Have you ever been “volunteered” for something you really didn’t want to do? If you’re like me, you’re still wondering, “How did it happen?” When they were looking for someone to step up we did the right thing; we kept our hand in our pocket and looked down at the ground so we wouldn’t make eye contact. How on earth did they still pick us? We weren’t just roped into doing it. We were lassoed and cow-tied until we had no choice.
Maybe we felt obligated because of the people asking. Maybe we felt guilty because we said “no” too many times before. Maybe they had answers that were better than every objection we tried to raise. Whatever the reason, our name got on the list and we couldn’t back out.
People try to avoid getting picked by God too.
And not just ordinary people like you and me. Some of history’s greatest leaders started out by trying to pass the buck. Trying to avoid eye contact. Trying to suggest that someone else was better for the job.
While climbing Mt. Sinai in Egypt, we talked about God’s call to Moses. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house and he was royalty. But then he killed a man and he fled to the desert around Mt. Sinai. For 40 years he herded flocks in that isolated land. Talk about a lifestyle change!
And then God showed up.
God was looking for someone to go back to Pharaoh and demand that God’s people be set free from slavery. And God chose Moses for the job. The problem? Moses didn’t want to do it.
When God called, Moses started out by saying, “Here I am.” But as God revealed His plan to Moses, it was excuse after excuse as follows:
Moses’ protest: Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? In other words, I’m a nobody.
God’s answer: I will be with you. You’re now chosen by God.
Moses’ protest: What if the people ask me who You are? I don’t even really know You.
God’s answer: I AM WHO I AM. I am the unchanging faithful God who existed before all things. Trust Me.
Moses’ protest: What if the people don’t listen to me or believe You’re with me?
God’s answer: I will give you the ability to do miraculous things so they will know I am with you. You’ll be just as amazed as they will be. But you have to take the first step in faith.
Moses’ protest: I’m not a good public speaker. I stutter and don’t have good English.
God’s answer: I created you and your mouth. I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say. Don’t worry about the details.
And finally, after all of his protests were rebutted, Moses said to God, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? When God asks us to do something, we come up with all kinds of excuses of why we’re inadequate or why we shouldn’t go. But the truth is that we want someone else to do it.
It shouldn’t be about us.
We feel like a nobody, but God says we’re chosen by Him. We feel like there are other people who know God better than we do, but God says to trust Him. We’re afraid of what people will think and say because we silently think the idea is crazy too, but God says to step out in faith and watch Him work. We get nervous because we aren’t good at speaking or debating, but God says He will speak through us and give us the right words at the right time.
No excuses. God created us. He knows our limitations. All He’s asking us to do is to show up and trust Him. He’ll do the rest. With God, all things are possible.
Is God calling you to do something? Will you say, “Here I am, but please send someone else!” Or will you trust Him and say, “Here I am, pick me!”
Imagine the amazing things He can do through you if you’ll just say “yes”.
“But Moses said, ‘O Lord, please send someone else to do it.’” Exodus 4:13
May I pray?
God, here we are. Reluctant to listen to what You want us to do. Many of us feel Your tug on our heart. We know You’re asking us to do something but we don’t really want to say “yes”. What we want to say is, “O Lord, please send someone else!” Father, forgive us for not trusting You. Help us overcome our fears. And fill us with Your excitement about the amazing things You’ll do in and through us when we step out in faith. Amen.
Q4U: What’s something you were coerced into doing that turned out to be a real blessing?
I had an experience in my life 2 years ago when I had argued with God over His will for my career. He wanted me to be a bus driver, and I wanted no part of that. I felt I was inadequate for the job, because I couldn’t even parallel park my small car. I did not want the responsibility of safely transporting children to and from school. I know that only God could help me through my obstacles since I did successfully parallel park my bus in my driving test, and I have driven two years successfully. I have received so many blessings from my job, and I love seeing how God works through me as I minister to the children, parents, and teachers on my route. I know I would have missed out on so much if I had hung onto those excuses and not followed where God was leading me in my life. By the way, I still cannot parallel park my small car!
Ha! Thanks for sharing, Kimberly. I love the last part about you still not being able to parallel park your car. What a true testament to how God can work in us to give us the ability to do amazing things we never thought possible – even if we still have some of our same struggles. You’re a blessing to the special needs kids and families you help, love and encourage every day! I’m glad you walked by faith and not by sight.