What’s your favorite season? It’s hard for me to decide. I love spring flowers and the warm, fresh breeze that ushers in excitement of new beginnings. I love the long days of summer and time outdoors with friends. I love the cool, crisp air of fall and the beautiful kaleidoscope of colorful leaves in the east coast trees. I love a beautiful blanket of snow and cozy fires in winter.
Every season is so unique and there’s something to be savored about each. But I will say that as one season comes to a close and the next one begins, I’m ready for change.
There are also seasons of real life.
Seasons of real life come and go. Some we wish would never end. Some we wish would never have started. But no matter what our current circumstances are, they’re only for a season. And one season always leads to the next.
Unfortunately, the changing seasons of real life can’t be predicted based on cyclical weather and temperature patterns. We don’t know how long one season will last. We don’t know what the next season will bring. Sometimes we don’t enjoy the current season because we’re focused on the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Or we’re bogged down by trials and we use all of our energy trying to escape.
But you can’t escape a season. You have to ride it out.
It’s not until our seasons begin to change again that we look back and see how much we missed out on. How much we could have learned if we would have been open minded and content with waiting. If we would have used it as a time of preparation instead of kicking and screaming to the point of exhaustion.
And then it’s too late.
That season in our life will never come again. We may never have the same close relationships or opportunity to spend time with the people in our life during that season, including our extended family and children. We will never have the same circumstances that could have sharpened us, prepared us, strengthened us, and solidified our faith in God.
The winds of time continue to blow. The seasons, they are changing.
It may be hard to believe at the time, but God uses the seasons in our life to mold us, grow us, draw us closer to Him, and put us in position to help others. It’s in the seasons of turmoil and trials that we’re changed. Hard edges are chipped off. Pride is melted down. Desires for new life and new beginnings being to sprout. And through it all, if we turn to God and trust that He has purpose for this season, He will turn all things to good. He will teach us survival skills. He’ll grow compassion for others in our heart. He’ll place us strategically in the lives of people who are struggling like we are, or like we used to be.
Seasons come and seasons go. And God uses the seasons of our lives to grow us and prepare us for amazing things ahead. That doesn’t mean that the next season will be easy. But it can be full of life and new beginnings as we use our experience from past seasons to help our sisters walk forward in their trials.
Seasons, they are changing. Praise the Lord!
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT)
May I pray?
God, as we look back over our life we can see the seasons that brought the most growth and change. Often those seasons were the hardest ones we faced. But when we’re in them, it’s very difficult to learn and grow when all we want is for the season to be over. We don’t see You. We don’t feel You. We don’t hear You. But oh how we need You! Father, I pray that You will strengthen us in our seasons of trials as we cling to You. Help us to trust that You are in control; that You have something important for us to learn. And may we all reach out to others and offer encouragement and help in their barren seasons of life. Amen.
Q4U: What’s your favorite season and why?