Many of us have endured the pangs of despair and heavy sorrow from shattered hopes and dreams. If this is where you are today, my heart goes out to you. I am truly sorry that you’re in pain. Please know that you’re not alone. I’ve walked this path before you, and I’m here to walk the path again–with you.
Forgotten Dreams
The sun is setting on another day;
darkness will soon overshadow.
How long ago was it that I smiled and dreamed
about the life I had hoped to know.
Two hearts, two lives, two molded into one;
the future was lively and pleasing.
But it all fades away with the passing of time
and letting go of those dreams is not easy.
Day after day, the whirlwind of life
continues to pull tears to my cheek.
And I brush them away, hoping no one will see
the residue of the salty streak.
I have made many choices, some good and some bad,
and though struggling I will survive.
But my dreams, they’re lost, my heart, it’s bare,
and I no longer feel alive.
Two hearts, two lives, two molded into one;
the future was happy and pleasing.
But it all fades away with the passing of time
and letting go of those dreams is not easy.
Take me my prince to the castle of my dreams
where princesses laugh and play.
Let me remember the touch of your hand;
let me remember you each day.
So now it’s goodbye, but how my heart aches,
and each moment an eternity it seems.
My prince, my love, my neighbor, my friend,
I wish you and I had shared dreams.
Two hearts, two lives, two molded into one;
now one stands alone and broken.
But it all fades away with the passing of time
and my dreams will someday be forgotten.
I originally wrote Forgotten Dreams many years ago as I stumbled under the crushing reality of divorce. At that time, I had little hope. For anything. I had no understanding of redeemed life. I shuffled through each dark day not knowing how to bear the shame, brokenness and desperation of a life gone wrong. I was alone and in agony. And my life spiraled out of control for several years.
Then I met Jesus.
Before this, I had heard of Jesus. I knew who He was. I read about Him and prayed to Him. I knew OF Him. But I didn’t really KNOW Him. One day, all of that changed. I met someone who was on fire for the Lord and he told me about having a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus knew where I was. He knew where I had been. And He loved me anyway. He wanted me to come to Him. Just as I was. No need to wait. No need to change before taking His hand. He called. I answered. And my life was never the same again.
Healing the wounds and brokenness of the past took time. But I was made whole again. My old dreams were replaced with new ones. For the first time in my life I had hope of a genuinely good tomorrow. And I lived with the assurance that I will spend eternity with my Savior.
You too can find rest and hope in the Lord. Climb up on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Take His hand and let Him lift you up. Go to Him in prayer, seek Him in His Word, and start to truly KNOW Him. Your life will never be the same again. And your new dreams won’t be forgotten.
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6
May I pray?
God, shattered hopes and forgotten dreams scar our hearts and take away our desires. The loss of someone we love through breakup, divorce or death tears us apart. Father, I ask a blessing upon my sisters who are struggling in this place of despair today. Even now, as we pray, I ask that Your hand would comfort them as You fill them with a peace beyond understanding. May they have the courage to come to You today and let it all out. Jesus, please hold them tight and give them the hope for a genuinely good tomorrow. Amen.
Q4U: Do you have a story of found hope that you’d be willing to share with others who are struggling?