feel like the odds are against us. Maybe it’s a sports competition and not all of our players show up. Maybe it’s a conflict at work and our colleagues side with the boss and overrule our professional recommendations. Maybe it’s a debate at home about what color we should paint the family room and our kids prefer Daddy’s choice of Sportsman Red over our perfect pick of Meadow Sage.

Whatever the scenario, it can be disappointing and stressful when we’re in the minority. Especially in cases when the majority wins.

Mount Carmel

The View from Mt. Carmel

As I toured Israel, we went to the top of Mt. Carmel. This is the mountain where the prophet Elijah had a showdown with the prophets of Baal, a pagan god. It was Elijah against 450 false prophets. Not great odds there. And the king of Israel had gathered all of the people of the kingdom to watch the competition. Talk about pressure!

What was the point of the duel? To prove who was the true God. What was at stake? The faith of the people of Israel.

Baal was supposedly the god of fire from lightning. So Elijah suggested a contest that Baal should have won, if he was real. The competition was to see which one, Baal or God (ie Jehovah), could bring fire down from heaven to burn a sacrifice on an altar. The god who answered by fire––he would prove to be God.

The prophets of Baal went first.

They prepared their altar and from morning until noon they called on the name of Baal. But there was no answer. They danced and shouted and cut themselves with spears as was their custom. But still no response. Elijah taunted them saying, “Shout louder! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping.” I have to agree with Elijah on this one. I mean really, if Baal was a god, certainly he could be roused by his 450 prophets to do the one thing he was known for––bringing fire down from heaven! But afternoon gave way to evening and the frantic group continued their prophesying to no avail.

So Elijah stepped up to the plate.

Now remember, it’s Elijah on one side and the 450 men with their altar on the other side. Elijah built an altar in the name of the LORD and he dug a trench around it. Then he said to the people, “Fill four large jars of water and pour it on the altar.” Then he had them do it again. Then he had them do it a third time. Water poured down off the altar and filled the trench.

Why the water? Think of it as showmanship or icing on the cake. Elijah wanted everyone to see that there was no coincidence in what was about to happen. This would prove that there’s only one God. And God’s power is limitless.

So what did Elijah do next? He did the most powerful thing any of us can do. He prayed.

But Elijah didn’t pray that God would help him accomplish his goal. He didn’t pray that God would wipe out his competition. He didn’t pray that God would bring resources to help him in his battle. Just like us, he could have prayed any of these things and the prayer would have been a good prayer.

Instead, Elijah prayed the best prayer. He humbly and sincerely prayed that God would display His glory and turn the people’s hearts back to Him.

These are the types of prayers that God loves to answer. Through this prayer, Elijah joined God’s team and immediately became the majority in the competition. How? Because no one is more powerful than God. As Lon Solomon says, 1 + God is always a majority.

These are the types of prayers God wants us to pray. Are we willing to lay our agendas down before the Lord and truly pray, “Lord, not my will but Yours be done”? Will we humbly and sincerely pray that God’s power and glory be revealed to the world through our lives? If so, we give God the opportunity to work through us to do miracles in other people’s lives. And in the process we will be radically changed forever.

So next time you’re feeling outnumbered, surrender to God’s plan and give Him free reign to pour His power into the situation. 1 + God is always a majority. And that majority always wins.

Does the equation of your life show 1 + God?

“‘O LORD, answer me! Answer me so these people will know that You, O LORD, are God and that You have brought them back to Yourself.’” 1 Kings 18:37 (NLT)

May I pray?

God, You are the one and only true God. Your power is limitless. Your wisdom is infinite. And Your love for Your children is greater than anything that we can fathom. Move in our hearts today as we bring our life challenges to You. Help us to sincerely lay our struggles before You and let go. May Your will be done. May Your undeniable power be shown to us and others. Thank You for still being in the business of turning those who are lost back to You. I pray we’ll all come running. Amen.

Q4U: What’s a situation you faced when you felt completely outnumbered?

Floating in the Dead Sea

Floating in the Dead Sea

Ahhh, nothing like floating in the Dead Sea!

Have you ever relaxed on a raft in a pool or the ocean? For me it’s the epitome of peacefulness. Feeling the warm sun, smelling the fresh breeze, floating softly as the stress just melts away. That’s the life. If only such bliss could continue for more than an hour!

Not many of us have the opportunity to float care-free on a regular basis. Besides a pool, ocean or very large bathtub, there’s another critical element we need: a raft. Although we can float on our back without aid from a raft, we have to stay alert to make sure our legs and torso don’t drop because that’s when gravity takes over and we start to sink. No, we just can’t get the same peaceful floating experience without a raft.

Or can we?

When I was in Israel, we made our way South and stopped for an afternoon at the Dead Sea. Although I had been to the Great Salt Lake in Utah, something about a body of water with “Dead” in the name made me imagine putrid, black water. What a surprise to see the beautiful blue-green sea with the bright white beaches. But those beaches aren’t sand––they’re salt! The Dead Sea is completely saturated with salt. In fact, the salt concentration in the water is 33% which is the highest possible saturation without becoming salt crystals. By comparison, the average ocean is only 12-13% salt. One more fun fact: the salt on the bottom of the Dead Sea (that looks like sand) is over a half mile thick.

The amazing benefit of all of that salt is that you can’t sink!

You can actually sit down on the water and float. No effort required! Remember those sit and spins we used to have as kids? Well, this is sit and float! You can bob up and down, and you’ll always pop back up. At one point, I paddled out to deep water and tried to push down to touch the bottom. I couldn’t. The saturated salt water prevented me from going under.

As I sat on the water and then reclined back as if I was in a lounge chair, it made me think of how God holds us up.

Nothing about this water in the Dead Sea looked different than water in any other tropical location. I couldn’t see the salt keeping me afloat. I didn’t know how it was possible that I could feel like I was supported by a raft when there was nothing tangible holding me up. I was safe and secure without doing anything myself. All I had to do was relax and lay back, and the salt water did the rest.

In the same way, God keeps us afloat. We don’t always see Him working around us. We don’t know how He’s protecting us and keeping our head above water. But He is. And if we’re willing to trust Him and lay back to rest in His powerful hands, we can float peacefully in our circumstances without any risk of sinking.

The hard part is relaxing and trusting that God’s hands are beneath us.

It’s easy to get caught up in the swirl of real life. The frenzy of circumstances and everyday busyness can make us panic and feel like we’re going under. That’s when it’s time to hit pause and remember that our life is like being in the Dead Sea. No matter how deep it gets below us, our circumstances are saturated with God’s love and protection. His hands are always holding us up. We’re safe with Him. We’ll never sink. And we can experience the amazing phenomenon of floating in the midst of our circumstances without a manmade raft.

The turmoil of real life can be as unnerving as floating in a lounge chair of salt water. But who knows, the saltiness of our real life experiences may be something we truly cherish as we begin to rest in God’s hands and float in peace like never before.

“My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:8

May I pray?

Lord, it’s hard to sit down on salt water and believe we’re not going to sink. In the same way, it’s hard to rest in Your hands and believe that You’re going to hold us up. Give us the courage to turn our circumstances over to You. Help us to take that first step of faith. Help us to calmly rest in Your hands and turn the results over to You. You alone can keep us afloat. And You will if we’ll put our trust in You. Thank You for Your unfailing love. Amen.

Q4U: What’s been a struggle in your life where you can now lay back and trust God as you rest in His hands?

Here I Am, But Send Someone Else!

VolunteersHave you ever been “volunteered” for something you really didn’t want to do? If you’re like me, you’re still wondering, “How did it happen?” When they were looking for someone to step up we did the right thing; we kept our hand in our pocket and looked down at the ground so we wouldn’t make eye contact. How on earth did they still pick us? We weren’t just roped into doing it. We were lassoed and cow-tied until we had no choice.

Maybe we felt obligated because of the people asking. Maybe we felt guilty because we said “no” too many times before. Maybe they had answers that were better than every objection we tried to raise. Whatever the reason, our name got on the list and we couldn’t back out.

People try to avoid getting picked by God too.

And not just ordinary people like you and me. Some of history’s greatest leaders started out by trying to pass the buck. Trying to avoid eye contact. Trying to suggest that someone else was better for the job.

Climbing Mt. SinaiWhile climbing Mt. Sinai in Egypt, we talked about God’s call to Moses. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house and he was royalty. But then he killed a man and he fled to the desert around Mt. Sinai. For 40 years he herded flocks in that isolated land. Talk about a lifestyle change!

And then God showed up.

God was looking for someone to go back to Pharaoh and demand that God’s people be set free from slavery. And God chose Moses for the job. The problem? Moses didn’t want to do it.

When God called, Moses started out by saying, “Here I am.” But as God revealed His plan to Moses, it was excuse after excuse as follows:

Moses’ protest: Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? In other words, I’m a nobody.
God’s answer: I will be with you. You’re now chosen by God.

Moses’ protest: What if the people ask me who You are? I don’t even really know You.
God’s answer: I AM WHO I AM. I am the unchanging faithful God who existed before all things. Trust Me.

Moses’ protest: What if the people don’t listen to me or believe You’re with me?
God’s answer: I will give you the ability to do miraculous things so they will know I am with you. You’ll be just as amazed as they will be. But you have to take the first step in faith.

Moses’ protest: I’m not a good public speaker. I stutter and don’t have good English.
God’s answer: I created you and your mouth. I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say. Don’t worry about the details.

And finally, after all of his protests were rebutted, Moses said to God, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? When God asks us to do something, we come up with all kinds of excuses of why we’re inadequate or why we shouldn’t go. But the truth is that we want someone else to do it.

It shouldn’t be about us.

We feel like a nobody, but God says we’re chosen by Him. We feel like there are other people who know God better than we do, but God says to trust Him. We’re afraid of what people will think and say because we silently think the idea is crazy too, but God says to step out in faith and watch Him work. We get nervous because we aren’t good at speaking or debating, but God says He will speak through us and give us the right words at the right time.

No excuses. God created us. He knows our limitations. All He’s asking us to do is to show up and trust Him. He’ll do the rest. With God, all things are possible.

Is God calling you to do something? Will you say, “Here I am, but please send someone else!” Or will you trust Him and say, “Here I am, pick me!”

Imagine the amazing things He can do through you if you’ll just say “yes”.

“But Moses said, ‘O Lord, please send someone else to do it.’” Exodus 4:13

May I pray?

God, here we are. Reluctant to listen to what You want us to do. Many of us feel Your tug on our heart. We know You’re asking us to do something but we don’t really want to say “yes”. What we want to say is, “O Lord, please send someone else!” Father, forgive us for not trusting You. Help us overcome our fears. And fill us with Your excitement about the amazing things You’ll do in and through us when we step out in faith. Amen.

Q4U: What’s something you were coerced into doing that turned out to be a real blessing?

The Beauty of Baptism–Our New Threads

Baptism in the Jordan River

My Baptism in the Jordan River

Have you ever seen someone get baptized? What does it mean? I’ve watched baptisms at various churches and each one is different. Some baptize babies and others baptize people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Some baptize by putting water on the head and others baptize by full-immersion dunking in what looks like a tub or pool. What’s the purpose of baptism? Is it necessary? Today we’ll find out.

Baptism is not required to get into heaven.

The truth is that we don’t have to be baptized. And being baptized as an infant doesn’t guarantee our salvation or have any bearing on how we’ll choose to live our life. That’s why Bible-based churches don’t baptize babies. They may have a ceremony to bless and dedicate children, but baptisms are a celebration of a person’s decision to offer their life to Jesus.

John the Baptist was the first person we know of who baptized others. He stood in the Jordan River in Israel and many people came to him. Why did John the Baptist call the people of his day to baptism?  It was a sign of repentance. Initially, baptism represented turning back to God and asking Him to wash away their sins.

John the Baptist also baptized Jesus as fulfillment of prophecy.

John baptized with water. But Jesus came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit. When John saw Jesus, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Jesus came to wash us clean of sin once and for all. And He offers the gift of the Holy Spirit. That means that when we ask Jesus to come into our life, He comes into our heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s through faith in Jesus that we have access into heaven. It’s through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that we share life with Him and know that He’s with us. Always.

So what does baptism with water mean today?

It means that we believe that Jesus is the Messiah, our Savior, and that we want to celebrate our faith through baptism. It means that we’re turning our sins over to Him and asking Him to wash us clean. It means that we’re ready to follow Him into new life because we know we can trust where He’ll lead us.

In baptism, we’re submerged in the water to signify Jesus’ death for our sins and the death of our old life. We’re then raised up out of the water to signify the resurrection of Jesus and the eternal life we now share with Him.

We’re saved by faith, not baptism. But baptism in water is like putting on beautiful new clothes.

As believers, baptism is our way of showing family and friends that we’re now different. We’re united with Christ. We’re excited. We’re celebrating our heavenly inheritance. We’re on a journey to new life. We’re putting on Jesus like a fancy new coat. Talk about some awesome threads!

When I was in Israel, I had the honor of a re-dedication baptism in the Jordan River. Each of us wore a white robe over our bathing suit and we looked like a gathering of angels celebrating the beauty of baptism. Lives were changed. New threads of Christ were donned. How humbling to be baptized in the same river in which Jesus was baptized 2,000 years ago. He was there with us on our baptism day, and I will never forget it.

If you haven’t been baptized as a believer in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to put on the beautiful new clothes of a life surrendered to Christ. Baptism doesn’t have to be in the Jordan River to be special. It will be special because you’re there in the water with Jesus.

“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.” Galatians 3:26-27 (NLT)

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of eternal life that You give freely to anyone who believes in Your Son, Jesus. And thank You for the baptism of the Holy Spirit given generously to those who seek You. Lord, we don’t have to be baptized in water, but we know it pleases You when we show our desire to be united with Christ. Encourage those who haven’t been baptized as believers to stop waiting for a “special” time. May we all put on our beautiful threads of new life. Amen.

Q4U: Have you been baptized as a believer in Christ?

A Matter of Life or Death

Life or DeathHave you ever had to make a decision with huge consequences? It’s not easy figuring out the right choice because there are so many factors to consider. Risks. Pros and cons. The effects on us and others. Long-term repercussions we can’t fully grasp.

We have no idea how things will turn out so we have to come to a conclusion based on our assumptions.

What if we make the wrong decision? Can we go back and change it later? Will we be able to unwind the consequences and go a different direction? If the answer is “no” then we better weigh our options carefully and understand the choice we’re making.

Golgotha–The Place of the Skull

Golgotha–The Place of the Skull

While in Jerusalem, we visited Golgotha which means The Place of the Skull. This is believed to be the site where Jesus was crucified. The natural rock formations look like the face of a skull and it was the site of Roman executions and stonings. Adjacent to the skull cliff is a large garden with a burial tomb, just like John reported (John 19:41).

We sat in the garden facing Golgotha and reviewed events that unfolded 2,000 years ago.

Luke tells us that there were two other men, both criminals, who were crucified with Jesus that day (Luke 23:32-43). One on the right, one on the left, and Jesus in the middle. Golgotha is not on a hill in the outskirts of Jerusalem as some people imagine. It’s right by the intersection of the two main roads that led in and out of the city. And it’s at ground level. This is how the Romans did it––maximum exposure, shame and insult. Everyone coming in and out of the city would see the men hanging there and would be able to add to their humiliation.

People stood watching as Jesus hung under a sign that said, “This is the King of the Jews”. Rulers sneered. Soldiers mocked. Women wept.

One of the criminals on the cross next to Jesus hurled insults at Him too and said, “So You’re the Messiah? Prove it by saving Yourself and us!” But the second criminal rebuked that man and said, “Don’t you fear God? You’re going to die…” And then he turned to Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”

As I stared at Golgotha, the reality hit home. Just like the criminals hanging next to Jesus, we have a choice to make. We can either accept Him or reject Him. We can believe that Jesus died for our sins and was raised for our salvation, or we can mock Him and believe that His death was the end of the story.

If we truly believe that Jesus is who He said He was, then we owe Him our life.

He is the Messiah. He has the power to transform our life now. He offers us eternal life with Him in His heavenly kingdom. He will be waiting for us when we breathe our last breath.

If you know that Jesus is your Savior, let your choices and your life reflect it.

If you aren’t sure that Jesus is who He said He was, I encourage you to read John 6:25-51 today and study what it says. Think about it. Pray and ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. And begin to consider the consequences of the decision to accept or reject Him.

It’s a matter of life or death. And there’s no middle ground.

Regardless of what has happened in your life up until now, it’s not too late to accept Jesus. The criminal who asked to be remembered was given eternal life that day.

“Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.’” Luke 23:43

May I pray?

Lord Jesus, we don’t like thinking about death. It’s hard to visualize what happened in Your last hours on the cross, and we certainly don’t want to think about our final moments. But the truth is that we have a choice to make with eternal consequences. And that choice is to accept You as our Savior or to reject You. Open our eyes and ears so we’ll learn the truth about You. Open our hearts to embrace You. May our lives from this day forward be living sacrifices that reflect our trust in You. Amen.

Q4U: Do your life choices show that you’ve accepted Jesus?

Calling On God–Local or Long Distance?

Call on GodDo you know anyone with a calling plan that allows calls to certain numbers without charging minutes? Before cell phones, we had land lines that charged different rates for local and long distance calls, and different rates for daytime, nights and weekends. My mom would always wait until 7:01pm when the nighttime rates kicked in and then she’d start calling out-of-state family. And she always made those calls from the kitchen phone. Why? Because it had the long cord that stretched clear across the room.

For most of us, the days of being charged for long distance calls and having phones with stretchy, spiral cords are over. But many of us still wait until a certain time of day or until we’re in a certain room of the house before we start thinking about calling God on our prayer line. And often there’s a big difference between our local and long distance calls.

Local Calls. Sometimes we may feel close to God and so we call Him up at a moment’s notice to talk about what’s going on. These are our local prayer calls to God. We don’t hesitate or think about whether or not it’s the right time. We want to talk to Him and we know He’ll answer. He always does. Our prayer calls may be long and involved, or we may have many short chats throughout the day. We call and He’s always ready to listen and respond. It’s good to be local.

But sometimes we struggle with the distance between us and God.

Long Distance Calls. We want to talk to God but there are so many reasons we don’t. We feel like He’s a million miles away. He’s probably busy. He may not remember us. After what we’ve done, He won’t want to talk to us. We don’t know what to say. Our prayers seem dry and repetitive. So we stop calling on God. And we drift further and further away.

But here’s truth: Praying to God is never a long distance call. No matter what we feel, God is always right by our side. We may not always see Him or feel Him, but that doesn’t mean He’s not here. That doesn’t mean He’s distant. Call out to Him! Reach out and believe He will respond. God says that if we come near to Him, He will come near to us. Let’s pray this promise to God with expectation and hope.

Temple Mount Jerusalem

On the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Although some people may travel to Israel or other destinations to feel close to God, we don’t have to be in Jerusalem to make a local call to Him. Wherever we are, it’s the right place and the right time to reach out and start a conversation.

We don’t need to use fancy words or have a prayer memorized.

In fact, God doesn’t want us to pray this way. God wants us to pray from our heart. How? By being open and honest with our thoughts and feelings. By talking to Him like we’d talk to one of our closest friends. By reading His Word and giving Him the opportunity to respond to us. By having a conversation with Him, which means we also listen. We can call Him up anytime, anywhere. Even in the car (just don’t close your eyes to pray).

God wants to hear from us like we want to hear from those we love most. We don’t have to wait until nighttime because our prayer call to God is never long distance. He’s right by our side. Right now.

“The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

May I pray?

Father God, You long to hear from us. Thank You for always being a local call. Please forgive us for not calling You regularly and for not talking to You from our heart. Please help us to have the courage to speak openly and honestly with You about every aspect of our life. Please help us to come to You first, knowing that You will always listen. May we learn to be still and listen to You too. Amen.

Q4U: Will you make a local prayer call to God today?

Don’t Be Afraid!

Don't be afraidWhat do Golgotha, Mt. of Olives, Dead Sea, Mt. Sinai, Galilee, Nazareth, Bet Shean and Petra, Jordan all have in common? No hints. Give up? Ok, I’ll tell you. They’re a few of the places I experienced on my trip to Israel, Jordan and Egypt!

Shalom, my friends! I want to give another shout out to all of the amazing people I met last year on Lon Solomon’s Holy Land Tour. Especially to my awesome roomie for the trip, Liz!

What an honor to be a part of this group. Learning history. Visualizing the events of 2,000+ years ago. Walking where Jesus walked. Praying where He prayed. Sitting next to where the cross stood. Taking communion outside the empty tomb. Climbing Mt. Sinai and looking back across the desert where the Israelites wandered for 40 years. I was overcome by the gravity of events that unfolded thousands of years ago.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be sharing blogs inspired in the Holy Land.

Don't be afraid

On the Sea of Galilee

Today I think back to a brisk sunny day as we floated in an old fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee. We read the story of Jesus from Matthew 14. Jesus had miraculously turned five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed over 5,000 people. His disciples then got into a fishing boat and headed out on the Sea of Galilee while Jesus went up the mountain to pray. Late in the night, as the wind and waves buffeted the boat, Jesus walked across the sea to rejoin his disciples.

The men in the boat were terrified.

The storm and the ghostly figure walking toward them on the water were too much for them to handle. These burly men cried out like little kids. But Jesus calmed their fears and reassured them by saying, “Don’t be afraid! It’s Me! There’s nothing to fear.”

Why did Jesus tell them not to fear? Because He was there. He was in control of the storm, the waves, their boat. Their circumstances.

Then Peter, being the impulsive fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy that he was, said, “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come.” With heart racing Peter climbed over the side of the boat and fixed his eyes on Jesus. He took one step, and then another, and walked on the water towards the Lord. But the wind swirled and waves splashed up his legs. He looked around and fear overtook him again.

Peter began to sink like a bag of rocks and he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

We know the end of the story. Jesus reached out, pulled Peter up, and put him back in the boat. But Jesus also said something to Peter that He may be saying to us too, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Are we like Peter? When the winds of real life swirl around us and waves of turmoil prove we’re not standing on solid ground, do we take our eyes off Jesus? Do we get swallowed up by our circumstances and panic as we cry out for help?

It was natural for Peter to be gripped by fear. If it weren’t for Jesus he couldn’t walk on water. Neither can we. But when we follow Jesus and He says, “Come,” we can take courage and know that there is no reason to be afraid. He is in control. With Him all things are possible. Our circumstances are a storm that will never overtake us and never pull us down if we trust Jesus and don’t doubt His power or His undying love for us.

The most common phrase in the Bible is “Don’t be afraid.” God wants us to know that when we walk with Him, there’s nothing to fear. So take courage in every life storm. Jesus is here!

“But Jesus spoke to them at once. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ He said. ‘Take courage. I am here!’” Matthew 14:27 (NLT)

May I pray?

Jesus, I’m humbled by Your love and faithfulness. You want us to know You. You want us to trust You. You want us to keep our eyes fixed on You so we won’t sink in our circumstances and our life storms. Lord, please save us! Help us to turn to You. Help us to reach out to grab Your hand so You can pull us up on solid ground. May we stand courageously knowing that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Q4U: What was a time when you felt like you were sinking in your circumstances?

Memories of the Holy Land

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to live back in the day of Moses or Jesus? Besides thinking it would be hard to not shower or to wear cute shoes in the sand, imagine if we could be back in Egypt as God showed His power and might through the plagues. Imagine witnessing the parting of the Red Sea, and fleeing on dry ground to the other side as the Egyptian army was wiped out. Imagine following the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire as God led the Israelites through the desert for 40 years before they entered the Promised Land. Imagine hearing people rave about this man Jesus and then seeing Him walk through Jerusalem healing lepers, blind men, and a woman who had been bleeding profusely for over a decade. Imagine seeing Lazarus alive and well after being raised from the dead by Jesus. Imagine sitting on a hillside and listening to Jesus tell parables and teach the truth of the Scriptures. Imagine hiding among the crowd as Jesus hung on the cross and cried out to God. Imagine sitting on the shore of the Sea of Galilee as our risen Lord cooked breakfast for His disciples and said His final farewell before returning to Heaven.


I’m excited to say that I was blessed with the opportunity to do more than just imagine. A few months ago I went on a two week excursion to Israel, Egypt and Jordan!

I walked the road where Jesus carried His cross on the way to Golgotha. I saw the tomb where it’s believed He was laid. I climbed Mt. Carmel where Elijah had his showdown with the prophets of Baal. I strolled the shores of the Sea of Galilee and saw where Jesus fed the 5,000 and where He walked on water. I  sat in the private courtyard of the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed among the olive trees that were alive on the night that Jesus prayed there before His betrayal. I saw the caves at the Dead Sea where the Dead Sea Scrolls rested for almost 2,000 years before being discovered. I was baptized (rededicated) in the Jordan River where John the Baptist had his ministry. I walked in the desert where the Israelites wandered, and I climbed Mt. Sinai and visited the site where God spoke to Moses in the burning bush. I entered the elusive Siq which leads into Petra, Jordan, the remarkable city carved out of pink rock. And I saw where the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea.

It was the trip of a lifetime! A chance to meet God in His Holy Land and see firsthand how and where the events of Scripture unfolded. A time to soak up God’s truth and experience history, His Story, like never before.  A time to relive the accounts many eye witnesses told through the Bible as I traveled the same paths they traveled.

Throughout my life, God performed amazing miracles time and time again. And experiencing the awesome wonders of the Bible as His Word came alive was another miracle.  Now I’m excited to share some of these stories with you over the next couple of weeks.


“He is your praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.” Deuteronomy 10:21

May I pray?

Almighty God, we weren’t there when You parted the Red Sea or when You walked on water. But we have seen firsthand the miracles You’ve performed in our lives and the lives of others. I praise You for Your power and Your faithfulness. Please, Lord, open our eyes that we may see You. Open our ears that we may hear You. Open our hearts that we may experience Your love like never before. And may we learn to love You and others with same type of undying love You’ve shown Your children throughout history. Amen.

Q4U: If you could be transported back to Bible times, what scene or story from the Bible would you like to experience in person?

Happy Birthday!–The Legacy We Live

Whose birthday is today? For all of those out there celebrating (or not), I’d like to sing The Beatles Birthday Song (click the song title for the tune). Hum along with me…

You say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

This weekend I’ll be in Nashville celebrating my grandmother Bubba’s 101st birthday. Now that’s a milestone worth celebrating! Bubba is hilarious and it only takes a few minutes in conversation to start loving her. Many people have now adopted her to be their unofficial grandmother. Bubba still lives in the house that she and my grandfather built over 70 years ago. She struggles with a century-old body that doesn’t like to cooperate, but mentally she’s as sharp as ever. And oh, how I love to hear her laugh!

Bubba tells vivid stories about when she was growing up. Trying to stay warm by the old potbelly stove in their one-room school house. Covert operations with her brothers to heist the neighbor’s watermelons on hot summer days. Catching minnows in the creek and eating them like sardines. Things kids did before TV’s, computers and iPods. Yes, the world has changed a lot in the last 101 years. What amazes me is that not only has Bubba seen it all, she remembers it!

But what’s makes Bubba truly special is the way she has loved and helped others throughout her entire 101 years. Her mom and baby brother died when Bubba was seven, and Bubba was left to raise four younger brothers, and later two other siblings, as her father went to work on the farm.  She poured her life into them and the families they eventually raised. Her house was always a safe place where anyone was welcome. It became the gathering place for family and “like family”. Her life––her story––is now her legacy handed down through two daughters, six grandkids, nine great grandkids, and one great great grandchild.

Bubba is the only grandparent I’ve known in my adult years. The time we’ve shared together has been an incredible blessing to me. Bubba is a quiet woman of strength and perseverance, even in the toughest of times. She never gave up. She never gave in. She never let the unfairness of life deter her resolve to love her family and make life fun, even without money to spend. She loved. She laughed. She stood firm in the storms of life. She was the glue that held our family together as we spread out across the country.

So today I want to honor you, Bubba, as we prepare to celebrate your 101 years. You shared your love and kindness to everyone you came across. You opened your home to many. You’ve walked 101 years in shoes that few can understand, and no one will ever be able to fill. And through it all, you have instilled in us the importance of family and close friends.

Bubs, it takes a strong woman to make it to 101. I doubt that my race will last that long, but I’m following in your footsteps.

Here’s to you, and your legacy of love.

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

May I pray?

Dear Jesus, we don’t often think about what kind of legacy we want to leave when our time on earth comes to an end. So today, please help us to think more in terms of the legacy we’re living day by day, not the legacy we’ll leave sometime in the future. And Lord, I ask that you would heal the brokenness in our families. Help us find the courage and strength to honor our parents and grandparents, even if they have said or done things that hurt us. May we learn to love others and give freely to them as we follow in Your footsteps. Amen.

Q4U: Who would you like to honor today and why? And if today is your birthday, please let us know!

Honesty is a Kiss

How do you greet your closest friends? In many cultures, people greet friends with a kiss on one or both cheeks. In our culture, most of us greet casual friends with a wave or handshake or maybe even a hug. Only our closest friends receive a kiss, and sometimes family will receive a kiss on the lips.

A kiss on the lips honors those who mean the most to us.

A kiss is special. It represents love and trust. It shows affection and a desire to be connected with that person in a special way. A kiss signifies a bond that goes deeper than casual acquaintances.

God says that honesty is like a kiss on the lips.

Honesty is special. Honesty builds love and trust. Honesty honors the person we’re speaking to by not withholding information or giving a false answer. Honesty honors God by trusting that the truth will set us free because there is no fear in truth. If we’re honest up front, there’s nothing that can come out later that will be a surprise.

Giving an honest answer takes courage.

Sometimes we’re afraid of what others will think. Sometimes it’s hard to be honest about what we’ve done or where we’ve been because we’re still carrying guilt and shame. We’ve made bad choices. We’ve suffered the consequences. But that’s not where we want to be anymore. That’s not who we are.

Even though it can be very hard to speak honestly, there is relief when the truth is out.

We don’t need to tell everyone everything. But we do need to be honest with those who are closest to us. We need to offer them the kiss of honesty. We can’t build a relationship of true love and trust if we aren’t open and honest about what skeletons from the past we’re hiding in our closet.

If we’ve been afraid to be honest about something happening in our current circumstances, it’s time to step out in courage and speak honestly.

If we’ve been afraid to face our past and reveal the skeletons in our closet, it’s time to shine light in our hidden places and clear out the fears of the past.

This is where sisterhood becomes so important. Many of us are concerned that if other people knew the truth about us they wouldn’t love us or accept us. Or they’d look at us differently. But here’s the truth: We all have regrets from the past. We’ve all made mistakes and bad decisions. Some of us (like me) more than others. But we can’t let fears of those mistakes and bad decisions keep us in bondage. We need to cut the chains of fear, tell our story to someone we can trust, and leave the past behind.

Honesty is the foundation of unbreakable bonds of love and trust. Honesty opens the door and releases the fears that we try to cover up. Honesty grows courage and strength as we step out in faith toward new life.

It’s time to be honest. With God. With ourselves. With those we love. With our sisters who will stay by our side to the end.

“An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” Proverbs 24:26

May I pray?

Lord, it’s not easy to give the kiss of honesty. We don’t want to hurt the ones we love. We don’t want to risk our relationships because of skeletons from the past. Sometimes we convince ourselves that if we don’t say anything, it’s not really lying. But the truth is that if we don’t say anything, we’re not being honest. Give us the courage to step toward new life today by speaking honestly about all things. May we rest in the fact that nothing is hidden from You. And You will forgive us and grant us grace to move forward when we give You the kiss of honesty. Amen.

Q4U: What is something you haven’t been completely honest about?

How Do You Say L-O-V-E?

How do you say “I love you”? Not how do you actually speak those three words (although that can be hard to do sometimes). But how do you show someone that you love them? Some people hold long embraces and say those impactful three words with sweet sincerity. Some shower gifts. Some go to great lengths to create an atmosphere of love or create unexpected surprises. All of these are great ways to show someone we love them.

But the best way to prove our L-O-V-E is by giving our T-I-M-E.

Time is our most precious commodity. None of us have enough of it. None of us can buy more of it. We value our time because time wasted can’t be recovered. And time continues to roll on whether we want it to or not. With so little free time, it becomes a real challenge to spend blocks of uninterrupted time with the people we love.

But when we do, the rewards are exponential.

We’re pulled in so many directions. Work. School. Kids. Family needs. Activities. Appointments. Errands. Most of us are running crazy every day of the week. There’s not enough time to sleep much less add anything else to the schedule. When do we have time to be still and enjoy face to face time and quality conversation with those we love?

In our culture of texts, tweets, email and Facebook, do we even know how to have face to face time with quality conversation?

It’s time to try.

We know how special we feel when someone takes time out of their day to spend time with us. Especially in our times of need. Especially when they’re not rushed and they genuinely want to see us and hear what we have to say. Or when they’re miles away but they call and ask questions and listen to our heart and offer encouragement. Spending time together is how we build bonds of love and trust. It’s how we share life. It’s how we get to truly know each other and understand our past hurts as well as our passions, hopes and dreams. It’s how we do life together and grow in sisterhood.

Through T-I-M-E. Uninterrupted time. Time focused on each other. Special time of sharing fun things and making memories. Regularly recurring blocks of time. Time spent loving, rejoicing, crying, hoping. Whatever the occasion may call for. Time together. Time we can never get back if we spend it doing something else.

It’s time to start making time for special people.

Our husband or boyfriend. Our kids. Our family. Our sisters. All of the people we think should understand most our lack of time. All of the people who suffer most because of our lack of time. Everything we do may be for them, but if we don’t have time to share with them along the way, we’ll have very little worth anything to celebrate at the end of the journey.

It’s time to show our love through T-I-M-E. Offer your most precious commodity to those who are most precious to you. Don’t just tell them you love them. Show it by committing your time to them today.

“This is how we know what love is: Christ gave His life for us. We too, then, ought to give our lives for others!” 1 John 3:16 (GNT)

May I pray?

Jesus, many of us feel starved of love. We want to love and be loved. And yet the reality is that we don’t spend quality time with others in order to build bonds of love and trust. Including the bonds of sisterhood. Help us, Lord, to reach out to others. Help us to make time and commit time to those we love. Including You. May our lives be transformed because of the quality time we spend with those we love and those we know who need help. Amen.

Q4U: How do you show your love to others?

We Can’t Lose Our Citizenship

What comes to mind when you think of “citizenship”? I think of our country and the freedoms that we have. How blessed we are to be American. The song that comes to mind is Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” and the line that says “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.” We are free. Free to think what we want, say what we want, and do what we want. And as long as we don’t break the laws set up to protect the life and liberties of others, we will never lose our American citizenship and the freedom that comes with it.

Most of us rest in the security of knowing we are citizens of the United States of America. We don’t think about being physically persecuted for our faith or our desire for freedom. We’ve been given the right to exercise both, just by being American citizens.

But not all of us feel that our heavenly citizenship is secure.

Yesterday we talked about getting our Passport to Heaven. Unlike our US citizenship where we’re automatically given citizenship just by being born in America, we aren’t automatically given citizenship in Heaven just by being born into a certain family. We aren’t handed a passport when we accomplish certain things, earn merit badges, or become “good enough”.

Citizenship in Heaven is ours when we’re adopted into God’s family. It’s like an inheritance. We become children of God by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior. We then receive our passport to Heaven and our citizenship is secure.

We can’t lose our citizenship in Heaven.

It’s not something that we have to keep track of. It’s not a small booklet we have to present to God showing the stamps of good things we did. God says that once we enter into a relationship with Jesus, we become citizens of Heaven. “Our citizenship is in Heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20

Our citizenship in Heaven is secure “by the powerful name of Jesus Christ… There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:10-12 NLT

It’s not because of who we are or what we’ve done that we’re given citizenship in Heaven. It’s because of who Jesus is and what He did for us.

We can never lose our citizenship because we make a mistake, fall back into old patterns, or wander in the dark wilderness of real life. God loves us. And He always will. He wants us to be with Him in Heaven. So once we accept His gift of salvation and become citizens of Heaven, He keeps the proof of our citizenship in Heaven with Him. We can’t lose it.

Don’t ever think you’re not good enough to be accepted by God as His child. Don’t ever think that you could have done something that caused you to lose your heavenly citizenship. God can never love us more, and He can never love us less. He loves us completely. No matter where we’ve been. No matter where we are. No matter what we’ve done. But we have to turn to Him.

If you’re not sure if you’re a citizen of Heaven, ask Jesus into your life today. Start a relationship with Him. Learn about Him in God’s Word. Pray through the Scriptures in today’s blog.

And rest easy tonight knowing you are a citizen of Heaven. If you believe Jesus is your Savior, you will never lose that inheritance. No matter what.

“… into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade––kept in Heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:4

May I pray?

Jesus, we don’t often think about our citizenship because we take it for granted. But Lord, when it comes to our citizenship in Heaven, sometimes we’re not sure what to believe. Help us to understand the truth of Your gift to us. That by coming to You and accepting Jesus as our Savior, we are automatically given citizenship in Heaven. And we can never lose it. For those who aren’t sure if they have inherited heavenly citizenship, please draw them close to You today and open up the truth in Your Word. For those who know their citizenship is secure, may they not take their citizenship for granted but instead offer their lives as living testimonies to Your forgiveness and grace. Amen.

Q4U: What comes to mind when you think of citizenship?

Passport to Heaven

What’s the number one city you’ve never been to but you’d like to visit? There are so many on my list, but if I had to narrow it down to just one I think I’d pick Prague in the Czech Republic. Prague is supposed to be an amazingly beautiful city with a great mix of old world architecture and history, fabulous cuisine, and unique festivals that attract people from all over the world. It’s been on my short list for many years. But as with any foreign city, if I want to travel there I have to have a passport.

What about that far off city of Heaven with the pearly gates we’ve all heard about? What are we going to need to get in there?

When we take our last breath here on earth and begin our trek in eternity, the reality of where we’ll spend it will set in. It may seem odd to talk about needing a passport to get into Heaven, but it’s kind of like that. We can’t get into Heaven because of what family we were born into or what great deeds we did during our life. Yes, there will be rewards in Heaven based on how we lived our life, but that’s only after our passport gets us in.

Let’s not wait until it’s too late to understand how to get a passport to Heaven.

Revelation 21:27 says that “only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” will get into the city of God, which is Heaven. Our passport has to be registered in the Lamb’s book of life. Who’s the Lamb? Jesus. How do we get our names registered in the book of life?

By becoming citizens of Heaven. By believing that Jesus died for us and paid the price for our citizenship. By believing that Jesus is our Savior.

Just like in Jesus’ day, there are many people today who believe that they can get into Heaven by keep rules, saying certain prayers, going to church, or being “good”. None of these make us citizens of Heaven. Jesus Himself said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.”

Become like little children. Humble. Sincere. Trusting. Believing. Loving. Growing. Devoted. Excited. Not worrying. Hoping and dreaming.

We can’t remain set in our ways and our thinking. We have to have childlike faith and believe without seeing. This doesn’t mean we should be naïve. It means we should go to God our Father with mind open and ask that truth be revealed.

Jesus said we must be childlike. Not childish.

Life isn’t about who has what or who has more. We can’t take anything with us when we head for Heaven’s gates. And we shouldn’t be preoccupied with titles and status and stuff. None of that truly matters in the grand scheme of things. What does matter is that we live with childlike curiosity and the desire to learn and grow. That we take our Father’s hand and hold tight as He walks us through the storms of real life. That we stay close as He leads us to amazing vistas seen only from the mountaintops of perseverance.

God wants us to experience life as citizens of Heaven. Let’s get our passport to Heaven stamped so that we’re ready when our name is called. A whole new world will open up here on earth as we live with new childlike excitement, knowing our eternal destiny is secure.

“‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.’” Matthew 18:3

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, we don’t often think about Heaven and what happens when we die. Most of us are so busy pursuing life on earth that we don’t consider eternity. But Lord, You don’t want anyone to get to Heaven and then find out their name wasn’t in the Lamb’s book of life. May Your truth resonate in our hearts today. May we climb over any walls we’ve put up in our mind that keep us from believing in You or Jesus or Heaven. May we come to You today with childlike faith so we can hear Your truth and receive revelation. Amen.

Q4U: Do you have a passport to Heaven?

On the Road to New Beginnings

Road to New BeginningsWhat road are you traveling today? Not literally, as in what highway or shortcut will you take today. But in real life. Where do you see yourself heading? Sometimes that’s an easy question. We know exactly where we are and where we’re going. But sometimes we have no idea. It feels like we’re on the road to nowhere.

I’ve spent years walking the long highways toward an unknown destination. Many times I thought good fortune and new beginnings were right around the corner or just over the next hill. But each time disappointment awaited as I realized there was no end in sight. Or I was on the wrong road completely.

It’s hard to keep going when you don’t know what’s ahead.

It’s even harder when you have no idea how long you’ll have to keep trudging along before meaningful change comes your way. For everyone out there who is ready to slow down, take a break, or give up all together, today I want to encourage you to take another step on the road to new beginnings. Change is ahead.

Our victory in new life will come when love and hope triumph over the real life experiences of our past.

As many of you know, I’ve been granted a truly special gift. Last year God brought an amazing gentleman, Gordon, into my life. Last week we were joined in marriage in an intimate ceremony with the Lord. Who knew life could be so amazing when two are joined as one in love and purpose. I’m humbled and excited and filled with wonder. And I can’t wait to see where God leads us from here!

My hope is that you find encouragement in my story.

No matter where you’ve been, no matter where you are, know that you too can experience the fullness of new life. I’m living proof. My real life story is no more spectacular than any other. But it shows that God is good and He continues to work behind the scenes for His great purpose. We may not understand the heartache, darkness or obstacles we face. We may not see how God can turn our situation into something of value when our dreams have been shattered.

But here’s truth: God doesn’t change. He is still the God of resurrection, miracles, and new beginnings.

If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and don’t let the disappointments of delays, detours and derailments knock us off course, we will rise above the past. And our journey will continue on the road to new life.

For me, what a blessing it is to now walk hand-in-hand with my husband. Two lives molded by the grace of God into one. I pray our marriage may be a light of hope for others. And no matter what comes our way, may we live with one heart and mouth for the glory of our Savior.

Today, Gordon and I leave on our honeymoon. So, I won’t be posting new blogs again until Monday, May 21st. Have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you when I get back!

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

May I pray?

Heavenly Father, You are the God of resurrection, miracles and new beginnings. You are the God who gives us endurance and encouragement when we turn to You. You are our Father who renews our weary spirit and continually ignites a flicker of hope when we feel alone or defeated. Lord, help us today to rejoice in knowing that You can and will turn all things to good if we’ll lay our life in Your mighty hands. Thank You for the blessing of new beginnings. Thank You for the victory of love and hope on the road to new life. Amen.

Q4U: What is your “road to new beginnings” story?

Do You Want Help?

Do you have a hard time asking for help? I do. Sometimes it’s because I don’t want to rely on other people. Sometimes it’s because I think that I should be able to do it by myself. Sometimes it’s because it’s easier to do things myself than to walk someone through what I need help with, and then continually answer their questions. Regardless of my excuses, here’s the truth: I need help. We all do.

But there’s a difference between needing help and wanting it.

There are plenty of things we can do on our own. But with most things in life, we could use some help. An extra set of hands makes tasks go faster. Having someone to listen allows us to vent our frustrations and gain perspective when we’re frazzled. Sharing time with a special friend helps us feel connected and loved. It’s important for us to acknowledge that help is good. That’s the first step to wanting help.

But good help is hard to find.

Why is it that when we want help we don’t have anyone to go to, and when we don’t want help everyone comes out of the woodwork to give us advice on what we should do and how?

For those of us who have a hard time asking for help, we often justify our stubbornness by pointing out that even if we wanted help we don’t have anyone to provide it. Many times, it’s true. There isn’t anyone in our life ready to step up and lend a hand. But that doesn’t mean that we can stop being open to receiving help. We should venture out and ask for help instead of expecting someone to notice that we need help. And we should turn to God.

We may think that God’s too busy to help us. We may think that praying for help would be a nuisance or inconvenience since what we need help with isn’t as important as a financial crisis or world peace. We may think that because we’ve been struggling with this for so long, there’s really no use in asking for God’s help.

But if we don’t ask God for help with every aspect of our life, we aren’t open to seeing Him come through for us in every aspect of our life.

God wants us to come to Him. He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to want His help. And He can deliver. When Jesus was in Jerusalem, He went to Bethesda which was one of the gates of the city where there was a pool. Every so often the water of the pool would begin to ripple. Legend had it that when the water rippled, an angel’s wings were touching the water and the first person into the pool would be healed of whatever ailment they had. People who were blind, lame, and paralyzed came to the pool and would lie there waiting for the ripples. Then whoever was with them, family or friend, would scramble to help them into the pool first.

As Jesus walked by the pool, He saw a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. That’s a long time to be in need of help! He was lying there by the pool waiting for the ripples. Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to get well?”

What an odd question. You’d think the man wanted to get well because he had been there for so long. Then again, he had been there so long, maybe he didn’t really want help.

The man replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” That sounds familiar. How often do we feel like there’s no one to help when we need it? And so we sit in discouragement and watch others jump ahead in life.

Then Jesus said, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured. He picked up his mat and began to walk around. Talk about a miracle! Thirty-eight years of anguish and depression gone in one brief encounter with Jesus!

Jesus has the same power to help us today.

If we want help, Jesus will help. If we want to get well, He will heal us. But not always in the way we think He should. If we come to Jesus and believe that He can and will heal us, He will. He will heal us spiritually and prepare us for eternity with Him. That’s His number one priority. But for those who want a physical miracle and base their belief in Jesus on whether or not He’ll touch their bodies and provide full physical restoration, there may not be physical healing. Jesus can and does work miracles. Even today. But the question is: Do we want the miracle-worker, or do we merely want the miracle? Do we want Jesus, or do we merely want Him to restore what’s missing?

Jesus asks us all, “Do you want to get well? Are you willing to walk with Me so I can restore you? Do you want to be with Me for eternity?”

If the answer is Yes, prepare to pick up your mat and follow Him.

“One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, He asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’” John 5:5-6

May I pray?

Lord, we want to be healed. Whether we have a wounded heart from past relationships or we’re struggling with physical illness, we want to be made whole again. We know You can work a miracle in our life. But more important than our emotional or physical healing is our spiritual healing. Help us to come before You today and humbly seek You so that You can begin to work a miracle in our soul. May our lives be for Your glory. Amen.

Q4U: Do you want Jesus to help you?