I’m honored to now be blogging on Bible.org…
Whether our requests are big or small, most of us have wondered at one time or another if God hears our prayers. Does God really care? He’s Creator of the universe. He’s busy dealing with wars and famine and asteroids and floods. He’s leading an army of angels, and He’s helping people who lost loved ones in tragedies. With everything going on in this crazy, mixed-up world, does God want to hear and respond to our prayers, even those for a new job, loneliness, a persistent cough, or help paying bills?
In a word: Yes!
God promises that His powerful Presence resides with His children through the toughest of times AND our day-to-day challenges. Zephaniah provides details of God’s commitment:
“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
What does this mean for Christ-followers today?
God is with you. Always. Putting faith in Jesus Christ means believing that through His death and resurrection He paid the full price for all your sins––past, present, and future. Nothing separates you from the love and forgiveness of our triune God. You’ve been granted a full pardon through grace. You’ve entered into an eternal relationship with Him. He’s your devoted Father. He’s your unfailing Savior, Jesus Christ. He’s your Counselor and Provider, the Holy Spirit who indwells you. There is nowhere you can wander beyond His reach. He is with you always. Press into Him.
God is powerful, and He continues to save. As Easter approaches, we turn our eyes to the Cross. God gave His beloved Son as a sacrifice in our place so that we can spend eternity with Him. Christ saved us once for all! But He doesn’t stop there. He continually rescues each one of us from fear and the daily trials of life. God is still the God of resurrection, and He assures you that no matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or what has happened to you, you can walk forward in new life with Him. The NET Bible translates this, “He is a warrior who can deliver,” and the Good News Translation says, “His power gives you victory.” God takes action on your behalf, and He is worthy of trust in every situation. Trust Him.
God delights in you. God loves you passionately as His precious child. You’re created in His image, you’re created for purpose, and He truly delights in who you are. He loves you with all your talents, preferences, interests––even your hang-ups. You bring overwhelming joy to Him, and His desire is that you share life with Him each and every day. Love Him and delight in Him.
God quiets you with His love. He quiets you when you’re afraid. When you doubt. When you’ve got nothing left to give. When you struggle with shame, guilt, regret. God wraps you in His arms and holds you tight. He whispers through His Word. He comforts you with hope and shalom––His perfect peace. Be still, listen, and receive Him.
God sings over you with joyful songs. As a loving mother sings lullabies to her child, God sings over you. He rejoices as He watches over you. He blesses you. He holds you. He never grows weary as He expectantly awaits each new moment with you. Rest in Him.
Does God care for you? Yes! He intimately knows you and loves you. And He promises that His powerful Presence will reside with you, always.
Let’s Talk: How have you experienced God’s presence in your life?
May I pray? Heavenly Father, we don’t always understand how You truly care for us when our problems seem shadowed by everything happening in the world. We praise You that You’re so much bigger than we can ever fully comprehend! Thank You for adopting us and loving us as Your children, even when we don’t feel like we’re worthy. Thank You for rescuing us in our daily trials. Thank You for celebrating our lives and the plans You have for us, even when we can’t see beyond our circumstances. Help us to turn to You today and be filled with Your peace and hope. Amen.