Do you ever wonder if God cares? I mean really. If He’s creator of the universe, if He’s busy dealing with wars and famine and asteroids and floods, if He’s leading an army of angels and helping people who lost loved ones in tragedies, how can He have time for you and me? With all that’s going on in this crazy, mixed-up world, does God really want to listen to our prayers for a new job, a renewed relationship, and help paying bills?
All of us have wondered at one time or another if God hears us. And even if He hears, does He care? We’ve been praying. We don’t understand the “why” of what’s happening. Injustice abounds. Things aren’t getting better, and in fact they seem to be getting worse.
Some people say darkness comes before the dawn. But what if God doesn’t bring dawn this time?
Here’s truth: Morning always comes. And God is there.
We may not see God. We may not hear Him. Our fears, anxiety and doubts may begin to draw us away or ignite anger towards a God who is supposed to love us.
We may wonder: Where is God when we need Him, and what will He really do?
This is what God answers:
“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
1. God is with you. Always. The New Living Translation says, “He is living among you.” He is your devoted, loving Father. You may not feel close to Him but He’s in your midst. He is calling to you, protecting you, wanting you to draw near to Him. Take a step toward Him. He is there.
2. God is mighty and powerful, and He continues to save lives. God gave His beloved Son as a sacrifice in your place so that you could spend eternity with Him. And He saves all of us over and over again in our earthly lives. He is still in the resurrection business, and He can bring you to new life. The Good News Translation says, “His power gives you victory.”
3. God delights in you. You are His beloved child. He created you in His image. He created you just the way you are, hang-ups and all. He created you for purpose. He has set aside an eternal inheritance for you, if you will accept it.
4. God quiets you with His love. When you’re afraid. When you doubt. When you struggle with shame, guilt, regret. God showers His love on you. He will whisper through His Word. He will bring His peace upon your heart. If you’ll sit still and listen, He will comfort you and quiet you in your spirit. He alone can bring true, lasting peace. Because He is peace.
5. God sings over you and rejoices in your life. As loving parents sing lullabies to their sleeping children, God sings over you. He rejoices as He watches over you. He blesses you. He holds you. He prepares the best for you. But “the best” is found only in an intimate relationship with Him, your devoted Heavenly Father.
What does God really do for You? He is with you. He saves you. He delights in you. He calms you with His peace. He sings over you and rejoices.
God loves you. Right now, just as you are.
“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Let’s Talk: How have you experienced God’s love?
May I pray?
Almighty God, we don’t always understand how You can care about us and our problems when You are so big and have so many other things to attend to. But that’s one reason why You’re God and we’re not. Thank You for choosing to be with us, even when we don’t feel like we’re worthy. Thank You for saving us over and over again. Thank You for celebrating our lives and the plans You have for us, even when we can’t see beyond our circumstances. Help us to turn to You today and be filled with Your peace and hope. Amen.